Buggy Loop
Edit. yes Tim Sweeney aka
Tidbits about an interview with HiFi rush developer that reveals something interesting. First the game is known for being butter smooth and no stutters on UE4 (gasp). So why so many games can't? Even the ones the compile shaders still fuck it up?
Its old but I totally missed this tidbit. :
When there's a problem in a graphic engine, always someone who fills the gap and makes money right?
Are you kidding me? How many goddamn engineers at Epic does it take to change a light bulb? How can they let their engine get such a bad rep in performances when fucking outsiders fix it?

Tidbits about an interview with HiFi rush developer that reveals something interesting. First the game is known for being butter smooth and no stutters on UE4 (gasp). So why so many games can't? Even the ones the compile shaders still fuck it up?
Its old but I totally missed this tidbit. :

Hi-Fi Rush is proof that Unreal Engine games can be gloriously stutter-free
Shader compilation stutter afflicts far too many modern PC games, but Hi-Fi Rush's developers went out of their way to avoid it.
"Hi-Fi Rush uses Unreal Engine 4’s PSO Caching functionality to avoid large hitches," Tanaka wrote. "UE4 misses some cases such as certain lighting shader combinations, computer shaders, Niagara VFX, and these may still cause hitches. In Hi-Fi Rush, some hitches remain, but they are mostly during certain cutscene transitions that don’t affect gameplay. In another one of our UE4 titles, Ghostwire: Tokyo, we currently preload problematic assets in the title screen background to minimize hitching and try to provide a better gamer experience."
"UE4 misses some cases such as certain lighting shader combinations, computer shaders, Niagara VFX, and these may still cause hitches.

When there's a problem in a graphic engine, always someone who fills the gap and makes money right?

Shader Compilation Screen - remove shader stutters in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Remove shader compilation stutters in just few clicks

- Automatically finds all Materials
- Automatically finds all Niagara Systems
- Loading screen that shows compilation progress

Are you kidding me? How many goddamn engineers at Epic does it take to change a light bulb? How can they let their engine get such a bad rep in performances when fucking outsiders fix it?
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