Boaty McBoatface
Never play indoor football/soccer people. All I did was move at a brisk pace to the ball, and then suddenly I partially tore my Achilles tendon, instantly putting me on the floor in pain.
One hospital trip later I was in a cast and told this will be on for many weeks, then it's a year of recovery.
Shits fucked. I'm supposed to be making a permanent move internationally starting May, got to pack and ship, clean up, finish work etc, but stuck in this cast until I get a boot, which even then I won't be able to move properly.
Anyone with stories? Recovery tips? Am I well and truly fucked?
I did get one cool thing out of it though, mate drew this cool stoned Sonic and other cool shit:
One hospital trip later I was in a cast and told this will be on for many weeks, then it's a year of recovery.
Shits fucked. I'm supposed to be making a permanent move internationally starting May, got to pack and ship, clean up, finish work etc, but stuck in this cast until I get a boot, which even then I won't be able to move properly.
Anyone with stories? Recovery tips? Am I well and truly fucked?
I did get one cool thing out of it though, mate drew this cool stoned Sonic and other cool shit:

Oh Gaf sorry for the negative thread I just needed to vent a bit