A 44-year-old woman was brought to hospital by police. Over a period of years she had isolated herself and her daughter from society, arousing the concern of neighbours. A scant history of schizophrenia, personality disorder and intellectual disability was obtained from distant relatives.
Examination revealed classic clinical features of profound hypothyroidism. In addition, a lump was found on the patients ring finger (Box 1, A). Her mental state necessitated admission, after a psychiatric consultation, as an involuntary patient.
Investigations confirmed the diagnosis of hypothyroidism and indicated anaemia due to iron deficiency (Box 2). An x-ray of the lump (Box 1, B) revealed a wedding ring totally encased in the soft tissue. The patient was started on thyroxine and antipsychotic medication and transferred to a psychiatric institution, with marginal improvement in her mental state. Her daughter was removed to the care of child welfare authorities. The wedding ring was surgically removed. Histopathological examination of the lump revealed a foreign body granuloma with chronic low-grade Staphylococcus aureus infection.