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Toronto Meetup VIII: The Ocho. #teamwinter won

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Because the last meetup was so fun. Why not have another? Also time to bitch about why the hell the last 2 weeks have been so chilly. Subways and the mayoral race. Why I chose this ramen spot over the other ones. RFDers hoarding all our Sony headsets. FanExpo prices being exorbitant and a rip off compared to PAX. Mr. Rager telling us which winter jackets are fashionable this coming season and which to avoid looking like yet another generic asian in a CG parka. I expect Kraftwerk to come fully bearded. Crewnh being modest about how much beer he can drink and then proceeds to down 4 pints in 30 mins. Sober having a sip of beer and then proceeding to lecture us about the nuances of the Splinter Cell saga. Kuro having to field tough questions about the lack of hot humid disgusting summer weather. Fuzzy will drive someone home because he's a nice guy.

WHY: There was general sentiment in the TOGAF community to have the next meetup at a ramen restaurant. There's usually one around FanExpo that Insy organizes but he's MIA from GAF currently.

WHERE: The turn outs have been quite good for these meetups. We get around 15-20 people on average. Enough that we get denied every time at Wvrst. The largest ramen spot downtown is Raijin Ramen near Ryerson Univeristy. It has the capacity to fit all of us nerds and hopefully 8pm is late enough that we have missed their dinner rush. Real ramen snobs would rather stand in line over at Sansotei anyways.


WHEN: Time of battle: Friday August 29th, 8:00pm. An early meetup generally happens before the main event. Often at a coffee shop near the restaurant/bar. Generally it's me asking if anyone wants to play Monster Hunter 3 Ulitmate on 3DS. But I got a Vita too dammit!

LATECOMERS: If you want to come hang out after dinner I doubt we'll be staying at the restaurant too long before they kick us out. We'll probably move over to a bar nearby for drinks. CHECK THE POST FOR UPDATED INFO. SOMEONE WILL BE DRUNK POSTING! Generally GAF meetups span 2-4 locations over the course of the night.

CONCLUSION: - 12:00am or later depending on what people feel like doing. Last meetup we got denied (again) at WVRST. Plan B was the Wheat Sheaf. Afterwards we migrated over to Chinatown and ate Korean Food. Following that we stumbled over to Don Don Izakaya and had polar beers. It finally ended at Big Slice pizza.

Kuro's Meetup FAQ:

What do we usually do?
Usually, we get around 16-20 people and just hang out and talk to real live people as opposed to talking to people on the Internet. Topics range from Rob Ford, gaming, sports, life, GAF gossip, Kraftwerk's beard, Kave_Man's fro, travel, etc. Many of us also have portable gaming systems (3DS/Vita) and games can break out when we're not breaking each other's faces.

Other than that, we usually drink some alcohol and maybe water in Kraftwerk's case, chat, and eat appetizers for usually 2 hours or so. Once we've been kicked out for rowdiness, we go to another place to actually get food. I'm guessing we're going to Koreatown for KFC (aka Korean Fried Chicken), but plans can and do changing depending on who is left and what they want to do. For reference, we've gone for Chinese, Sushi ,Vietnamese, burritos, and Korean afterwards.

Meetups can last until midnight, but people come and leave when they wish. In some cases these last beyond midnight, but this is rare because I think Kraftwerk turns into a werewolf and Kave_Man turns into a Yeti at midnight.

But I'm shy and scared of meeting people I don't know
Best way to get over that? Go out and meet some people. Yes, we don't know you, and you don't know us. However, the people I've met have all been friendly and we haven't had disagreements in the past. What will you talk about? What do you want to talk about?

But it's too far and it's too hot!
Yes...! Another convert of Team Warm! One of us was driving back from NEW YORK the night of the last meet up and STILL made it. Another came all the way from OTTAWA! The temperatures for the last meet up, I'm guessing, were colder than this coming meet up AND there was a power outage last time. Nothing...stops this train.

But I don't drink alcohol and bar food is disgusting
Come chat and/or bring your portable game system and play a few rounds of that popular video game with us. You can always come just to say hello, see the carnage, and be witness to the shenanigans.

But I'm poor...! :(
If you can make it, people usually treat others to at least one round. Of course, we aren't going to do this if Rob Ford or something like 50 crazies show up, but anyone who comes for a drink always gets one. You can always join Kraftwerk for some Kraft Water.

I'm busy doing [insert activity here]
If you're busy at home watching tv/movies or playing video games, they aren't going anywhere, and you can play games with us and discuss tv/movies with us. If you're busy doing someone, well...you can finish and then come visit after a shower of course.

I'm tired
Nothing brings out the energy like discussion and body slams.

Why would I want to go meet a bunch of Internet gaming nerds?
lol says the person posting on an Internet gaming forum.

I'm really hoping Soultron will make an appearance since he will school us all on his vast knowledge of ramen culture (he's an expert). He'll explain why the noodle was made with alkaline mineral water and how much pork bone/fat/collegen ratio is in the tonkotsu broth.

As per usual post in the thread if you're coming.

List of confirmed generic asians:
Quadratic (One pitcher of Coors Light on me)
AlphaTwoo00 (No longer needs a job in Gamedev. He's happier now)
mr.rager (Winter jacket scientist)
Brinbe (Raps in 4)
Sober (Poster child for generic asian)

List of honourary asians:
Soulton (Ramen expert)
Crewnh (Beer drinker)
Kraftwerk (Meets Cosplayers on the street)
Kinitari (Ex-Scarberia resident)
chaobreaker (I know you were there last time)
Nerfgun (Helvectica was so 2007 breh)
Whitehawk (East ender. Secretly the best end. Sorry peoples west of Dufferin!)
Lostconfused (Owns a PSP Go)
Fuzzy (Has a nice Assassin's Creed bag)

List of people I never met who could be a generic asian:
Junior Mint (Will not meet any women at this meetup)
Dyno (A new challenger appears)
Anony (tsilon meetup?)
ZZMitch (We can discuss the slim chances the Jays have at the playoffs)
FrankCaron (Judging by his avatar he's not asian)
Mupod (Fellow Monster Hunter fan)
Azih (Running out of witty quips)
Kabuki Waq (Azih's +1)

List of cats/Leaf fans:
Kuro Madoushi (WTF Kessel is only a 90 in NHL 15)
Quick (No opinion of him but he makes good Don Cherry impersonations)

Maybe asians:
Dr. Campino (I forgot to add a "maybe" list)
Rasheep (Fuggit)
FairyD (Last second maybe)



We'll post when we arrive which I assume won't be until 9:30-ish. If you get there early start drinking and come say hi. We won't be hard to miss.
I'll come for drinking. Probably not for dinner. Should be fine just checking this thread to find out when and where you guys start drinking at right?


I'll probably update the OP before the 29th on where we're headed after. My guess is Mick E. Flynns across from Maple Leaf Garden Loblaws.


I'm there, players. Thank god it's not planned for wvrst this time! :p

EDIT: Got that honourary AZN status. Thank you for accepting me, everyone.


Black Canada Mafia
I think I can make this one! I miss you guys so I'll see ya'll then.

edit: also I can walk there from home in literally 12 minutes.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member

I'll be there and will snatch victory for #teamwarm from the jaws of cold-death.

Generic Asian Guys can't generally grow beards to keep us warm in the frostbitten winter like you *points to Kraftwerk* Lycans can! Therefore, I challenge YOU to a Ramen-Off! >=[

Winner gets to troll soultron *points to vampirish hipster dude* about his boss's boss!

*points to lazy pussy* you watch and learn kave_man!

*points to lurker fat-ass* you'd better be there as witness and eat and run this time, EVILMARIO!


I should have really copyrighted those rules when I made my thread... -_-'


lool nice op! Add another Generic Asian to the list. Had a great time last meet up, got progressively drunk as the night went on. Good times!
I have some time off so I'll be able to actually show up.

Most of the time its such a hassle to go all the way down town after work.

Bonus points for not freezing my ass off at a buss stop at 1 am in the middle of winter.

Edit: Oh and I only have monster hunter 4, which I didn't play at all. So I'll probably show up to the early meet up, if there is one, with a Vita instead.

Smokes poutine isn't far away.

So we are getting Smokes at the next meetup! Excellent.


The Smokes near Jarvis only has a small window counter. And hardly any room for what is becoming a large meetup.

We gotta eat somewhere....


The Smokes near Jarvis only has a small window counter. And hardly any room for what is becoming a large meetup.

We gotta eat somewhere....

I'm totally in for Raijin. Lots of room, good food.

I'm just buying Quick poutine no matter what. It's a little side thing we got goin' on. Not trying to interfere with the main plan here.


Yeah, poutine could work after ramen and the bar after dinner. We'll probably take out and eat in Dundas Square or the Ryerson campus. They have tables and chairs set up along Gould now.


I would bang a hot farmer!


Gold Member
Fuck it, I'm in. I assume I saw enough of you at the Yonge and Dundas PS conference event, anyhow. Nerfgun, hold me.

Let's do this.


Also blame him for everything else wrong with Splinter Cell.

/drops mic.

Pretty much this.

Anything you didn't like in SCB, chances are I thought of it first, put it in an excel doc, and then forced someone to implement because my absolute imperative in life is ticking you off.

Real answer:
miso ramen is always a safe bet.
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