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TheHill: Lawmakers inch closer to deal on Russia sanctions


Source: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-acti...akers-inch-closer-to-deal-on-russia-sanctions

Bipartisan negotiators involved in finalizing legislation to impose sanctions on Russia expressed confidence on Thursday that a deal could be reached soon after a monthlong delay.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) have been leading discussions to resolve the impasse that has stemmed from procedural spats — as well as policy objections from the Trump administration and oil and gas companies.

Hoyer said during an exchange on the House floor with McCarthy on Thursday that they had been working “very hard on that, very constructively on that.”

“I look forward over the next 24 hours, or more or less, to see whether or not we can get that resolved,” Hoyer told McCarthy.

Lawmakers are hoping to send the bill to President Trump's desk before leaving for the August recess. The House is scheduled to adjourn at the end of next week for the monthlong break.

“We want to make sure that we move a bill, as you do, as quickly as possible and get agreement with the Senate and move that bill to the president’s desk," Hoyer said.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) appeared optimistic that the House would send the measure back across the Capitol.

"I think we've come to conclusions that both sides of the aisle are happy with there," Corker said. "I think they'll move it back over here pretty soon."

The legislation establishes congressional oversight of the Trump administration’s implementation of sanctions to prevent the president from lifting them if lawmakers disagree.

The White House has pushed back on those provisions, but Corker denied that the measure would be watered down.

"Yeah, he's a good friend and I really love my relationship with him, but that's not likely to occur,” Corker said of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, saying the administration wants flexibility when it comes to Russia policy. “I mean, congressional review is going to stay in this bill and there's no attempt ... whatsoever to move away from congressional review."

The bill also establishes sanctions on Iran in response to its ballistic missile development. McCarthy suggested last week that a bill that passed the House by a 419-1 vote earlier this spring could be added into the mix.

In the time consumed by the partisan procedural spat, oil and gas companies have raised concerns about the bill’s limits on the extent to which American and Russian oil and gas companies can interact.

Provisions of the bill meant to hurt Russian energy companies ban American investments supporting the maintenance or construction of Russian pipelines.

But energy companies have warned lawmakers that those sanctions could inadvertently prevent U.S. oil and gas development from drilling near Russian companies, even if they’re not working together.

“There’s agreement and understanding we have a problem. We do not want to empower Russia. We do not want to weaponize them against us,”
House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas), who represents energy companies in his district, told reporters on Thursday.


Glad to see this get done. And since Trump can't read, he'll just sign it as soon as it hits his desk. Hell, even if he does read it, he'd sign it anyway to say he's doing something. Maybe even as an excuse to say "See, no Russian stooges here!" Not that will stop Mueller.


If the Pee Pee tape is real, and Putin is indicating he doesn't want these sanctions to happen....it's veto time.


What's the over,under position on Trump veto'ing this?
Senate indicated that they were confident that they would override the veto. The vote was like 98 to 2 or something. House vote should be similar, if only for the Republicans to distance themselves from the Russian thing.


There are going to be people who point to this and say how serious they're taking this Russian thing. They'll also think the Trump investigation will suddenly not be warranted.
Most Republican Senators seemed on board when it first came up and voted yes.
Aren't some of those the same R's asking BS filler horseshit question about Russia in the hearings?
Not that I think Trump would quit, but Congress overturning his veto would be the perfect timing to save face among the edgelords that make up his base.
Gimme the pee pee!!



God I hope Trump tries to veto a veto-proof bill on Russian sanctions, just to see him explain why.

"I mean, wouldn't it be nice if we could get along with Russia for once? Don't you think it would be good for us to be able to lay next to Putin, smell him, maybe even lay with him on the beach? Is that so wrong?"


To anyone saying Trump will not attempt to veto it because he isnt that stupid. Remember he fired the head of the FBI who was investigating his campaign and later admitted the reason for the firing was because he wanted the Russia stuff to end.
I think he will try to veto it, not knowing it is veto proof and then will throw a tantrum on twitter.


"policy objections from the Trump administration and oil and gas companies"

You know, given his cabinet picks I don;t think you need to write these out separately anymore.


Oh nice to see it's still getting done. And to know they still have the power to overturn trumps inevitable veto.

What ever will mother Russia say on that day.
Russia and Putin still have negative approval ratings among every group in the US, including Republicans. The parties actually agree on some things - not many, but some.
Can't wait for the trump tantrum when he vetoes it and it still becomes law because it is veto-proof. That's assuming he'll even read the bill, I'm sure he'll just sign it without even knowing what it is like everything else he does.
Trump wants to veto it but I doubt he would, that's even too stupid for him
At the same time, he may not have a choice.

If there really is a kompromat, I'd have to image regardless of optics Putin would threaten trump to stop it

Because from putin's perspective, what the fuck is the point of having a Puppet you've got all this shit on if new sanctions get placed on you while he's in office anyway

The whole purpose of putting all this effort into electing trump was to END the sanctions


He will, but he'll use the excuse that it takes too much power away from the President. Book it, because that's exactly how it's going to go down.

In all honesty, I don't think any presidency would approve of this if they could for this reason. That said, this bill is being done because Trump can't be trusted with this matter.


I hope the effects are immediate. If I remember right, the last bill had it where a year and a half would have to go by before he couldn't ease up any sanctions.
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