I havent played in a couple seasons but I've put in around 500 hours in the game.
#1 thing to learn is how to read the map. It's confusing for new players because it's 3d but eventually you'll learn how to figure out how to see depth and side tunnels by rotating it.
#2 is to always look up especially around corners, there are always cave leeches lurking.
#3 is, there are terminals that you can't access until you promote a dwarf (level 25 + a 3 part mission). Don't worry about them, thats end game stuff.
*E also: I'm assuming you're playing this on console, both consoles have kb+m support and imo it is a much much better experience on kbm as many weapons are balanced around hitting weak spots. If you do insist on controller i believe the quick turn button is r3 but it's been a while so i could be misremembering