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The Death of Circuses

With all the myriad of misfortunes we've all been beset by so far this year, few have suffered as hard as Circuses, whose travelling performers dazzle us with feats of strength, agility and courage, all for little financial reward or job security, often risking life and limb either because it's in their blood, or that they would be happy doing little else.

More than perhaps any other industry, the lockdowns, put in place in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, have had a brutal effect on Circuses, many having already had to pull down their tents permanently, their performers forced to start their lives over from absolute zero in a time when getting a house and finding employment are harder than they may ever have been.

For others, they languish in limbo, forced to remain in place at a single ground, unable to see friends or family and often, due to the international nature of the work, in countries they are strangers in, watching their savings dwindle while stranded hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles away from home and loved ones they have no certainty of ever seeing again.

In my own country of England, they had been almost entirely forgotten by the UK government, callously overlooked from the bailouts and relief aid put in place for the vulnerable, self employed, small businesses or the arts, slipping between the cracks as those who don't quite fit in so often do:

Cirque du Soleil cuts 3,500 jobs to avoid bankruptcy

Circuses say they face collapse without government support

On Sunday the government announced a £1.57bn support package for arts venues struggling with the negative financial impact of the shutdown.

The bailout included theatres, galleries, museums and music venues and artists, but the Association of Circus Proprietors (ACP) says no provision was made for circuses.

ACP chairman Martin Burton said: "Sadly, circuses seem to have fallen through the cracks of all the rescue package schemes - we pay rent to individual landowners as we tour - and do not have business rateable properties.

"In addition, no commercial circuses have qualified for the any of the £160m emergency Arts Council funding despite generating significant income to the economy through the 30-plus UK circuses and internationally visiting shows such as Cirque du Soleil which combined are seen by around 20 million people a year.

"Its greatest slogan 'The Show Must Go On' could well become a thing of the past if urgent assistance is not forthcoming."

Even with lockdowns finally relaxing, the weeks of rioting, protests and insurgency so many western nations are grappling with is only adding to the problems these often generational travelling shows face.

If any of you are at all able, please look out for these traditional entertainers, and support them where you can.

In a time where we are anaesthetised by mainstream media that relies on unrealistic cgi and low risk, mass marketable, inoffensive banality, consider a night out at the greatest shows on earth, where feats of strength, skill, agility and endurance are on display that cannot be faked and that require unwavering discipline, dedication and ceaseless effort to perform, because without our support, they may be gone forever.

On a personal note, one such example, and what drew my attention to the plight of circuses, is of my local circus, Santus, who have been further beset by tragedy in recent weeks, as one of their patriarchs has been gravely injured in a traffic accident, left in a medically induced coma and likely suffering brain damage, having left his family and show without the funds to restart, and facing a horrific question on how they will be able to care for him if they cannot regain their source of income.

Kent circus performers fear for future after being left in limbo

Their GoFundMe page.

Please, support your local shows and, if you are at all able to, help Santus out by sharing their campaign on social media, or donate if you wish to.

I can personally vouch for what kind hearted, hard working and loving people they are, so if any of you can spare a few minutes to spread the call to arms to help them, I would be eternally grateful.

These shows must go on, or we'll all lose yet another part of our culture and history forever in a year that has already taken so much from us..
They kinda died a bit when activists took the majority of the animals away. 💔
See I was never too fussed by the animals (except for one show I saw as a child, that had a large pig that did tricks and had little jumps it knocked over then stepped across. I loved that pig).

For me it's all about the skills and demonstrations of what the human form can do.

Trapeze acts somersaulting through the air, tightrope walkers able to perfectly balance while another man is standing on their shoulders, even jugglers able to perfectly throw almost a dozen objects in the air and effortlessly capture them in total synchronicity with the rhythm of a sing, that utter dedication to an act, the skill and peak physical fitness it requires, it's just this perfect encapsulation of both our potential to master ourselves and express ourselves artistically.


See I was never too fussed by the animals (except for one show I saw as a child, that had a large pig that did tricks and had little jumps it knocked over then stepped across. I loved that pig).

For me it's all about the skills and demonstrations of what the human form can do.

Trapeze acts somersaulting through the air, tightrope walkers able to perfectly balance while another man is standing on their shoulders, even jugglers able to perfectly throw almost a dozen objects in the air and effortlessly capture them in total synchronicity with the rhythm of a sing, that utter dedication to an act, the skill and peak physical fitness it requires, it's just this perfect encapsulation of both our potential to master ourselves and express ourselves artistically.

When I was younger I saw it more as a mini zoo. Being able to see a lion up close or even just elephants parading around was exciting. Don’t get me wrong Trapeze acts were great as well but the people aspect was just half of what makes a circus.

Luckily I was able to see a real circus at least once.


Anything that has animals kept in cages and paraded for peoples amusement is simply cruelty and fucked up, those types of circuses can die away and I am glad they are.

Circuses that use human only performers, well I hope they survive, I have no issue with those at all and I hope they get help.

Not everything will survive this pandemic and a lot of jobs are never coming back.


Anything that has animals kept in cages and paraded for peoples amusement is simply cruelty and fucked up, those types of circuses can die away and I am glad they are.

Circuses that use human only performers, well I hope they survive, I have no issue with those at all and I hope they get help.

Not everything will survive this pandemic and a lot of jobs are never coming back.

Ive only been to a circus once when I was like 5 or 6. Im not vegetarian, im not an activist but I dont like the idea of wild life animals being kept in a cage and then moved around in shitty conditions and lets not even talk about what punishment it takes to tame a wildlife animal for a circus show. Circus is such an outdated concept. Today we have 6D IMAX cinemas with a huge bowl of popcorn and coke. Even CGI advanced so much they are making incredibly realistic animals for movies. Personally if I had a kid (which is what circuses are mainly aimed at for the parents to bring in kids), Id never take em to one. Ive never seen a lighthearted clown makeup, everything reeks of creepiness. On the other hand theres a shit ton of awesome animal cartoon/movies. As for humans, theres plenty of freak shows around the world if you want to see a guy with a split dick or baseball bat up their ass :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Anything that has animals kept in cages and paraded for peoples amusement is simply cruelty and fucked up, those types of circuses can die away and I am glad they are.

Circuses that use human only performers, well I hope they survive, I have no issue with those at all and I hope they get help.

Not everything will survive this pandemic and a lot of jobs are never coming back.

I saw a bear riding a bike on a high wire and lions and tigers jumping through hoops of fire. It was awesome. Another loss for future generations.
We do worse everyday by simply wiping our bums with toilet paper.
This comment makes no logical sense. Lets see you be imprisoned, taken from your home, forced to do tricks for a large crowd and if you don't do it right, you get beaten and punished. The living conditions were horrible and not natural for any wild animal to be in. SO glad they are phased out to scummy greedy people who exploited them for money.

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This comment makes no logical sense. Lets see you be imprisoned, taken from your home, forced to do tricks for a large crowd and if you don't do it right, you get beaten and punished. The living conditions were horrible and not natural for any wild animal to be in. SO glad they are phased out to scummy greedy people who exploited them for money.


You can’t blanket statement that they were all treated poorly.


Circuses were a dying breed even before Covid, not it’s going to get even worse.

Never really been a big fan, but I got some good childhood Saturdays when going to a circus.


They kinda died a bit when activists took the majority of the animals away. 💔
indeed. i was lucky enough to go to some in the 80s and 90s. the lion tamers and elephants and all that were so much fun. but nowadays the calls for animal activism are far too strong. when you think about it, the circus is kind of an exploitative thing, all the freaks and bearded ladies and stuff, the entire thing probably offensive to today's super woke society.

i never saw Cirque but my brother got to see them in Vegas and said it was badass. no doubt they can do cool new circuses. but there was something mythical and cool about the old ones. kind of another part of traditional American folkloric culture that has been excommunicated by the PC police.



death of the circus is celebrated by the death cult, who sees no difference between a human life and an animal life. imo animals were put on the Earth for our use, to eat, as beasts of burden, etc. if you aren't just straight up torturing them then life on the road might be more fun and humane* than life in a single cage in a zoo for decades.

*why do animals need to be treated humanely again? they are not humans
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There are in fact very few circuses, at least in the UK, that still use performing animals. It's generally something that's been consigned to the history books, with what remains mostly domesticated animals like horses that have quite strict welfare checks and are usually better treated than race horses (certainly they're less likely to break a leg and be put down on the spot).

Really the whole animal cruelty debate has long since been settled and is a bit of a sideshow at best to modern circuses, and kind of irrelevant to the issues they face currently.

Also in the last few years circuses had been seeing a bit of a resurgence, in part due to the popularity of the film The Greatest Showman, but more along side an increase in the general publics interest in talent shows and more traditional entertainment.

A lot of shows had been expanding and investing in new big tops, talent and equipment, banking on the steady increase in ticket sales to cover the shortfall, which is part of the reason they have been so hard hit.


indeed. i was lucky enough to go to some in the 80s and 90s. the lion tamers and elephants and all that were so much fun. but nowadays the calls for animal activism are far too strong. when you think about it, the circus is kind of an exploitative thing, all the freaks and bearded ladies and stuff, the entire thing probably offensive to today's super woke society.
I think you're mixing up circuses and freak shows. I was under the impression freak shows were phased out a long time ago. (There may have been combination shows, I don't dispute that.)
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Well one of these is still widely accepted and operating on a daily basis. You really think animals don’t like performing tricks?
Those are always birds or sea animals, (scratch ORCAS off the list now) which are actually taken care of far better and zoos contribute to animals rehabilitation, and wild life reserves unlike a circus.


Those are always birds or sea animals, (scratch ORCAS off the list now) which are actually taken care of far better and zoos contribute to animals rehabilitation, and wild life reserves unlike a circus.

Elephants, Lions and Tigers as well often put on a show at zoos. Eg. Elephant rides or Tigers jumping from one platform to the next. And there’s no reason why they can’t be taken good care of in a Circus.


I am not interested in any circus that involves animals.

I do enjoy human circus type things. Not freaks, that you pay a nickel to see behind a glass wall. That is is a very 1920’s. Thing, but gawking at”Freaks” is not something I find compelling..

slo before going into main point, clowns!!

I get it, some people want to be clowns, and some people enjoy clowns, some kids find them funny apperently.

But clowns are from a different era. A time where you could not get comedy, without being a clown. Verysi
Liar to mimes...

Ok this is a secret message. With Trump, COVID, Brazil, Turkey, and this election!!!!

We can kill all the clowns, and nobody would notice. We just drop off inhalers at the murder scene.. Nobody is going to question a dead person, who has clown wigs in there closet.

There is not a single passionate detective, who is going to pursue that case.


Elephants, Lions and Tigers as well often put on a show at zoos. Eg. Elephant rides or Tigers jumping from one platform to the next. And there’s no reason why they can’t be taken good care of in a Circus.
Well first of all these animals need a ton of space to feel comfortable. You obviously can't let lions and tigers run around freely or build them a large enough reserve when you are constantly on the move. Most ZOOs don't provide their animals with enough space, I have seen some terrible ZOOs in my life, but even the worst ZOOs were at least a bit better than the minuscule cages the animals were kept when travelling with the circus.


I don't follow the circus scene, but in my country pretty much all of them focus on shows involving animals. The sooner they go bankrupt the better. I will not support shows based on animal cruelty and I actually promote boycotting them among my family and friends. Go to the zoo if you want to see real life animals.



You can’t blanket statement that they were all treated poorly.

Using animals taken from the wild for human enjoyment is fucked, dont have to beat them for it to be abuse.

I’m glad animal circuses are going away, total trash.
I was never into traditional circuses. Maybe that Dumbo movie soured me on them, when I was a kid? That 'Elephants on Parade' bit was certainly scary back then.


Anything that has animals kept in cages and paraded for peoples amusement is simply cruelty and fucked up, those types of circuses can die away and I am glad they are.

Circuses that use human only performers, well I hope they survive, I have no issue with those at all and I hope they get help.

Not everything will survive this pandemic and a lot of jobs are never coming back.
I'm with this poster.

I'm no PETA or crazy vegetarian but uness proven otherwise there is no way a travelling show is good for the animals.

Agreed about the acrobatics though.


The only circus I care about is Cirque du Soleil - but it's more of a gymnast theater/show and I don't think they'll die off that easily.

Anything with animals - hard pass, clowns - don't even get me started. I can see an interest in gymnasts only and that's very niche.
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