Pulled the trigger today on some Cave titles. I got a short vacation and didn't actually spend any of my cash so I got to use it on something small online. Rather than try again at Espgaluda 2 (even though I still want that thing for the time slow and bullet cancelling goodness)
...I tried to maximize my purchase and got Muchi Muchi Pork/Pink Sweets.
It'll be arriving soon and I'm eager to get cracking. I understand Muchi Pork has a rhythm involved with generating pigs and filling the Lard Meter. Im not certain on anything with Pink Sweets though.
Anyone here able to break down quick and easy how the scoring, and abilities operate in these Cave titles so I go in knowing how to try and generate my meter and get my scores?
Muchi Muchi Pork (from the MMP/PS thread):
The medals follow the same system of Raizing games: each wave of medals increase in value from 100 to 10.000 points. To start the next "wave" you must clear the screen from all the medals of the previous value. So you should:
- charge the lard bar by picking up piggies
- use lard attack
- switch to shot to suck in all the medals
- when there are no more medals on screen use lard attack again
- repeat (and recharge the lard bar if needed)
You want to increase the medal value as fast as possible, so at the beginning of the first level you should repeat this cycle again and again with short bursts of the lard attack. When you reach 10.000, try to keep it as long as you can. It's important to notice that dying doesn't reset your chain, the chain resets only if you let the medals fall out of the screen (of course this can happen when you die and there are a lot of medals on screen).
There's also a lot of boss milking, by using bombs and suicides to get more bombs, but doing so jacks up the rank very fast so I'm not trying it until I'm more familiar with the game.
Pink Sweets: it's simpler, just pick up medals and don't die (easier said than done). You can let some of the medals drop, the chain won't break unless the last medal falls out of the screen. Actually, letting some of the 10k medals drop is a good way to decrease the rank and stay alive! You can also milk bosses, like in MMP.
Arrange and 1.01 modes in both games are different and I'll let someone else explain them (never played any of those modes, except MMP arrange).