Agent Icebeezy
Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Associated Press
Feb. 25 BOSTON Could the sports arena in downtown Boston, smack in the middle of Red Sox Nation, would be named after one of the hated New York Yankees?
Maybe, for one day. Or maybe not. The FleetCenter hasn't decided.
It's been selling one-day naming rights for charity while it tries to line up a new long-term naming deal.
The winning bid for Tuesday's naming rights was made by a New York attorney. Kerry Konrad bid $2,300 on eBay. He wants the arena to be known as Derek Jeter Center, in honor of the Yankees' captain and shortstop.
Not so fast, said FleetCenter spokesman Jim Delaney. Delaney said he told Konrad that his naming request might not be accepted.
Konrad is a Harvard graduate with a 20-year rivalry with some of his Boston classmates.
A decision could come today. The FleetCenter is the home of the NBA Celtics and NHL Bruins
Associated Press
Feb. 25 BOSTON Could the sports arena in downtown Boston, smack in the middle of Red Sox Nation, would be named after one of the hated New York Yankees?
Maybe, for one day. Or maybe not. The FleetCenter hasn't decided.
It's been selling one-day naming rights for charity while it tries to line up a new long-term naming deal.
The winning bid for Tuesday's naming rights was made by a New York attorney. Kerry Konrad bid $2,300 on eBay. He wants the arena to be known as Derek Jeter Center, in honor of the Yankees' captain and shortstop.
Not so fast, said FleetCenter spokesman Jim Delaney. Delaney said he told Konrad that his naming request might not be accepted.
Konrad is a Harvard graduate with a 20-year rivalry with some of his Boston classmates.
A decision could come today. The FleetCenter is the home of the NBA Celtics and NHL Bruins