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The Next 18 Months of Microsoft - The Calm Before the Storm (Massive Info Dump)


Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport + Forza Horizon 4 Expansion #2 - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal) it's also highly expected that the new Forza Horizon 4 expansion will make an appearance as well.

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive -
Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


- Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games
- Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -
Last edited:


Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

- Section End -

What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

- Section Start -

MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

- Section End -

What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive -
Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


- Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games
- Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis :( )

Previous E3 Conferences (Both Sony Bands and Microsoft Badges 2013-2018. Unfortunately, I did misplaced some and I did not attend E3 2017 due to personal reasons)

I am attending E3 2019 Xbox Media Briefing and of course the show itself.

And for all you Dying Light 2 fans out there I'll throw in a bonus bone

If you have questions for the Q and A please DM them to me :)

Have a good E3. Time for bed.

Excellent write up. I'm so excited for E3, and can't wait for everything to be shown!
Have fun OP in LA!!
CyberPunk targeted date 😎

It is inevitable, the wipe out Storm is coming near you..this will NOT be a favorite thread fo r so many in these neck of the woods, about %98 of them 🤭🤭😂


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again (E3) but most importantly it's also the time of a new Powerful, Magical, and Thrilling Brand New Era of Video Games - A New Generation is upon us. While a new generation may be exciting and full of hype everywhere, it's also full of worry, concerns, expectations and many many questions that many of us here have and across the world of video game industry. Today is the day where I'd like to shine down some light and possibly let us have a peek into the future of what we can may or may not expect, what we may hope is true and not true and so on. However, this is also just the beginning, the road is going to be long, but I can assure you there is A LOT of CRAZY STUFF happening in the background.

Before we deep dive into the future I will make a quick disclaimer that things are always subject to change and I tell you may be happening today, may be changed tomorrow, in a week, a month or even a year and shifted around. I am by no means any sort of god or a fortune teller. I am just a person who... let's just say knows many people, some would rather argue that I know TOO MANY people.

I am going to be breaking this thread down into sections to avoid confusion and what is confirmed and not confirmed, what we may see soon and what we may not see soon and things like. The reason I am doing it in such a manner is because I don't want to lead people into FALSE HOPE or give people misinformation or a lie. However, sometimes in this type of work/field it is very hard to do these things perfectly, predict or be sure of and because of that I may come off not genuine to some people. But I assure you that that is NOT my intention here at all, I am only human just like all of you and we can all make mistakes or be misinformed ourselves.

I am not doing this for attention or anything like that, I am doing this because I love this industry and i love video games just as much as all you here - whether you're a Nintendo fan, Sony Fan, Xbox Fan or just a gamer in general who enjoys everything. There are people out there who are super anxious on wanting to know what's happening in the future (including myself) this is 100% for you guys and gals. Ok, I am done mumbling now, let's get to the nitty gritty.

Microsoft E3 2019 Media Briefing

What is Going to Happen - I will do this first - some of the things here are very obvious already to many people, but I am going to put them here anyway for clarity reasons and confirmation. (NOTE - THIS IS NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER OF THE SHOWCASE)

- Section Start -

Halo Infinite - Info Dump + New Trailer and Holiday 2020 Release (Cross-gen)
Gears 5 - Full Gameplay Reveal/Demo Walkthrough + Multiplayer and September Release Date is indeed real (I knew about this before the leak happened)
Gears Tactics - Info Dump + New Trailer and Release Date for PC Later this year
Ori and the WIll of the Wisps - Final trailer with final release date for Later this year
Bleeding Edge - Ninja's Theory next game (I am hearing 2 conflicting reports, 1 stating that it's a co-op horde-like Sci-fi shooter with aliens across different planets and intense boss fights and another that it's an arena multiplayer PvP game - have no 100% confirmation yet on what exactly it is. One thing for sure that it is indeed a game in a Sci-fi universe and most likely a cross-gen title as well for 2020)
The Outer Worlds - Info Dumb, New Gameplay Trailer and a Release Date
Cyberpunk 2077 - Progress Update/New Gameplay Trailer and a Targeted Date

Age of Empires IV - Info Dump/Gameplay Reveal- 2020 Release

Fable - This is nothing new or real secret at this point. Honestly, worst kept secret, this was leaked back in end of 2017/early 2018 on Eurogamer if I am not mistaken. It was said that Playgrounds is working on a Open World game and then later speculated that it was Fable. However, it was not confirmed if it was 100% Fable but rather just Open World RPG. Some people are hoping that it is not Fable and a brand new open world RPG IP and of course the Fable fans do want it to be Fable.

However, I can now confirm that it is indeed a Fable game. Some speculate it's actually Fable IV, but the reality is that it's a new beginning for the Fable franchise. This game started development in late 2017 and has been in development now for little over 2 years now. It is a next-gen game ONLY and you will most likely NOT see it until 2021 at retail at the earliest. You will see a glimpse of a small teaser trailer most likely at this year's E3 and in 2020 you will see much more of the game.

Sea of Thieves - Joe Neate and Mike Chapman confirmed in one of their recent dev updates on their official Sea of Thieves YouTube channel that they will be in teaser mode for the upcoming Sea of Thieves content at this year's E3.

Battletoads - They were announced last year with a 2019 release date. We will see some gameplay and finally see how the game looks, plays and feels along with a final release target as well.

Project xCloud - Info Dump, Public Test Dates/Rollouts - This will be Microsoft's one of the biggest if not the biggest focus this year prior to next-gen system launches. This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

Xbox Lockhart/Xbox Anaconda - Scorpio style reveal (Similar to E3 2016's Scorpio/Xbox One X Tease) No physical look of the console, but a baseline of specs including tFlops, Ram, Bandwidth, CPU, SSD and of course Ray-tracing - this is considered a small reveal. Full reveal most likely next year, we're still a year and a half of from the launch of new-gen system and there are still many 3rd party and 1st party title to come out yet on current gen systems, but yes the tease and the obvious semi-reveal at this point is well on its way.

It's Going to be a BIG Party - With Microsoft being the only console manufacturer that's holding a physical E3 conference this year - expect A LOT of NEW 3rd Party Stuff.

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What Has a High Chance of Happening (Alright, this is where stuff gets interesting these are things that i'd like to consider rather high probability of happening based on what i heard/saw/conversations had - None of this is confirmed, so take it with a grain of salt)

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MechAssault/Mech Game - Reveal (Microsoft owns the right to MechAssault, for those who do not know. There is a VERY high chance that a new mech game has been in the works and it will be finally revealed here)

Next Forza Motorsport - Reveal (It's been a while since Turn 10 has showcased anything and this year they're skipping Forza most likely to release with next-gen systems next year as a 1st party next-gen racing experience. Very good chance of a tease/reveal)

Capcom Next Big Title - Reveal (Every year and every E3 and honestly this whole generation Capcom has been on an insane roll of satisfying their fans and fulfilling their dreams. Shortly after the release of Resident Evil 2 Remake - rumors of Resident Evil 8 and Resident Evil 3 Remake started to pop around all over the web. However, Capcom has also other titles under their belt and they've recently said that Dead Rising is still an important franchise to them to this day.

While I do not know which game it may be exactly that there are revealing. I do know that they're going to be doing what the fans want and yes they also never ever denied the existence of Dino Crisis and stated not too long ago on their official twitter that they would love to do it depending on how bad the fans want it - here is the link to the tweet. So the story with Capcom is, they're open to many things and the question is rather when to reveal what and where.

I personally doubt it Resident Evil 8, I believe that's still early and if anything Resident Evil 3 Remake will come first as far as the release schedule goes. Now is it Dead Rising 5 or Dino Crisis Reboot? That's really hard to say, Dead Rising has a strong Xbox history, so I could see this as something either for end of 2020 as another launch title or they might want to shock everyone with a Dino Crisis tease (Similar to how they did with DMC 5 last year and Monster Hunter: World in 2017 @ Sony's Conference) or who knows, maybe they're working on something completely new and unexpected)

More Japanese Games/Teams - Last year's E3 Microsoft had quite a lot of Japanese developers at their stage. I expect more of the same this year with a few surprises as well.

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What Has a Small Possibility of Happening (Far future projects, tiny chances of being teased either here or most likely next year)

Next-gen Rare IP - According to what I been hearing, the next IP from Rare was described as "If you enjoy a game like Sea of Thieves, then you will be looking forward to their next project" - What do I make of this? Well, this is a tough one, because I am very well aware and I am sure most of you as well that Rare is indeed a much larger company now than they were before and that they have multiple teams working on new projects as we speak.

However, it comes down to this - do we want to see everything Microsoft has to offer? Of course we do. Is it a smart idea for them to do that? Absolutely not, as I've said previously we're still a year and a half away from Next-Gen launch and I believe that this is something I'd rather see at next year's E3. There is a chance of this happening at this year as well, but I honestly highly doubt that it will. Fable, New Capcom Title, Halo Infinite, Forza Motorsport, Mech Game, and other 3rd party surprises that they have up their sleeve honestly should be more than enough for them and for us until next year's E3 imo.

Perfect Dark Reboot - Reboot of the franchise but this time in 3rd person view as opposed to 1st person - not being developed by Rare but supervised by Rare (Remember, Rare DOES NOTwork on old IPs anymore, they hand them over to other studios/teams - Battletoads is an example of that - it's being developed by Dlala Studios under the supervision of Rare as far as I am concerned. This a game you 100% won't see for a long time, but it's happening most likely next year.

Xbox Game Studios

I know of 3 Studios that have been approached at some point in time either for an offer or an actual acquisition that's currently being processed

Approached/Being Purchased

IO Interactive -
Rumors about this started to float around end of last year. Also, apparently not too long ago a letter of intent was already given a few months ago to this particular studio according to some sources. The weird thing is though, IO Interactive actually expanded and did open up a new office in a different country earlier this year in January - so I am kind of confused on what's actually happening with them at the moment or if the source even correct and not misinformed.

Relic Entertainment - Microsoft is speaking to them, they want a studio dedicated to RTS games and they're also the ones making Age of Empires IV for them exclusively as well at the moment. However, Sega is a bit of a barricade at the moment)

Asobo - I don't know much about this studio myself, but heard from sources that they're in the talks

If any of the studios actually do end up getting purchase, I am not sure if all of them would be announced at E3, but I would assume so from personal speculation that it would be the best place to do it if everything goes according to plan. Remember purchases like these are a huge undertaking, take time and may also fall through at the last moment as well for whatever unknown reasons - this is my personal take on that.

Not Happening

2 Studios that I know for a fact that are NOT being purchased/approached

CD Projekt Red
Creative Assembly

There was some speculation around the fans that these 2 particular studios are being approached or talked with for a possible acquisition, that is NOT the case and will NOT be happening.


- Studio that has a long history with Sony. They're mainly responsible for the recently released Shadow of the Colossus Remaster (which I would actually consider a remake honestly, because its extremely well done) Nathan Drake Collection and couple of other very well received ports/remasters. Bluepointe are gifted when it comes to remastering or re-creating certain experiences. Last I heard is that they are currently working on Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Remaster. However, Microsoft is indeed apparently talking to a Studio that has a strong history with Sony in the past, this particular studio has been rumored a lot across many forums, websites and so on. I personally have not heard anything from my end of things as far as Bluepointe being purchased or approached so I have 0 say, but I can give you my opinion.

I think it would be a fantastic purchase for Microsoft if they do want to have a studio that's dedicated to remastering/remaking certain titles. Microsoft is sitting on a lot of old IPs such as Blinx The Time Sweeper, Conker, Banjo and so on. Many fans have been begging for these games to return in some shape or form and Bluepointe would be the perfect candidate for such a mission.

Platinum Games - This is a very complicated situation. So what actually happened with Platinum games is that during the development of Scalebound Platinum Games was also developing 3 other titles at the same time and think that they could also handle Scalebound as well. Well actually, they ended up failing miserably and kept missing their deadlines and they game did not Microsoft's expectations on both deadline and technical levels. Therefore, Microsoft fired them off the contract and let them go due to their irresponsibility and mismanagement.

Now recently, Platinum Games came out and defended Microsoft after such a long time has passed. It's quite odd that all of a sudden they come out and defend them. But maybe time has just passed and they had the time to think about what happened and wanted to say sorry to the fans and admit to them that it wasn't really Microsoft's fault to why the game never became a final product. Right now, Platinum games is currently working on Babylon Fall for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Despite their bad relationship and breakup over Scalebound they did put out Nier Automata last year and showcased it for the Xbox One X at last year's E3. So maybe the relationship is not that bad as far as business goes? You see. These things are very complex and we will never know what's happening behind the curtains.

This studio is also rumored for purchase simply because Microsoft had an exclusive title being developed for their system and also because Platinum is known to be a very interesting developer with very unique and fun games that fill a certain niche and of course its a Japanese studio. We also all know that there is a Japanese studio that is being approached right now for purchased as well. Could this be one of them? I personally have no idea or any kind of information in regards to Platinum Games, I can only speculate which is what I am doing here.

4A Games
- Russian/Ukraine Developer of the ever-loving Metro franchise. Metro started its strong marketing and fan building since the Xbox 360 days. 4A Games has a long history of working with Microsoft - I would NOT be very surprised if this studio does get purchased at some point in time. Phil has stated many times that they want studios across the world from different countries to add diversity of different art-forms and of course cultures.

- Section End -

This is it folks. But before i leave you will probably ask me who am I or if I am Krobrille because apparently a rumor started going around about that and I will tell you right now I am NOT Krobrille. Who am I then? As I stated previously a person who knows people and some would say too many people both in person and over the web.. (Yes one of those Studios is not around anymore unfortunately, Rest in Pepperonis :( )

Previous E3 Conferences (Both Sony Bands and Microsoft Badges 2013-2018. Unfortunately, I did misplaced some and I did not attend E3 2017 due to personal reasons)

I am attending E3 2019 Xbox Media Briefing and of course the show itself.

And for all you Dying Light 2 fans out there I'll throw in a bonus bone

If you have questions for the Q and A please DM them to me :)

Have a good E3. Time for bed.

Exciting write up, love detailed info dumps :D. Can not wait for say 2 more “next-18 months” info dumps threads popping up shortly ;)!

This is where we will be helping them get ready for a solid year or so before new systems get out in the wild.

“we”? Intriguing ;).
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Have fun OP in LA!!
CyberPunk targeted date 😎

It is inevitable, the wipe out Storm is coming near you..this will NOT be a favorite thread fo r so many in these neck of the woods, about %98 of them 🤭🤭😂

You just cannot be excited for yes indeed a big next 18 months for Xbox (new hardware, new services, new games) without console warrior driveby’s 😂?!


Do you know what kind of gameplay Halo Infinite aims for?
I dont want another Halo 5 :/ I just want a halo with modernized classic gameplay (no sprint and booster garbage)


OP, just for this thread alone :



That's a lotta claims, OP. A lotta claims.


Also I don't think Platinum is on the shopping list, since Atsushi Inaba recently gave an interview about them breaking away from publisher-owned IP and securing independence for themselves as a studio.
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i'm there for Halo Infinite + Forza 8. also Cyberpunk 2077 even if MS are only giving CDPR the stage.

everything else is eh or has a lot to prove.


If you read what I said, I never said it was on the shopping list. That's why it's in the rumored category....
If you read what I said, it was a response to the following line in your OP:
This studio is also rumored for purchase
Whether it's rumored or not doesn't change the fact that you posted info that has since been refuted by Platinum staff. No need to act so sensitive about it.


If you read what I said, it was a response to the following line in your OP:

Whether it's rumored or not doesn't change the fact that you posted info that has since been refuted by Platinum staff. No need to act so sensitive about it.

I did not post any info in regards to an actual purchase of the company. I posted what happend with platinum and Microsoft in the past. You have no reading comprehension my friend and I've even stated in bold that I have not heard anything from my end of things in regards to the studio being bought.

All it is speculation among fans and list of Japanese studios that had some sort of history with Microsoft in the past.

You might be right about that and that would shut down the rumor for good. But please dont go around saying what I did do and didn't say.

Stop putting words in my mouth I never said. It's not being sensitive, it's called stop twisting shit. Have a nice day.
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I did not post any info in regards to an actual purchase of the company. I posted what happend with platinum and Microsoft in the past. You have no reading comprehension my friend and I've even stated in bold that I have not heard anything from my end of things in regards to the studio being bought.

All it is speculation among fans and list of Japanese studios that had some sort of history with Microsoft in the past.

You might be right about that and that would shut down the rumor for good. But please dont go around saying what I did do and didn't say.

Stop putting words in my mouth I never said. It's not being sensitive, it's called stop twisting shit. Have a nice day.

The words from your post are right there my dude, no implication or 'twisting' needed.

Though I'd say flying off the handle over nothing like that certainly has implications for your credibility :messenger_hushed:



The words from your post are right there my dude, no implication or 'twisting' needed.

Though I'd say flying off the handle over nothing like that certainly has implications for your credibility :messenger_hushed:

Nah, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people tell me what I wrote or didnt write. You have every right to take this whole thread/post with a grain of salt if you wish. No one is going off the rails lol.


I did not post any info in regards to an actual purchase of the company. I posted what happend with platinum and Microsoft in the past. You have no reading comprehension my friend and I've even stated in bold that I have not heard anything from my end of things in regards to the studio being bought.

All it is speculation among fans and list of Japanese studios that had some sort of history with Microsoft in the past.

You might be right about that and that would shut down the rumor for good. But please dont go around saying what I did do and didn't say.

Stop putting words in my mouth I never said. It's not being sensitive, it's called stop twisting shit. Have a nice day.
Any idea who or what Japanese games will be there? Will ff7 remake show up on ms stage?


Any idea who or what Japanese games will be there? Will ff7 remake show up on ms stage?

Sure, I'll do my best to answer this.

I am pretty positive that FF 7 Remake has timed/exclusive rights to Sony since the day it was announced back at E3 2015 Sony stage, to the next PSX Teaser in 2015 as well in December and now 4 years later on a State of Play episode last week or so.

I highly doubt you will see anything FF 7 Remake related at Microsoft stage. Square Enix is having their own confernece this year and therefore I am pretty sure it will show up there first and foremost before anywhere else

As far as Japanese developers go, well Capcom has a high chance of showing their next title like I said in the original post.

Only other Japanese developer that MAYBE shows up and this is a huge maybe. This is my personal speculation and nothing that I actually know of or aware of from anyone or anything. I could maybe see From Software.

From Software debut Dark Souls III at E3 2015 at the Microsoft stage for the first time and then Sekiro last year as well. The only time From Software was at Sony stage was for Bloodborne if my memory serves me correctly at E3 2014.

Sekiro just came out. Miyazaki confirmed a whole ago in an interview that a new Armored Core is on the way as well. So if they do even show up or decide to show anything I would not even be sure if it would be for Armored Core or their next gen fantasy game that they're currently working on.

Honestly, I think it's a bit too soon for From Software. It's only been 2 months since their last game and I have no clue how far they are in development on their next title.

This is the best answer I could give you and I hope you are okay with it
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So all in all it will be exactly what everyone has expected for months.

More Halo/Forza/Gears with two of the three 1.5 years away, a low budget Battletoads game made by nobodies, a too early nextgen tease plus a potential to blowing their loads for the interesting stuff too early to show.
Oh! How could I forget, the most exciting announcement to make on a stage... A studio acquisition!!.... *wait for golf clap*

Doesn't sound like a storm coming to me. Sounds like 18+ months of teasing and more promises to live up to. Like we haven't been waiting long enough as it is.

MS should have done what Nintendo did at the end of the WiiU's life. Shutup until they had something worth releasing around the corner..


Sure, I'll do my best to answer this.

I am pretty positive that FF 7 Remake has timed/exclusive rights to Sony since the day it was announced back at E3 2015 Sony stage, to the next PSX Teaser in 2015 as well in December and now 4 years later on a State of Play episode last week or so.

I highly doubt you will see anything FF 7 Remake related at Microsoft stage. Square Enix is having their own confernece this year and therefore I am pretty sure it will show up there first and foremost before anywhere else

As far as Japanese developers go, well Capcom has a high chance of showing their next title like I said in the original post.

Only other Japanese developer that MAYBE shows up and this is a huge maybe. This is my personal speculation and nothing that I actually know of or aware of from anyone or anything. I could maybe see From Software.

From Software debut Dark Souls III at E3 2015 at the Microsoft stage for the first time and then Sekiro last year as well. The only time From Software was at Sony stage was for Bloodborne if my memory serves me correctly at E3 2014.

Sekiro just came out. Miyazaki confirmed a whole ago in an interview that a new Armored Core is on the way as well. So if they do even show up or decide to show anything I would not even be sure if it would be for Armored Core or their next gen fantasy game that they're currently working on.

Honestly, I think it's a bit too soon for From Software. It's only been 2 months since their last game and I have no clue how far they are in development on their next title.

This is the best answer I could give you and I hope you are okay with it
Thank you.


From Software debut Dark Souls III at E3 2015 at the Microsoft stage for the first time and then Sekiro last year as well. The only time From Software was at Sony stage was for Bloodborne if my memory serves me correctly at E3 2014.

Sekiro just came out. Miyazaki confirmed a whole ago in an interview that a new Armored Core is on the way as well. So if they do even show up or decide to show anything I would not even be sure if it would be for Armored Core or their next gen fantasy game that they're currently working on.

Honestly, I think it's a bit too soon for From Software. It's only been 2 months since their last game and I have no clue how far they are in development on their next title.

This is the best answer I could give you and I hope you are okay with it

From Software will more than likely have a title in 2020. The Sekiro is the Bloodborne team, which went into production after they released Bloodborne DLC in 2015. From Software had the following: Dark Souls II (2014) plus DLC, Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin (2015), Bloodborne (2015) plus DLC, Dark Souls III (2016) plus DLC. They have multiple teams.


From Software will more than likely have a title in 2020. The Sekiro is the Bloodborne team, which went into production after they released Bloodborne DLC in 2015. From Software had the following: Dark Souls II (2014) plus DLC, Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin (2015), Bloodborne (2015) plus DLC, Dark Souls III (2016) plus DLC. They have multiple teams.

EDIT - I am dumb, just saw the bloodborne part lol.

Dark Souls II was garbage and I think that was made by the B team right? I know Miyazaki did not direct Dark Souls II which was one of the bigger reasons why it was poo poo.

The C team is the DLC team if I recall correctly. Have they grown since then and added another? I haven't been keeping tabs on them honestly.

So who's up next the B team?

Sorry, it's been a long time.
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There are no news here, though? Not that that means OP isn't genuine, but everything I read, I already knew or had heard before. Klobrille mentioned the studios.

Perhaps this thread was only meant as a summary, it just feels a little awkward when OP goes on about being in the know, yet nothing new has surfaced. Oh well, no harm done.


There are no news here, though? Not that that means OP isn't genuine, but everything I read, I already knew or had heard before. Klobrille mentioned the studios.

Perhaps this thread was only meant as a summary, it just feels a little awkward when OP goes on about being in the know, yet nothing new has surfaced. Oh well, no harm done.

Well they gave an E3 conference itinerary- do we get bans for false leaks - at least give it some risk/reward factor otherwise people will just post random shit

[oh wait.. that's me]


Tag, you're it.
Thx for this, but is Age Of empire IV be at the PCGaming Show or the Microsoft e3 briefing? I can't wait to see some gameplay to finally know if i'm interested in the game (plays like AoE II) or if it's a betrayal (like Dawn of War III)


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Calling bullshit. I will come and laugh at this thread, because
Playground's project is
1. Not Fable, but a new IP inspired from it
2. Will probably not be revealed atleast till 2022
Age of Empires IV won't be revealed in a Xbox event.
Forza Motorsport is next gen and won't be revealed this E3.


EDIT - I am dumb, just saw the bloodborne part lol.

Dark Souls II was garbage and I think that was made by the B team right? I know Miyazaki did not direct Dark Souls II which was one of the bigger reasons why it was poo poo.

The C team is the DLC team if I recall correctly. Have they grown since then and added another? I haven't been keeping tabs on them honestly.

So who's up next the B team?

Sorry, it's been a long time.

The Dark Souls III team should be on deck (2020), but there were rumors they were retooling the engine as well. 2017-2018 was the slowest the studio has been in its existence, other than Deracine, not much was going on... very unusual for From Software. From Software is up to almost 300 people, they have to keep the content coming out.

I wouldn't be surprised by a From Software showing at Microsoft's E3 show.... very likely unless they are working on Bloodborne 2 (which didn't seem to be the case a year ago), like they have done in the past, but basically they're a Playstation exclusive more or less, meaning most people on Xbox don't buy their titles, generally speaking. Sales of Sekiro on Xbox look horrible using Amazon US as a guide.
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Nah, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people tell me what I wrote or didnt write. You have every right to take this whole thread/post with a grain of salt if you wish. No one is going off the rails lol.
"It's a pet peeve of mine when people use the built-in button to quote verbatim the words I posted" 🤔

Please do show me how I twisted your words or otherwise misrepresented you by quoting the rumor you posted and mentioning an interview that refutes it.

Because drawing those conclusions from that situation is totally flying off the handle. You're behaving like a crazy person.

In fairness they said :

Maybe if they'd left the other three paragraphs out though ..
OP seems to think that by reacting to a thing they posted (but disavowed actual knowledge of) I'm dragging them in and implicating them as a primary source for these vicious lies about Platinum.

Welcome to clown world, where sharing information causes you to get jumped by loons 🤡🌍
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Safe to say the Xbox one has been my last Microsoft console, even if PS5is weaker, im staying over with Sony. Game-wise, IP wise, studio wise, their line up is terrible, and you just know things like Nier 3, EDF 6 etc will be either timed or full PS5 exclusives.

All I need MS to just remain competitive enough to stop Sony going full complacency mode, and that's it.


Safe to say the Xbox one has been my last Microsoft console, even if PS5is weaker, im staying over with Sony. Game-wise, IP wise, studio wise, their line up is terrible, and you just know things like Nier 3, EDF 6 etc will be either timed or full PS5 exclusives.

All I need MS to just remain competitive enough to stop Sony going full complacency mode, and that's it.

What were you hoping for from MS or expecting rather? New studios will take time to adjust to create new experiences... game development and new IPs don't appear instantly after a studio has been purchased.


What were you hoping for from MS or expecting rather? New studios will take time to adjust to create new experiences... game development and new IPs don't appear instantly after a studio has been purchased.

They should be aiming to recreate the 360 days of being the machine with the most and best games. Instead every year it's "we made this super powered machine with low support", and "we bought these studios". They've been treading water for about 3 years, since Phil righted the ship. And they still havent got real, proper, full on Japanese dev support.


They should be aiming to recreate the 360 days of being the machine with the most and best games. Instead every year it's "we made this super powered machine with low support", and "we bought these studios". They've been treading water for about 3 years, since Phil righted the ship. And they still havent got real, proper, full on Japanese dev support.
Yep, they've had time and talk, now it's time for results.


They should be aiming to recreate the 360 days of being the machine with the most and best games. Instead every year it's "we made this super powered machine with low support", and "we bought these studios". They've been treading water for about 3 years, since Phil righted the ship. And they still havent got real, proper, full on Japanese dev support.

I get what you're saying and I do agree with you for the most part. But you also have to realize Don Mattrick left a huge mess and screwed them over this gen. Phil is left cleaning up his mess. Yeah it's taking a while, but it's starting to get there. I think come launch next year and 2021 Microsoft will be in a much better shape.

The super powered machine came late in the generation. Both of the consoles PS4 and Xbox One were already severely underpowered as it is when they launched in 2013. This gen is very awkward and strange in many ways for both of them despite Sony having major success.

As for Japanese support I think last year was a decent showcase and we have yet too see what is the Japanese studio they are purchasing. I think you need to give it a bit more time. I am tired of waiting myself self as well, but you just gotta accept it for what it is and things are starting too look much brighter for them than it did 2 years ago imo.


I get what you're saying and I do agree with you for the most part. But you also have to realize Don Mattrick left a huge mess and screwed them over this gen. Phil is left cleaning up his mess. Yeah it's taking a while, but it's starting to get there. I think come launch next year and 2021 Microsoft will be in a much better shape.

Donny was just carrying out the orders from Ballmer and Nadella i.e. services. Not sure Phil is cleaning anything up, he is doing what he is told by Nadella, push everyone to services. The issue with that is consumers have limited uses for services in this regard, generally speaking.

Phil has a tough job, convince as many of the remaining Xbox users that Nadella doesn't exist. Nothing has changed and it won't change, Nadella will continue to cloudify the few remaining non-cloudified products.

They are a decade into this (see Ballmer from 2010 below), Phil isn't cleaning up anything. Hardware is optional in this business model, which is in contrast to console warriors thinking.
"For the cloud, we're all in," said Ballmer during an address and live Webcast at the University of Washington's Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering in Seattle. "Literally, I will tell you we are betting our company on it."
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