These are just a handful of quotes, but the full article talks about how perceived "discomfort" is sanitizing the college experience, in part because colleges are being run more and more like businesses rather than institutions of learning where students are expected to have their views challenged.
Last fall, David Samuel Levinson, the author, most recently, of the literary thriller Antonia Lively Breaks the Silence, taught a course called Introduction to Fiction at Emory University, part of a two-year fellowship hed been awarded there. Blunt and scabrous, he prides himself on being frank with his students. My class is like a truth-telling, soothsaying class, and I tell them no one is going to talk to you like this, you will never have another class like this, he says.
One student, he says, a freshman woman, sat besides him throughout the course, actively participating. At the end of the semester, he gave her a B+, because, although she worked hard, her writing wasnt great. They dont really understand that they can do all of the work, and turn in perfectly typed up, typo-free papers and stories, but it doesnt mean theyre going to get an A, because quality matters, talent matters, he says.
The student, he learned, was threatening to bring him up on sexual harassment charges. Oh, I felt unsafe, he whines, imitating her. The director, he says, told him, I know this is bullshit, you know this is total bullshit, since youre gay, [but] you really dont want to deal with this bullshit. Just give her the grade. Asked about this, the director says, I dont recall that, but I do recall advising him that as with all faculty, per our policy, that this was up to his discretion and thus his decision to make.
Recently, theres been much discussion of what some say is a growing intellectual chill and sexual panic on campus. In the latest example, on June 19, Teresa Buchanan, a tenured associate professor of education at Louisiana State University, was fired from the school where shed taught for twenty years for using off-color language. Her alleged offenses included saying, in class, fuck no and making a joke about sex declining in long-term relationships, as well as using the word pussy in an off-campus conversation with a teacher. Reached by phone, she says she had no memory of saying pussy to anyone, but said that, if she did, it likely would have been in a conversation about how teachers must learn to handle irate parents. If a parent is very angry and says, You need to do a better job, you little pussy, you need to know how to react. I wasnt calling anybody that word.
Buchanans firing follows the investigation of Laura Kipnis, a feminist film professor at Northwestern. Kipnis was famously brought up on charges under Title IXthe federal law banning sexual discrimination in education as a result of an essay she wrote in The Chronicle of Higher Education titled Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe. These are anxious times for officialdom, and students, too, are increasingly afflicted with the conditionafter all, anxiety is contagious, Kipnis wrote in that piece, which took issue with the current campus obsession with student vulnerability.
She didnt know the half of it. In her essay, Kipnis discussed widely reported accusations of sexual assault by two students against Northwestern philosophy professor Peter Ludlow, which has resulted in numerous lawsuits. One of the students, as well as another who had nothing to do with the case but said she was acting on behalf of the university community, then filed Title IX complaints against Kipnis, arguing that her essay and a subsequent tweet had been acts of retaliation against Ludlows accusers.
Soon Kipnis was forced to submit to hours of questioning about her essay and the ideas underlying it. She was allowed to bring a supporter with her, and chose Stephen Eisenman, the head of the Faculty Senate. When Eisenman told the Senate that he believed the process hed witnessed was a threat to academic freedom, he was brought up on Title IX charges as well. This is a trivialization of Title IX, a diminishment, says Eisenman.
More significant, however, is the pusillanimity of campus bureaucrats who are terrified of lawsuits, particularly in the wake of the Department of Educations Title IX investigations into campus handling of sexual assault. Ange-Marie Hancock, a professor of political science and gender studies at the University of Southern California and author of Solidarity Politics for Millennials: A Guide to Ending the Oppression Olympics, observes that attacks on academic free speech are not just coming from the left. She points to Steven Salaita, whose job offer at University of Illinois was withdrawn due to tweets that were hostile to Israel, and Shannon Gibney, a tenured African-American English professor at Minneapolis Community and Technical College who was reprimanded for creating a hostile learning environment for white men.
Colleges and universities, says Hancock, are increasing not run by faculty or former faculty. Theyre run by professional administrators who have a customer service or client service attitude towards students, as opposed to an educational attitude. Indeed, according to the Delta Cost Project, an American Institutes for Research program that studies the rising price of higher education, at most four years colleges and universities the average number of faculty and staff per administrator declined by around 40 percent between 1990 and 2012.
Buchanan attributes her firing, in part, to a disjunction between the values of the administrators and those of the professoriate. Starting about 10 years ago, she says, We noticed that every new administrator that came to LSU had the discourse and language of a business person. So, for example, my dean calls himself the CEO of his organization.
Adler was a very popular teacher, and the attempt to push her out caused an uproar. Students started an online petition in her favor; one wrote, Patti Adlers deviance class was the best class I have ever taken. In particular, the interactive prostitution lecture was the most memorable and informative lecture I have ever experienced. The National Coalition Against Censorship, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the Colorado ACLU, and the Student Press Law Center wrote a letter urging the immediate reinstatement of Adlers class without further reviews or conditions. The American Association of University Professors championed Adlers cause, decrying an unwarranted and egregious violation of her academic freedom. She thought about suing, but ultimately decided she didnt have the stomach for it.
Eventually, the public pressure grew so intense that the university said she could continue to teach the Deviance class. Adler, however, still felt her position to be too precarious. She returned for one last semester, then retired. I wanted to make it seem like they had not beaten me, but I knew I could only stay for a semester, she says.
I feel bad that I was caught so unaware, that I hadnt realized that the codes had shifted, Adler says. People would be well advised to quake in their boots when they hear theyre being investigated.