They better not kill him off already, the MCU is already in a bad spot right now in terms of likeable protagonists. Tom’s presence is one of the last few holding it together.
"When they cast the young kid in Spider-Man to replace me, whether it's next year or in five years, I'll take it upon myself to teach them about the responsibilities of being Spider-Man."
"Because it's huge. It's absolutely huge. Every time you walk outside that door, you're representing Spider-Man. It's tough. It's taxing sometimes. Because sometimes you just want to go to a pub and get absolutely wasted, and not have to worry about the ramifications of the public scrutiny of: 'Oh my God, what do you mean you got drunk?'"
"When you meet these young kids, and they're at the age where they can't really figure out whether it's real or not, it's so exciting. I always do the accent and chat to them. It's really fun. And it's a responsibility I've really loved carrying. But, when someone else takes my place, I will be sure to give them some advice about how to deal with it and give them my number, and basically say, 'Whenever you need me, mate, I'm here.'"

Tom Holland Promises to Help His Spider-Man Replacement
Tom Holland shared his thoughts about passing the Spider-Man role to someone younger down the line.

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