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The computer KNOWS what you're thinking!

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20 questions

Think of an object and the A.I. will try to figure-out what you are thinking by asking simple questions. The object you think of should be something that most people would know about, but, never a specific person, place or thing.

I haven't beaten it yet, although I did come close...


Does your mother know what you are thinking about?
I am not allowed to talk about stuff like this, but,
I am guessing that it has something to do with sex?
Yes , No , Close

You win, but the computer did guess it eventually
Play Again
You were thinking of something to do with sex.



Hollywood Square

I am guessing that it is Spiderman(superhero)?
Yes , No , Close
28. Would you use it in the dark? Irrelevant.
27. Was it used over 100 years ago? No.
26. Do you love it? Yes.
25. Does it provide protection? Yes.
Does it contain a lot of water? Unknown.
Can you get information by using it? Unknown.
24. Does it like to run? Yes.
23. Does it contain a liquid? Irrelevant.
22. Is it used in a sport? No.
Can liquids pass through it? Unknown.
Can you find it in a house? Unknown.
21. Is it flexible? Yes.
Does it have cash value? Unknown.
Does it grow over time? Unknown.
Does it help accomplish tasks? Unknown.
Is it commonly used? Unknown.
20. I guess it a football team? No.
19. Would you pay to use it? Yes.
Is it comforting? Unknown.
Can you use it with your friends? Unknown.
18. Does it live in cities? Yes.
Can you smell it? Unknown.
Does it swim? Unknown.
Can you play games with it? Unknown.
17. Do you use it in public? Irrelevant.
16. Is it considered valuable? Irrelevant.
Can you play with it? Unknown.
15. Can it be used for recreation? Irrelevant.
Can it be easily moved? Unknown.
14. Does it have legs? Yes.
13. Was it invented? Irrelevant.
12. Is it usually colorful? Yes.
Can it be washed? Unknown.
11. Does it have a hard outer shell? No.
10. Does it move? Yes.
9. Can it be stolen? Irrelevant.
8. Can it be heard? Irrelevant.
7. Does it weigh more than a duck? Yes.
6. Is it outside? Probably.
5. Can you hold it? Irrelevant.
4. Is it pleasurable? Irrelevant.
3. Is it hard? Irrelevant.
2. Would you use it daily? No.
1. It is classified as Other.


Couldnt figure out pussy.

29. I guess it a leotard? No.
28. Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Yes.
27. Can you sit on it? No.
26. Can it be used for recreation? Yes.
25. Is it involved in movies? Yes.
24. Can it cheer you up? Yes.
23. Do you clean it regularly? Yes.
22. Can it be placed on your head? No.
21. Is it heavier than a pound of butter? No.
20. I guess it sombrero? No.
19. Is it used in travel? No.
18. Is it flexible? Yes.
17. Can you put something into it? Yes.
16. Can you play games with it? No.
15. Does it move? No.
14. Is it used in a sport? No.
13. Is it outside? Yes.
12. Does it have a hole in it? Yes.
11. Does it bring joy to people? Yes.
10. Does it have writing on it? No.
9. Does it come in pairs? No.
8. Is it straight? Irrelevant.
7. Can you play with it? Yes.
6. Do you hold it when you use it? No.
5. Can you hold it? Yes.
4. Do you use it in your home? No.
3. Can it fit in an envelope? Irrelevant.
2. Is it multicolored? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.
Lost again...

I am guessing that it is a fart?

19. Would you find it on a farm? Yes.
18. Does it make sound? Yes.
17. Is it man made? Yes.
16. Is it comforting? Probably
etc.. etc..


I am guessing that it is the soul?
Yes , No , Close

28. Is it an emotion? No.
27. Is it used for communications? Yes.
26. Do you use it at night? Yes.
25. Can it bend without breaking? Irrelevant.
24. Does it need love? Yes.
23. Would you find it on a farm? Yes.
22. Does it grow over time? Yes.
21. Is it used by the police? No.
20. I guess it an idea? No.
19. Can it be used for recreation? Yes.
18. Do you use it at work? Yes.
17. Can it cheer you up? Yes.
16. Is it considered valuable? Yes.
15. Is it outside? No.
14. Are there many different sorts of it? Probably.
13. Is it usually colorful? No.
12. Does it involve contact with other humans? No.
11. Can you find it in a church? Yes.
10. Is it a feeling? No.
9. Can you play games with it? No.
8. Does it come in many varieties? Yes.
Does it help accomplish tasks? Unknown.
7. Is it something you bring along? No.
Can you get information by using it? Unknown.
6. Is it an abstract concept? Yes.
Can you control it? Unknown.
5. Is it man made? No.
Is it pleasurable? Unknown.
4. Can you lift it? No.
Is it smaller than a loaf of bread? Unknown.
3. Is it hard? No.
Does it have a hard outer shell? Unknown.
Is it small? Unknown.
2. Do most people use this daily? Yes.
1. It is classified as Other.

Pretty simple one... but the concepts about it are a bit fuzzy anyway :p

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
You win, but the computer did guess it eventually

Play Again

You were thinking of love.

i disagree with most of its disagreements. :/


Does it grow over time? You said Depends, I say Yes. -- it can diminish as well.

Is it used in a sport? You said Maybe, I say No. -- maybe.. dunno .

Is it considered valuable? You said Depends, I say Yes. -- some people are strange.. you never know

Does it involve contact with other humans? You said Depends, I say Yes. -- you can love an animal .

Do most people use this daily? You said Unknown, I say Yes. -- i still say unknown.

Is it useful? You said Unknown, I say Yes. -- it can be.. sometimes..

Would you find it on a farm? You said Maybe, I say Doubtful. --no love on a farm? say that to farmanimals.com !!


I like the "uncommon knowledge" that you get after it's over:

Uncommon Knowledge about a cardboard box
Does it have an exo-skeleton? I say Probably.
Does it bark? I say Yes.
s it smart? I say Probably.
Does it make music? I say Yes.
Does it have good vision? I say Probably.
Can it be measured? I say No.


Kon Tiki

You win
Play Again
You were thinking of a football.
Does it help accomplish tasks? You said Yes, I say No. How else can you win a game without it?
Does it have a hole in it? You said Yes, I say No. How do you inflate it then?
Is it usually colorful? You said Yes, I say No. Huh?

Can you put something into it? You said Yes, I say No Air is not something?

I know it is not the computers fault, the people that give it data are morons.


Scary Euro Man
Beat it again with fajita. Bizarrely it thinks that fajitas use electricity, are heavy, never come in packets and are used in church.
Uncommon Knowledge about semen
Can you buy it? I say Yes.
Is it a body part? I say Yes.
Is it shiny? I say Probably.
Is it found in mines? I say Probably.
Does it deal with imagination? I say Yes.
Can it do tricks? I say Probably.
Can it be used to write? I say Probably.
Can you blow it up? I say Yes.
Can it be used to season foods? I say Yes.
Can it be refilled? I say Probably.
Was it ever alive? I say Yes.
Is it a rodent? I say Probably.
Can it save your life? I say Probably.
Is it considered valuable? I say Yes.
Can liquids pass through it? I say Yes.
Does it taste good? I say Yes.



Scary Euro Man
Uncommon Knowledge about a star ship
Does it have paws? I say Yes.
Is it a body part? I say Yes.
Does it have a pointed snout? I say Probably.
Do you fill it with liquid? I say Yes.
Is it slippery? I say Probably.
Is it used during meals? I say Probably.
Does it live in fresh water? I say Yes.
Does it have fangs? I say Yes.


Beat it with sacrifice.

29. I guess it the apocalypse? No.
28. Is it pleasurable? Maybe.
27. Is it an abstract concept? Yes.
26. Can it cheer you up? Doubtful.
25. Does it bring joy to people? Sometimes.
24. Does it serve a purpose? Yes.
23. Would you use it daily? No.
22. Could it be found in a classroom? Irrelevant.
21. Does it move? Irrelevant.
20. I guess it a noise? No.
19. Can any age group use it? Yes.
18. Have you seen one in real life? No.
17. Can it be used for recreation? Doubtful.
16. Is it usually colorful? No.
15. Is it used by the police? No.
14. Can you put something into it? No.
13. Does it grow over time? No.
12. Was it invented? No.
11. Does it have cash value? No.
10. Is it usually visible? Yes.
9. Is it larger than a microwave oven (or bread box)? Irrelevant.
8. Can it make a sound? Yes.
7. Can it be heard? Sometimes.
6. Is it used in a sport? Yes.
5. Is it comforting? Sometimes.
4. Can you hold it? No.
3. Can you find it in a church? Maybe.
2. Can it be washed? Irrelevant.
1. It is classified as Other.


Unconfirmed Member
I beat it with dildo

Uncommon Knowledge about a dildo
Can it run fast? I say Probably.
Does it eat fish? I say Probably.
Does it bite? I say Probably.
Would you pay to use it? I say Yes.
Is it round? I say Yes.
Does it usually hunt for food at night? I say Yes.
Does it stink? I say Yes.
Does it have fangs? I say Probably.
Is it independent? I say Yes.
Does it have a good smell? I say Probably.
Would you like to be one? I say Yes.
Is it striped? I say Probably.
Is it yellow? I say Probably.
Is it gray? I say Probably.
Does it smell bad? I say Yes.
Does it roll? I say Yes.

The game claims you can't wear it either.


scola said:
I beat it with dildo


The game claims you can't wear it either.

Those questions seemed like you chose animal, that could be one reason. Plus they said this version is rated G.


Anyone remember a website similar to this one? Where it showed you 5 cards and you mentally picked one and then when you clicked next the computer would eliminate the card you chose in your head? Anyone remember the link?


Unconfirmed Member
tt_deeb said:
Those questions seemed like you chose animal, that could be one reason. Plus they said this version is rated G.
No no. I choose other. That was in the uncommon knowledge about dildos section. The game actually got it right in the end, just after 20 questions.

The game and I dasagree over whether or not you can wear a dildo.
I say sometimes. ;)


beat it with tried economy... was surprised it came up with government on 19

Uncommon Knowledge about economics
Is it used in a casino? I say Yes.
Can it use tools? I say Yes.
Is it human powered? I say Yes.
Can you make money by selling it? I say Probably.
Do you carry it in your pocket? I say Yes.
Do you open and close it? I say Yes.
Is it very, very expensive? I say Yes.
Do you put your name on it? I say Yes.
Is it awake at night? I say Probably.
Do most people use this daily? I say Yes.
Can it jump? I say Yes.
Is it involved in movies? I say No.
Do you love it? I say Probably.
Can it be used in remote areas? I say Doubtful.
Can it be trained to obey commands? I say Yes.
Is it used to calculate? I say Yes.


You win

You were thinking of a piano.

Do you use it at night? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Does it have lots of buttons? You said Yes, I say No.
Does it shine? You said No, I say Yes.
Is it shiny? You said No, I say Yes.
Does it come in different colors? You said Irrelevant, I say Yes.
Could it be found in a classroom? You said Doubtful, I say Yes.
Can it be washed? You said Yes, I say No



Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Did anyone else get the little handheld toy that did this they were handing out at e3? All you had to do get one was stand in a long-ass line and then pretend to play with it for awhile.
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