I still remember the first beat em up I ever played...Double Dragon. I fell in love with the genre as a kid and once I played Streets of Rage on the Genesis my love was cemented that much more. But damn if the beat em up genre isn't FULL of awesome hidden gem games that people would love if they just knew they existed!
Enter The Gladiator. Made in Taiwan by IGS and popped onto the PGM platform. Basically just a BIT more powerful Neo Geo. It's legit IMO one of the best beat em ups of that generation yet its also a beat em up I rarely if ever hear mentioned in lists of best beat em ups.
Which is an ABSOLUTE bummer as The Gladiator has everything a beat em up fan wants. Awesome combat, a solid character selection, legit graphics and a great soundtrack. Plus the fact it takes place in China gives it a certain vibe we didn't really get back then.
But 100% if you enjoy beat em this! But what are your fav beat em up recommendations? Deep cuts especially appreciated (Like Night Slashers)
Enter The Gladiator. Made in Taiwan by IGS and popped onto the PGM platform. Basically just a BIT more powerful Neo Geo. It's legit IMO one of the best beat em ups of that generation yet its also a beat em up I rarely if ever hear mentioned in lists of best beat em ups.
Which is an ABSOLUTE bummer as The Gladiator has everything a beat em up fan wants. Awesome combat, a solid character selection, legit graphics and a great soundtrack. Plus the fact it takes place in China gives it a certain vibe we didn't really get back then.
But 100% if you enjoy beat em this! But what are your fav beat em up recommendations? Deep cuts especially appreciated (Like Night Slashers)