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ToS, Sheena, and You (actually, Me) (Strike vs Tech question too)

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit

I had a problem last night. See, I got to the wind temple, I thrash the boss. Got 5.58 GP of him (a new record for me) Then
Sheena shows up and I whup her meddlesome-busty behind. Now, I'm all proud, cause, you know she surprised me the other day by attacking me after the boss and proceeded to beat me down -- with no save points after the boss.
Now, the battle wasn't hard at all, I just wasn't mentally there.

Flash forward till after I reload and beat them both. I go to
next...never having went before cause I figured I'd hit it up after the
wind seal
. I go and the place is
. So I'm like: "Okay, sure. I guess this is what was supposed to happen." I see
. We go through a skit. And I had been hearing that
this chick was supposed to join your team right about now. And then...you know what? She leaves. LEAVES! ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHH! We heal her and she pledges to still kick my behind.
So I'm stressing a bit, trying to figured out what I did wrong. After all, I'm playing a Japanese console RPG not Torment or Baldur's Gate, so I couldn't have done something horribly wrong...right? I even visited an FAQ or two, none of which really spell out what might have caused this, but I deduced a few things.

Flash forward to this morning. I go to
ahead of time, remembering that I need to drop off this letter...and surprise,
the town is lively
! Okay, so I run into what's her name there (which is funny, cause she's supposed to be in the
hunting for me) and chose the first option. I got back and beat the
wind seal
with a lesser GP score. >:| Beat
....even more violently this time cause I'm getting tired of this woman....and proceeded to head to
Luin after stopping at Asgard
one last time. This time,
she joins!


WTF? Let me get this straight....just because I didn't come to this town before and watch you
play tag wit da keedz
, suddenly you wanna join me versus still killing

Man, did I feel STUPID. Something so..."simple" nearly screwed up the game for me. And because of the way I saved and overwrote, I lost three hours of playtime (4 hours real-time) and gaining techs. :\

Long Story Short:

Not that this warrants a help thread necessarily, but I wanted you all to laugh at my misfortune.

Question: Okay, so I have Lloyd equiped with the
Tech Ring
. At one point, he was going down and was well into his Tech side, then all of a sudden he starts going back to strike and I can't stop it. I did nothing but Demon Fangs for a while and he still kept increasing in strike. What's the deal? Why does it seem like the ring stopped working? Do I have to de-equip it for a while, then give it back to him? I mean, does it wear off?


um, you get sheena no matter your approach to the game. on my second playthrough i never saw luin in any state but destroyed. but the first time i got to explore it. you don't get sheena permanently until later anyway. she'll leave for awhile soon and then come back.

in short, no worries for anyone who was put off by this post.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Ah, wow. Excuse me while I bang my head against a wall.

Now, about that T vs S thing....

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Actually I got sheena after the wind boss but before going to luin.

To get her normally I

-Saw her in Palmacosta by the huge ships
-Saw her in one of those mini churches (Between palmacosta and Hosien Peak)
-Did the Palmacoasta Ranch
-Saw her at the Water Temple
-Did the Wind Temple
-Went to Luin

And she joined me at luin.

As for youe S/T type problem check what EX Skillz you have on Llyod. Each skill is either T or an S Type.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
As Orin says above, whether you are T or S depends on how many EX skills you have of each type. If you have the same amount of each they will cancel eachother out and nothing will change.

Honestly, I'd just ditch the T ring and swap it out for something much more useful. (You'll eventually get rings that add to your HP or TP, or rings that cut your TP cost). Switching the majority of your EX skills will get you to T just as fast. =)

Good luck!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Glad to help a fellow ToS fan! 8)

BTW, here is a really cool resource that I wish I would have found sooner:


It lists all the techs in the game, how to get them, and whether they are T or S. Don't click it if you want to be suprised, though. =)

In my game I decided what I wanted every character to be right away, and just stuck with it, so I haven't had much experimentation. However, from what I read it seems the different powersets are all pretty much the same and balanced (except for Raine, who should probably be kept as a T for full-group heals)


There's actually a couple open-ended portions in the game, where you can pick where you want to go, which order to do things, etc. Often times it'll just lead to alternative dialogue in cutscenes, like fighting the spirits in alternative order (ie:
go after Sylph first, you'll get dialoque where Sheena isn't confident in her skills enough to do this, and that she thinks Undine should come first
); while others, it'll lead to a different order of events in the storyline.

For instance, earlier on in the game, when you reach the first port town:
You can talk to the girl in the first house, then go and watch the scene between her & Max. You'll get the letter, get to travel on his ship to Palmacosta, and you'll then continue on with the quest in the Palmacosta region.
You can ditch Max, exit the town, and walk the long way around instead of travelling by boat. This will take you to the Luin/Hima/Asgard area instead of Palmacosta. You'll notice when/if you go back to the port town, Max will be gone: thus, you can't get to Palmacosta this way, and will have to do things in sort of reverse order.

So while these branches don't alter the course of the game by very much, as it's still mainly a linear experience, it does offer a few alternative ways to do things. And will hopefully help keep things fresh during repeat playthroughs.


Yeah, I didn't like how the game flirted with nonlinearity/branching paths when you're ultimately moving toward the same goal no matter what you do. It would have been cool to destroy all of the ranches in one shot and then watch the game change accordingly, or other things like that.

And Sheena kinda sucks battlewise, so if you don't get her early, then don't sweat it
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