Was this made popular by Full Metal Jacket, or was it already popular so Full Metal Jacket used it? If it's the former, is the phrase actually from Vietnam, or was it just made up?
I always thought it was just some stupid porn thing that happened to have great videos but I saw it in FMJ and was surprised.
Guess it was an actual Vietnam thing:
Some Iraq Article said:
The importance of maintaining the reality of Vietnamland is drilled into them by the constant repetion of terms familiar to any American G.I, taught to them by a hirsute Quesadilla Hussein (The Robin Williams of Umm Qasr!)
"Me so horny, me love you long time" declaims Quesadilla.
"Me so horny, me love you long time" echoes the class of mostly middle-aged spinsters, dotted here and there by beardless youths with excitement gleaming in their eyes.
reguardless if it was actually created by something other than FMJ, it ws made popular by that movie and when you hear it, it's most usually a sample from the scene in the movie.
He went by the moniker "Luke Skyywalker" for the longest time, then George Lucas got wind of it and made him change up. Luke switched to his RL name, released "Banned in the USA" with the full support of Bruce Springsteen, and for a year or so in the mid-90's was the poster child for Republican hate everywhere. Good times.
I remember when this saying became popular and it was because of FMJ. The saying definitely originated from that movie. 2 Live Crew sampled it, making it even more popular, but it was popular already anyways.