A few nights ago I was with friends talking about politics and various other topics and somehow we got on to the topic of the Philadelphia Experiment. I had never heard of it before this discussion and after I heard about it, after I got home I immediately started reading about it, and I have been for the last few days. I was just wondering if anyone else knew anything about the Philadelphia Experiment and/or had opinions on how much of it is true.
This paragraph is the general idea of it:
It supposevely took place in circa 1943.
Also, here's a site with a bunch of information on it:
Anyway, again, I was just wondering if anyone else knew about this strange legend or had any opinions on it as to how much of it is true.
This paragraph is the general idea of it:
Much has been written and speculated about this legend of an experiment in "electronic camouflage," both pro and con. Reportedly it ended with the ship teleporting from Philadelphia to Norfolk with some crew members becoming embedded in the ship. Sorting the facts from the fiction has proven an almost impossible task, particularly with the recent flux of misinformation and deliberate disinformation that has been injected into the internet by those connected to the U.S. intelligence community, professional skeptics and arm chair researchers.
It supposevely took place in circa 1943.
Also, here's a site with a bunch of information on it:
Anyway, again, I was just wondering if anyone else knew about this strange legend or had any opinions on it as to how much of it is true.