What is The Elder Scrolls Online?
ESO is a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC. It has been in development since before work started on Skyrim. It brings the main areas on Tamriel together in one game. It is set before the events of Skyrim and Oblivion - the Empire has collapsed and war has begun over the Ruby Throne.
KEY FEATURES include a fully persistent open world across Tamriel, multiplayer including up to 1500 people in Cyrodiil fighting, deep customisation (including dying armor), a very casual and accessible approach (there are no random numbers appearing on screen here - the UI is very minimal - if you played Skyrim, you know how to play this game), stealing, murder etc.

Three factions war over the highlighted locations. The game contains PVE (Player vs Environment) - the map is bigger than Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion combined - with over 1000 quests. They can be tackled solo, or as a group. The game also features PVP (Player vs Player) in Cyrodiil - the map from Oblivion. In PVP, thousands of players fight over forts and Elder Scrolls (think Capture the Flag).

There are four classes: Dragonknight, Templar, Sorcerer, and Nightblade. Classes will only give players 3 exclusive skill lines, and do not affect a character's other choices. For example, you can be a very stealthy Sorcerer who wears heavy armor and wields a bow.
It is very important to select the right faction. You can only play with friends in the same faction - pick your side over the war in Tamriel wisely.

Solo play
A significant portion of the game -- hundreds of hours of content -- can be completed entirely solo. The main quests, and Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild are all solo only, for example.
Information about NeoGAF guilds will be posted here on launch.
Is the game free to play?
No. You need to buy the game.

Video review?
IGN - 8 out of 10 - "There's a ton of great content in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited waiting for solo and group-focused players alike, including crafting, PvP, four-man dungeons, and raid-like Trials at the endgame. " - http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/06/10/the-elder-scrolls-online-tamriel-unlimited-review
Meristation - 8.7 out of 10 - "A great game that manages to merge some of the best aspects of TES and MMOs results in a remarkable title on new gen consoles. Great progression, tons of options, fun combat, an insane amount of content and a very promising PVP are some of its virtues." - http://www.meristation.com/playstation-4/the-elder-scrolls-online/analisis-juego/1872639
XGN - 8 out of 10 - "The Elder Scrolls Online is a fantastic game which offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. The world looks impressive, but when playing alone, other players spoil a lot for you. Despite the hiccups the game has, this is a must have in your collection." - http://www.xgn.nl/review/the-elder-scrolls-online-tamriel-unlimited-review
Most reviews are still in progress due to the size of the game.
Is there a day one patch?
Yes, 15.9gb on PS4, similar size on Xbox One. This is because the game was too big to fit on the Blu-Ray disc.
Has the game changed much since the PC launch in early 2014?
Yes. Much of the criticism they received in PC reviews has been directly addressed.

How similar is the game to the PC version?
It's feature for feature exactly the same, along with the same content. The game runs at 1080p30 on PS4 and XB1. It adds fully directional (surround sound!) voice chat.
How much content is in the game?
Well over 1000 quests. I've played the PC version for 520 hours and I'm less than half way through the soloable content. This game is huge. There are also 12 4-player dungeons (think Destiny strikes), and 3 12-player trials (think Destiny raids).
Is there cross play between PC, PS4 and Xbox One?
No. There is no crossplay.
Are the servers working?
The Europe server is generally very good stability wise. The North America server continues to be intermittently unavailable.
Where is the rest of the OT?

http://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

NeoGAF Roster Form on Google Docs
View the roster here