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The web is a harsh mistress

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Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Apache/1.3.31 Server at www.goodcowfilms.com Port 80

I have all that content up there which people rape out of 50GB a month, yet nobody can bother to donate or click my ads. :(


Yes, hostgator hosts me.

The site is two sites in one, a large blog of mine which has a huge Sega section along with it and over 500 megs of old Sega commercials, and my films section, containing Metal Cow Solid, and other shorts.
I asked for hosting advice on the old forums some weeks ago, and finally got an account with Hostgator. It was working very well but my current host price-matched and I decided to stay, and they cancelled the account in a few hours, with no annoying questions or delays. Nice people.

So thanks for mentioning them. Hope you solve it, it truly sucks.


Don't look at me man. Not only did I click one of your Google ad thingies yesterday, I didn't download anything either. Win/win situation for you mr cow!
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