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Texas, South Carolina lawmakers support bills to stop paying those who support SSM.

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SSM being same sex marriage. Not enough room in the title.


South Carolina and Texas lawmakers who oppose same-sex marriage are sponsoring bills that would eliminate salaries for state and local officials, including judges and county clerks, who grant marriage licenses to gay couples or recognize such unions.

Voters in both states have approved constitutional bans on same-sex marriage, but gay and lesbian couples in South Carolina have been able to wed since a November federal court ruling. A federal judge struck down Texas’ marriage ban in February of last year, but the decision is on appeal.

South Carolina state Rep. Bill Chumley, a Republican, says he doesn’t care what the federal courts say. He wrote the South Carolina bill and says he’s been in indirect contact with the Texas lawmaker, Republican Rep. Cecil Bell, who’s sponsoring nearly identical legislation.

“I don’t have a problem with the people it might affect,” Chumley says. “I don’t judge them. Our issue is with the amendment to the [state] constitution being thrown out. I believe the people of South Carolina have a sovereign right to say what they want and they have done that.”

Bell says he was inspired by Chumley’s bill and worries federal courts legalizing same-sex marriage would cause “the moral degradation of the fabric that holds Texas together.” He says such rulings would also be a “total usurping of the sovereignty of the state of Texas,” which he intends to prevent.

The lawmakers say they are defending their states' 10th Amendment rights, and Chumley in particular has a record of dramatically pushing for his state’s prerogative to chart its own course. In 2013, he unsuccessfully pushed legislation to imprison or fine officials who implement the Affordable Care Act.

Unfortunately for the legislators, legal scholars say the bills' fates – should they become law – are tied to the fates of the state marriage cases.

“If the federal courts end up finally concluding – likely as a result of a Supreme Court decision – that there is a federal constitutional right to have one’s same-sex marriage recognized by states, then these laws would obviously be unconstitutional,” says Eugene Volokh, a professor at the University of California-Los Angeles School of Law.

Both bills say the legislation is immune from federal court challenges under the Constitution’s 11th Amendment, which limits the ability of people to sue states. Volokh says that's not accurate and that the bills “obviously can’t trump federal law.”

The bills also order state courts to dismiss any challenges to the legislation. It’s unclear if those provisions are permissible under the separation of powers established in state law.

Volokh additionally points out that withholding judges’ pay appears to violate the South Carolina Constitution, which says salaries cannot be diminished during their term in office.

Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor, also says the bills – should they become law – likely would be found unconstitutional if federal courts find a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, comparing them to state abortion restrictions that are often struck down.

The bills won't go anyway, but these fucking people are now just getting desperate to are just throwing away tax payer money at this point. The final death gasps.
Remember a time when lawmakers actually made decent laws... I think that was in the 1700's God those were the times.

I am actually quite sick of how convoluted policy making has become. Lobbying the entire thing just sucks. I understand why it exits but still lame.


People would/will do it anyway. Eliminating their salary just gets you closer to the "are we the baddies?" moment.


Holding people's livelihoods hostage over this? Wow, I don't know how you could possibly sink any lower as a human being.


Holding people's livelihoods hostage over this? Wow, I don't know how you could possibly sink any lower as a human being.

Thats our Conservatives (TM)! Making the most out of absolute bullshit and willing to back things blindly just for the sake of denying rights.


Homophobes kicking and screaming as their right to discriminate is quickly disintegrating.

I really don't understand how any reasonable person can associate with this pathetic excuse for a party.

Anyone from RepublicanGAF care to chime-in on this? :)

Republican Gaf mysteriously vanishes and has nothing to say any time their shitstain of a party does something stupid.

In other words, they never post.


They hate the idea of government reaching into your pocket but it can take your whole paycheck if you disagree with it?
Anyone from RepublicanGAF care to chime-in on this? :)
Enjoy the desperate flailing of a party trying to make itself irrelevant? You know that saying, "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"? There needs to be a section in between "fight" and "win" along the lines of, "then they make themselves look like fools."

Republican Gaf mysteriously vanishes and has nothing to say any time their shitstain of a party does something stupid.

In other words, they never post.
I try, but they do so much stupid stuff, I can't keep up.


Homophobes kicking and screaming as their right to discriminate is quickly disintegrating.

I really don't understand how any reasonable person can associate with this pathetic excuse for a party.

Republican Gaf mysteriously vanishes and has nothing to say any time their shitstain of a party does something stupid.

In other words, they never post.

I kind of feel sorry for normal level headed Republicans, the religious right, IMO, have really helped ruined this party.


Republican Gaf mysteriously vanishes and has nothing to say any time their shitstain of a party does something stupid.

In other words, they never post.

For being the "tough guy" Chuck Norris-flavored, militaristic party, that's.. a bit of a cowardly move. They certainly had no problem showing-up on Election Night to gloat, knowing full well that their party would push this kind of thing. Now they go poof? Hmm.

Okay. I guess we can just let that speak for itself then.


I try, but they do so much stupid stuff, I can't keep up.

Then why associate with them? At a certain point you have to ask yourself that.

For being the "tough guy" Chuck Norris-flavored, militaristic party, that's.. a bit of a cowardly move. They certainly had no problem showing-up on Election Night to gloat, knowing full well that their party would push this kind of thing. Now they go poof? Hmm.

Okay. I guess we can just let that speak for itself then.

Cowardly sums up the GOP quite nicely. They're afraid of progress and letting go of bullshit, nonsensical ideals even if it means hurting other people.

Cowards indeed.

I kind of feel sorry for normal level headed Republicans, the religious right, IMO, have really helped ruined this party.

Agreed, although again, even level-headed republicans aren't exactly doing much to cull the dickweed Teabaggers and the like. Somehow jackasses like Palin and Rick Perry still get elected.
Then why associate with them? At a certain point you have to ask yourself that.
I disagree with the Democrats on more things that are more important to me.

I did look in to other parties, especially the Libertarians, but they tend to be more interesting in their own navels than affecting policy.


Okay, after reading the full article I am still laughing at this grade school level nonsense, the South Carolina bill in particular seems to have been written by an aspiring 8 year old from his hidden secret tree fort.


Enjoy the desperate flailing of a party trying to make itself irrelevant? You know that saying, "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"? There needs to be a section in between "fight" and "win" along the lines of, "then they make themselves look like fools."

I try, but they do so much stupid stuff, I can't keep up.

At least you're being intellectually honest. Instead of the vapor card. Parties in general are bad for our country, the way lobbying rules it. But its a better position when you can call your party out for its bullshit, rather than blindly supporting it. Today, Obama makes federal forfeiture illegal for police, but, dudes still blowing up 1000's of civilians. If we can't call them out, they don't have any reason to change their actions.

As long as we have parties that can be hijacked by lobbying, there is no PARTY that speaks to the needs of the population.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Regarding the Texas bill, the only action taken on it so far has been its introduction by Bell. It doesn't appear to have any cosponsors, and I fully expect it to fail. The same may well be true of the SC bill, but I haven't looked.
Politicians writing legislation they know won't pass and would be overturned even if it did just to bolster their primary standing?

Well, I've never....


Regarding the Texas bill, the only action taken on it so far has been its introduction by Bell. It doesn't appear to have any cosponsors, and I fully expect it to fail. The same may well be true of the SC bill, but I haven't looked.

Doesn't matter. It's a blatant disregard for proper use of tax payer money. In addition, it extends beyond the "gay marriage is icky because the bible says so" stance and falls into the realm of "If you don't do as I say, you are going to be punished BECAUSE THE LORD."


Doesn't matter. It's a blatant disregard for proper use of tax payer money. In addition, it extends beyond the "gay marriage is icky because the bible says so" stance and falls into the realm of "If you don't do as I say, you are going to be punished BECAUSE THE LORD."

Ah so it makes sense why that Republican was speaking so highly of ISIS. Common threads.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Doesn't matter. It's a blatant disregard for proper use of tax payer money. In addition, it extends beyond the "gay marriage is icky because the bible says so" stance and falls into the realm of "If you don't do as I say, you are going to be punished BECAUSE THE LORD."

OK. So vote the bums out. Clearly the bills are bad (not to mention stupid) bills.


This will sound so absurd in 50 years. my children will ask "what was the deal? why did they think you were bad, dad?" and I will only answer "I don't know, but I'm glad you're here with me".
At least you're being intellectually honest. Instead of the vapor card. Parties in general are bad for our country, the way lobbying rules it. But its a better position when you can call your party out for its bullshit, rather than blindly supporting it. Today, Obama makes federal forfeiture illegal for police, but, dudes still blowing up 1000's of civilians. If we can't call them out, they don't have any reason to change their actions.

As long as we have parties that can be hijacked by lobbying, there is no PARTY that speaks to the needs of the population.
I see where you're coming from, but one person's "lobbying" is another's "petitioning government for redress of grievances." Seriously. Do you really want the National Education Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People do stop lobbying?
Checked into the SC Rep, he's owns a landscaping company in Spartanburg.

As a SC native (though I thankfully emigrated) I will say that Spartanburg isn't what you'd call.... a nexus of cultural development.

He holds 6 patents? I can't wait to see what they're for.
Edit: A method of accessing and extending a trailer bed, a rainwater collection system, a display stand, a method for transportation of a motor home, a hitch trailer, and a seed disbursement apparatus. Only one of those is as stereotypical as I thought it would be.

Also the SC legislature apparently lists every representative's home address online. That seems poorly thought out.
As a South Carolinian, I say fuck this guy. The SC state government is a joke. Our SSN computer system was hacked, our roads are shit, our schools are some of the worst in the country... some of the rural ones don't even have clean water...

And what's worse is you have grandstanding idiots like this wasting our meager state tax dollars on federal lawsuits for bullshit partisanship, which is stupid, as without federal tax dollars SC would be practically third-world. Why don't we have a law that can get rid of his salary, huh?

I'd say more but thinking about local SC politics... it gives me a headache. You gaffers that live in the blue states... you don't even know. I went to Boston on vacation once; walked around the city all day. And when I got back to my hotel room, I cried. I knew SC was poor; I knew SC was backwards; I new SC was a joke. But I didn't know how bad it was, GAF. I just didn't know. But now I do. And when you see shit like this, just remember, it could be worse. You could live here, too. You could be driving home from college on potholed backroads that haven't been paved in years past decaying houses surrounded by garbage that don't seem fit for human habitation, past small towns slowly rotting away, past legions of abandoned buildings no one has the money to tear down...

You see, down in Columbia it's easy to say shit like this. This guy doesn't care about morals, or state's rights, or anything. All he cares about is politics. About keeping us detracted over pointless social issues that shouldn't even be an issue in 2015.


Hey Texas - shale oil is further driving you into irrelevancy, go ahead and take that sovereignty to the next level. Boot scoot up to the table with them shitkickers and your biggest belt buckle and sign that paper to secede.
Remember a time when lawmakers actually made decent laws... I think that was in the 1700's God those were the times.
I get the point you're trying to make, but you should look up old laws. There were an absolute mega ton of horrific and bigoted laws. (Some are still on the books.)

Despite what it seems like, we've come a very long way. It's just when you see people suggesting things like this it feels like we're back in the dark ages.
If you posted a social conservative view wouldn't you get banned by moderators?

Depends. I've seen some before but they usually bow out before going to far or they don't last long as you said. I think we have one who posts in poligaf actually. Religious fellow who leans left economically but right socially. Kinda weird.

I have seen people argue for the removal of government from marriage. IE Civil unions for all and leave the marriage to the religious folk. I think this is probably the best tact to take if one were so inclined to do so.


I see where you're coming from, but one person's "lobbying" is another's "petitioning government for redress of grievances." Seriously. Do you really want the National Education Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People do stop lobbying?

hardly, as its not simply *a* person lobbying. Its billion dollar interests lobbying, that prove detrimental to the rest of our lives. Poising water supplies, or farming land. Its happening far more often than having Negative-quality of life results from Civil groups lobbying.

When the NAACP hijacks a judge vote because of the will of Dr.DRE, we can consider the two alike. Lobbying, the term alone, isn't what the problem is. Its the problem where lobbying can override government actions/votes depending on who is lobbied -- to the detriment of civilians or loss of rights.

Yes, we need to end lobbying to get your interests overriding the health/quality of life of citizens. 100%, yes. Re:liberties union/naccp; The reason these systems exist is to slow down or counter the abuse of lobbying. Further, the reason the NAACP has to exist is because black people are still getting killed without trials in a court of law. This has little next to nothing to do with the lobbying of political participants, but more to do with institutionalized racism Nation wide. Same with civil liberties, institutionalized sexism which is still view-able in how women are paid less than men, or how other genders are persecuted.

Lobbying isn't the sole reason for civil liberties organization to exist. There is already a constant problem in the country that dictates you should look down on others, or wish them a harder life than you had. These aren't reasons to bolster support for lobbying, but these are reasons to actually address that there are substantial systemic problems happening from the get go.

I don't have to go to opposites of the spectrum to come to a conclusion. Thats because I'm not a party centrist person. The NAACP's work is good in the reality that there is a need for someone to attack institutionalized problems. The institutionalized problems, are bad, and need to be removed. But lobbying isn't the sole way to have that done.

Lobbying is to get some idiots to believe that letting a big company build a Coal factory on your water supply is a good thing. It hardly is used to changed sociopolitical agendas or mindsets, so to use that as some sort of damage that we'd have, in the face of loosing lobbying, is dishonest. The problem of equal rights has nothing to do with precisely how lobbying is done in america, to benefit business and degrade the class of others.
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