Image created by WillyFive
SCROLLS FROM OUR ANCESTORS: TokuGAF 2016 | TokuGAF 2015 | ToQGAF 2014 | TokuGAF 2013 | TokuGAF 2012 | Henshin 2009-2011 | Super Sentai 2009
What is Toku?
Short for Tokusatsu, it's Japanese for "special filming", referring to a live-action series or movies with extensive special effects. Superheroes, giant monsters, guys in rubber suits, miniatures, all that good stuff.
The term usually refers to Japanese productions like Super Sentai (and its ongoing American counterpart Power Rangers), Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Godzilla, Gamera, and many others. Though the term can also be applied to Western shows like Doctor Who and The Flash.
What's coming this year?
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Earth has been taken over by invaders. With the universe under their thrall, the tears of the people awaken the nine ultimate saviors, chosen by the KyuTama, and they are here for the galaxy's salvation. Nine different people with strong personas. The most powerful warriors arrive here and now.
This is a momentous year for Super Sentai, being the first team to start with 9 members instead of the usual 3 or 5.
Where to Watch?
Premieres February 12th at 7:30 AM on TV Asashi
Fansubs provided by Over-Time
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
People are under attack by the Bugster virus, giving them the Gaming Sickness which in turn produces Bugster monsters. Doctor-in-training Emu Hojo, also known as Genius Gamer M, must put his skills to the test as Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and take out the virus.
Where to Watch?
Airs at 8:00 AM on TV Asashi
Fansubs provided by RTA and Excite!
Kamen Rider Amazons
The world is filled with carnivorous monsters known as Amazonz, created by the Nozama Pharmacy. In an effort to take them out discreetly, Nozama sends out an extermination squad that deals with them. When things start getting tougher, the CEO's son Haruka Mizusawa dives into his Amazon instincts and becomes Kamen Rider Amazon Omega. He's not alone as he also has to contend with former researcher Jin Takayama and his ability to become Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha. It's eat or be eaten.
Much darker and gorier than standard Kamen Rider fare, though with a lot in common with early Heisei like Kuuga and Ryuki.
Where to Watch?
Season 2 is coming this year to Japanese Amazon Prime.
Amazon has announced plans to release the series with subtitles on worldwide Amazon Prime but no date has been given. Until then, Season 1 has been fansubbed by Over-Time.
Power Rangers Ninja Steel
(it was surprisingly tough to find a picture that wasn't a spoiler or the old Yellow Ranger)
10 years ago, a meteorite fell to earth and was found by the very non-Japanese Ninja Dane Romero. He crafted and forged into ninja steel, a powerful substance. When the alien Galvanax appears, Dane (seemingly) dies and in his place is the Ninja Nexus Prism, containing the six Ninja Power Stars. Galvanax kidnaps Dane's son Brody and keeps him on his ship. In the present, Brody escapes with the Prism and along with four others, take out the Power Stars and become the Ninja Steel Power Rangers. Now they must contend with Galvanax and his game show.
Where to Watch?
Saturdays at 12 (11 Central) on Nickelodeon, later on Nick.com.
Power Rangers (2017)
In the town of Angel Grove, five troubled teens have their lives changed upon finding a buried spaceship and end up as superheroes. Now as the Power Rangers, they must stop the evil Rita Repulsa from conquering the world.
Featuring excellent actors like Elizabeth Banks as Rita, Bryan Cranston as Zordon, and Bill Hader as Alpha 5.
A reboot of the original show with a big budget.
Where to Watch?
In theaters March 24th.
Any older stuff to recommend?
Shout Factory and Crunchyroll have various Ultraman series on stream.
Shout Factory has also been consistently releasing Super Sentai DVDs. You can purchase Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Gosei Sentai Dairanger, Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, and Chouriki Sentai Ohranger. Gekisou Sentai Carranger is coming April 25th.
As for stuff without official releases.
Super Sentai
Chojin Sentai Jetman
Denji Sentai Megaranger
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger
Samurai Sentai Shinkenger
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger
Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider Black
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Agito
Kamen Rider Ryuki
Kamen Rider Blade
Kamen Rider Kabuto
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider W (Double)
Kamen Rider Fourze
Kamen Rider Gaim
Kamen Rider Drive
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (though still going, it's that good)
Remember that the quality of fansubs fluctuates. Avoid TV-Nihon if possible.
Wall of Shame