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Thoughts on Todd Mcfarlane's "Spider-Man: Torment"?

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A friend is letting me borrow the TPB. So far I've read the first two chapters. Really, I think that Mcfarlane draws a WICKED Spidey. Maybe the best ever. Sure, he goes a little overboard with the webbing sometimes, but when it comes to showing off Spider-Man's agility and making him look super sleek, Mcfarlane knows what he's doing.

On the negative end of things, I don't really like his narration style storyline. As opposed to feeling like I'm at the heart of the action, it's more like someone is leading me through a picture book. I feel far away from the characters, whereas when someone like Bendis writes Spidey, the events and people are right in your face.

I'll keep reading 'til the end. What are your thoughts on it and on Mcfarlane and Spidey in general?


I finished reading it today. When you look at the story from afar, it's actually pretty simple although still very engaging. I can only imagine how great it could have been in the capable hands of someone like Kevin Smith (providing he would actually finish it) or Bendis.

A few things that irked me though...For one, there is no satisfactory conclusion. I realize that the point of the story was to say that sometimes random things happen without any explanation, but that just won't do for me in a super-hero comic. What was the witch's motivation to kill Spider-Man? None was given. The only thing I can think of is his past with Kraven.

Also, while Spidey often looked spectacular and amazing (har har), the bigger splash pages seemed really messy and unorganized. Some of the time I couldn't make out what was going on because of Mcfarlane's chaotic lines.

Would I recommend this to someone? Outside of seeing Mcfarlane draw an awesome Spidey, not really. His writing seems really stiff and lacks life and originality, and his action scenes just seem like a mess at times. The idea was good, but the execution left a lot to be desired.
I had the trade paperback, it was pretty entertaining, I just didnt like the art that much. Everyone had freaking banana lips for no reason and everyone was dirty and flies. Spidey all beat up always looks badass tho. Always.
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