Maybe it's just Monday and I'm bitter, but I have seriously stopped caring about discussing politics, philosophy, or religion with ANYONE. What's the fucking point? People take utterly predictable positions, and the same arguments and counterarguments ensue. There has got to be some new, original take on the old issues, but they never come up.
More to the point -- why does it even matter how strenuously I argue anything? Music, movies, books -- people are LOOKING to be persuaded one way or the other about them. But when it comes to core issues of ethics or metaphysics, I've met very few people who were genuinely seeking guidance or insight, or were willing to consider factual evidence with a truly open mind. I mean, who is going to talk Iceman out of his tree about the Supreme Court NOT existing to implement the Bible? I've read that post a couple of times, and aside from sheer fucking shock that anyone could actually hold that viewpoint, I have no idea what to say...but that doesn't even matter since it's not like he's looking to listen anyway.
If one person on this board has ever been convinced by something I've written, I'd be shocked. I think, over the years, I've wasted a lot of words, and I feel stupid having even bothered.