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tin foil hats ready? Homeland security could postpone elections: Hail Emperor Bush

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Counterterrorism officials look to postpone elections
From staff and wire reports
WASHINGTON — Counterterrorism officials are looking into the possibility of postponing the November presidential election if there is a terrorist attack at election time, Newsweek reported Sunday.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network may attack within the USA to try to disrupt the election.

The magazine cited unnamed sources who said the Department of Homeland Security asked the Justice Department for advice last week.

Newsweek said DeForest Soaries, chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, wants Ridge to ask Congress to pass legislation giving the government power to cancel or reschedule a federal election. Soaries said New York suspended primary elections on the day of the Sept. 11 attacks, but the federal government does not appear to have that authority.

The disclosure comes only a few days after U.S. authorities said they believe that al-Qaeda is planning a "large-scale" attack in the USA aimed at disrupting the presidential campaign and November elections.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Thursday that the party conventions were among the possible targets of such an attack, although he said there had been no particular threat to either convention. Democrats meet in Boston later this month; the Republican convention begins in late August in New York City.

Ridge said the intelligence was gathered from "credible" sources, but he acknowledged that it did not yield any specific information about a possible attack.

U.S. officials have been particularly concerned about an attack during the presidential campaign since the Madrid railway bombings in March. The bombings, which killed nearly 200 people, occurred on the eve of national elections. Spain's ruling party was ousted.

I mean a decent idea would be move the elections from Tues to Friday - Sunday. Less chance for a catrostrophic attack and more people would/could vote but, I suspect the powers that be (on both sides of the aisle) wouldn't want that.
Even if Congress were to pass such a measure, the Supreme Court would just rule it unconstitutional. Got to love those crazy checks and balances. Also, John Titor.


they should move the election up a week at the last minute to throw off any planned attacks. then again, it would likely confuse people and give us a low turnout... depending on the outcome of the election, one side or the other would never shut up about it


Excuse my ignorance (and laziness -- I'm at work), but what's the story with John Titor. I did a quick Google and he's from 2036? Based on some book? Please enlighten me. :)


GAF's Bob Woodward
Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.
(64) This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

:( :(

Kinda eerie. I guess, though, someone who is very clued up on current affairs, and with an interest in futurology, could make up stuff like this easy.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Most of the stuff is very general, but what I find amusing is the mention of "IT"
Being in 2036, I would certainly remember NOTHING of "IT" that subpar invention everybody forgot about.


Yep, if nothing else, John Titor is food for thought. Really from the future or just a good futurist, it doesn't matter. And he did all this predicting before 9/11, so it is quite amazing.

"Mmmm, that bitch has some fine lookin' Titors..."


Cyan said:
So basically what they're saying is that Al-Qaeda is going to try to disrupt the elections, and they want to help out.

Seriously, how could you say that moving the date of the election was anything other than disrupting it? If there's a terrorist attack, don't fucking let them screw up our election. Hold the damn thing just as it would be otherwise. Thus, it isn't disrupted. God our government is fucking retarded.

Is it just me or do many people have problems comprehending on this forum? Let me try to explain. It's another one of those doom day scenerio. The US gov't has many of them. If there were a terriost attack on election day, should Americans continue voting? If that was the case, the last thing on my mind would be who I am going to vote for. What if it happens the day before elections? 2, 3, 4, 5, .... days? Wouldn't it be prudent to delay the elections until the government feel it's safe to continue. Even then, if you read further, instead of just taking snippits, you will know it can't really be stop. There are constitutional and state laws that can't be change overnight.


Cyan said:
No. I think you're the one who isn't comprehending.

Authorities: Al-Qaeda might try to disrupt the elections with a terrorist attack. If there's a terrorist attack, we will move the election day.

That's established. Now here's the part you may not have understood: moving the day of the election will disrupt the election. Think about it.

As for if I "read further," I did read the whole thing, and I realize that the odds of this being able to happen are slim. But the fact that they're actually considering trying it upsets me.

So, let me get this right. If there was an attack in your local voting place on elections, you would still go vote w/o knowing about the security issues? What's more disruptive? Moving the date (remote chance at best) or having millions of people not being able to vote due to afraid of their lives, voting place closed down due to emergency, and/or etc.

Dude, hate to break it to you, but the gov't has tons of dooms day scenerio. Yeah, we all know dooms day scenerio happens every day. Can you pass me what you are smoking?


*drowns in jizz*
If there is an attack of any sort close to elections, Bush will have it in the bag. Americans aren't like the europeans. The fear mongering will guarantee Bush a 2nd term.


One time, the Spaniards dropped a pipebomb into my pool. It made a big blast and broke the pool into rubble, and I went outside and was like WTF?! So I voted for Bush.
Slurpy is right. Panic vote for whoever is in office > Rational analyzation of recent attack as it relates to foreign policy choices. Given time though, I trust people to think more clearly. Still, I really hope that no one attacks the day before the election.

And even if this measure was upheld, I don't doubt that severe limitations and surveillance would be placed over how it was implemented.
Maybe I'm missing something, but could someone explain to me how delaying the elections for a week, a month, or however long would be effective in avoiding a terrorist attack during the elections if Osama or Al Qaida could just delay the attack for a week, a month, or however long too?


Chili Con Carnage!
Bushes whole campaign is that he has made america safer, so i think he'd actually be more screwed if the US got attacked again.

And id say the fear mongering worked pretty well in spain so i dont know quite where you are coming from.

Mike, i think they are saying that they are looking into the possiblity of postponing the election if an attack occurs or a threat is recieved that would make homeland security think it was unsafe for people to actually go out and vote.


being watched
"I love democracy...I will lay down these emergency powers once the crisis has abated!!!...Now send in the Clone Troopers!"
Ghost said:
Mike, i think they are saying that they are looking into the possiblity of postponing the election if an attack occurs or a threat is recieved that would make homeland security think it was unsafe for people to actually go out and vote.
Well fuck, I can understand where they're coming from, but that's just asking for an attack. They should've done this silently, as I'm sure most of America would understand if the election was postponed for a week if an attack of WTC proportions occured the day before the election.

But outright announcing it (as a possibility) like this? Not smart.


Chili Con Carnage!
Mike: Yeah i agree, though these things are supposedly planned a long time in advance, so i doubt anyone would just be sitting watching CNN going "Wow, disrupt the elections, thats a hell of an idea, THANKS Homeland security!" :D

Just a brief thought...anyone recognise this?

Mike Works said:
Well fuck, I can understand where they're coming from, but that's just asking for an attack. They should've done this silently, as I'm sure most of America would understand if the election was postponed for a week if an attack of WTC proportions occured the day before the election.

But outright announcing it (as a possibility) like this? Not smart.

Depends on who you are voting for. Getting people scared to vote because someone might pipe bomb a voting booth is pure brilliance if you can insure that the people most likely to not vote for you will stay at home in tinfoil hats.


as usual, deleting any mention of "alkayda" from the party line reveals a more useful interpretation: "we would like to pass legislation that allows us to interrupt the electoral process"

and that's about that.

Doth Togo

Ghost said:
Mike: Yeah i agree, though these things are supposedly planned a long time in advance, so i doubt anyone would just be sitting watching CNN going "Wow, disrupt the elections, thats a hell of an idea, THANKS Homeland security!" :D

Just a brief thought...anyone recognise this?


The burning of the Reichstag.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Heh, that's the first I've read of John Titor. Interesting stuff, as long as you don't take it too seriously. He's just a Libertarian describing his dream world.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Justin Bailey said:
Heh, that's the first I've read of John Titor. Interesting stuff, as long as you don't take it too seriously. He's just a Libertarian describing his dream world.

A Libertarian from THE FUTURE.


Mike Works said:
Maybe I'm missing something, but could someone explain to me how delaying the elections for a week, a month, or however long would be effective in avoiding a terrorist attack during the elections if Osama or Al Qaida could just delay the attack for a week, a month, or however long too?

an attack like 911 took planning and prep time to coordinate the flights. delaying might or might not help, but moving the election ahead a week would not only stop an attack from influencing the vote, but might stop the attack entirely.

myzhi brought up an interesting point
So, let me get this right. If there was an attack in your local voting place on elections, you would still go vote w/o knowing about the security issues? What's more disruptive? Moving the date (remote chance at best) or having millions of people not being able to vote due to afraid of their lives, voting place closed down due to emergency, and/or etc

if my voting place were to simply catch fire on voting day, do they have a contingency plan so i can still vote?


Hollywood Square
Kuramu said:
if my voting place were to simply catch fire on voting day, do they have a contingency plan so i can still vote?

If it were an isolated event, then yes. It there was a terrorist attack on the nation, all elections will be delayed. PERMANENTLY.
Ghost, I was talking to MIMIC about this yesterday. There was more to what happened in Spain than just fear. There were allegations that the government was misleading the public, or at least not being wholly honest, about who was responsible that surfaced near to the election. Plus, there were reports about the attack being a response by al Qaeda to Spain's support of the war, which most people in Spain were against from the beginning. I'm sure many saw it as the results of the actions of a government that they didn't agree with and it pushed them further away from the current leadership.

I say that people would support whomever's in power based on what's happened in the past. Attacks on the U.S. tend to push Americans towards the current leadership. I don't know if a terrorist attack would be different, but I don't think it would be.


Stealing elections ain't easy. The supreme court vote count stoppage thing only works once. So you have to have another plan.


Yeah, before now I didn't know who Titor was, either. Though I had heard people refer to him many times.

It definitely seems to be a very possible future. Even desirable and majestic in some ways, although it is filled with practical negativity. So, in that sense, he does very well in convincing people. Still, aside from the incredible unbelievability of it all, he expresses himself as someone staging a hoax, rather than an actual time traveller. It's very interesting, though. He should write a novel. Especially considering he seems well-read and imaginative.

I think if someone were to use a more concrete example in order to dismiss him, they could refer to 9/11. I don't think he mentioned anything to that effect at all.


Hollywood Square
Socreges said:
I think if someone were to use a more concrete example in order to dismiss him, they could refer to 9/11. I don't think he mentioned anything to that effect at all.

Some say he did, some say he didn't.

I imagine that we'll see JOHN TITOR: THE MOVIE some day, about a loveable time traveler from the future (Tom Hanks?) who falls in love with Meg Ryan, posts on a message board to impress her and must choose between true love and the betterment of all mankind. In the end, he picks... BOTH and Meg Ryan goes away with him into the future.


Well, if there remains any doubt, 2005 will set everything straight. In that there will be no Civil War (did he leave this open to a simple 'war of words' or suggest something more volatile?).


After hearing all these references to this "John Titor," I decided to Google him.

After trudging through the many pages that have compiled his various "predictions," "time travel methods," "insights," I conclude that he's convincing enough to fool your average open-minded Internet user. :)

An elaborate, labyrinthine hoax is how I’d describe it.

Bob White

I imagine that we'll see JOHN TITOR: THE MOVIE some day, about a loveable time traveler from the future (Tom Hanks?) who falls in love with Meg Ryan, posts on a message board to impress her and must choose between true love and the betterment of all mankind. In the end, he picks... BOTH and Meg Ryan goes away with him into the future.

Between this and the "I, Robot Song", I can truly see you making it big in lala land. Next? Season tickets to the lakers.


My problem with John Titor is that he makes no mention of 911. Such a huge, history changing event you'd think he'd say something with all his travels through many "world-lines"


Hollywood Square
MIMIC said:
After hearing all these references to this "John Titor," I decided to Google him.

After trudging through the many pages that have compiled his various "predictions," "time travel methods," "insights," I conclude that he's convincing enough to fool your average open-minded Internet user. :)

An elaborate, labyrinthine hoax is how I’d describe it.






Hollywood Square
p.s. omg we just got TOM HANKS to star!

Right now we're trying to sign Jack Black as Meg Ryan's gay boss and Gary Sinise as a FBI agent who is investigating John Titor.

And Tim Story (Barbershop, Barbershop 2) is onboard to direct!
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