This isn't as snarky as it sounds. I'm genuinely curious about this. I'm certainly no English major and I make plenty of bigger grammatical mistakes. I'm just talking about the insanely simple basics and I'm only talking about native English speakers.
What happened? Why is it that no one using the internet or writing texts has any idea about the absolute basics that they really should have gotten down before their pubes came in?
I am starting to wonder if this is a problem that is starting with the elementary and middle schools. Maybe teachers stopped taking points off of papers. Maybe we're in the "everyone gets a trophy" phase where they don't want to make kids feel bad so they just give their papers an A no matter what. This would be like grading a math quiz and giving everyone full credit just for trying.
What happened? Why is it that no one using the internet or writing texts has any idea about the absolute basics that they really should have gotten down before their pubes came in?
- There/Their/They're
- Your/you're
- It's/its
- Could have, would have, should have, when contracting down to "could've." Seeing "could of" is bad enough, but then you see monstrosities like "shouldn't of."
- To/too
I am starting to wonder if this is a problem that is starting with the elementary and middle schools. Maybe teachers stopped taking points off of papers. Maybe we're in the "everyone gets a trophy" phase where they don't want to make kids feel bad so they just give their papers an A no matter what. This would be like grading a math quiz and giving everyone full credit just for trying.