All right, you guys made the request, so I'm making the thread...The basic story goes like this. I was chosen, being a senior in high school, to go to Five Points Maximum Security Prison in New York, along with two other seniors, and a group of about a dozen younger kids. We were going along with three teachers in an attempt to set an example for the "troubled ones" in the prison. Now I wouldn't mess with some of these kids...They're big, they're tough, and they've been through a lot of crap in their lives. And when they chose me to go, I was like all right...We'll probably see a couple of empty cells, and some fat guard will just try to scare us with stories. Boy was I wrong. I was in the most terrifying, and memorable day of my life.
On the way there on the bus, it's all laughts. We're missing a day of school, and we're seniors. We don't care about school. Were talking about what's the come, and laughing it up. The "bad kids" in the back are talking about how "bad" they are, talking about talking about doing drugs, and shit like that. Big freaking deal. We stop at McDonald's for lunch, and get off the bus.
We walk in, and the second we walk in, we're all searched. A guard feels us down, and makes us hand over any jewlery, wallets, or anything in our pockets. We are forced to tuck in our shirts, and shit like that. The guard gives us a short lecture on the rules of our "stay". We cannot speak with any inmates outside of the "Rec Room", where we will be heading later on. We're not to touch them, not to even speak out loud in the halls. We are not to stop walking, and we're supposed to walk in completely straight lines only on the right side of the hall. He tells us a bunch of other stuff, and we move on to the next room. I'm intimidates already, as is everyone else. And we haven't even started. We all just keep looking at each other with quiet gazes, with no idea of what lies ahead.
In the next room, we all have to walk through a metal detector. The first kid to go through...And it goes off. Jesus man, what's this kid got? A gaurd walks out from behind the counter with a huge fucking club, and tells the kid to follow him into the bathroom ahead of him. Oh my God. A couple minutes pass as we all stand around, dead silent. Finally, he comes out with the cop, puts his shoes on, and goes over towards the wall. This goes on, and just about anyone with Dickies gets sent to "The Bathroom". Lucky I was wearing jeans, so they give me back my shoes, and I line up on the wall.
First off, we get a little bit of history. We are in Five Points Maximum Security Prison. It's the highest security prison in NY. That explains the razor wire, and freakin group of albino deer outside when we pulled in. These guys are all murders, rapists, and big time drug lords. No small shit in here. They start showing us photographs of "incidents" that have went on inside this very prison. Pictures of people missing chunks of their face...People all purple from suffocating themselves...One guy with blood and puke all over himself from a package of heroin he swallowed, that burst in his stomach. Then they show us weapons that the prisoners have crafted. Hundreds of them. Shit made from anything, and everything. Tin cans, tooth brushes, you name it. They tell us about the "J" weapons they like to make, which are fat at the cutting side. This technique leaves deep wide cuts, usually to the face, which are nastier than any cut you'll see anywhere. Anywhere.
After getting stamped and the show is over, we move along into the actual prison. Where inmates are held. We pass through a gate just about every 30 fucking seconds. One guy watches all the gates, and has to check everyone through cameras, and then open and close the gate manually. The "tour guard" as I call him, keeps telling stories, showing us things, just as I though. We're all scared, but it's not so bad. Then, two guys come down the hall at us. They're wearing green. Inmates. They're not restricted by anything, they're just walking towards us. Oh fuck me. These guys could just reach over and grab any one of us! And if our guard goes down, we're all alone, with these 6'5" guys. We pass safely by them, but they stared at us, the whole damn time. Just staring, not saying a word.
Then we go into our first "residential" area. Along the right side, there are huge steel doors about every ten feet, with about a six inch window. Each one we pass, has pairs of dark eyes peering out at us. As we walk by, these guys are all screaming shit at us. It's hard to make out what they're saying besides "fuck", "motherfuckers", "bitches", and all the other obscenities that you know and more. And we're walking on the right side, right next to these guys cells.
All of the sudden, a hand comes flying out of one of the tiny slots in the door where they must slip mail and food about halfway down the door. The hand is stretching, trying to grab the kid in front of me. We can't talk in here. So he just keeps walking. Now, this dude's hand is like a foot from me, trying to grab me. The guard notices, and yells "OH SHIT!". He comes running over, slams the slot down on the guys hand, until he pulls his hand back in, and then he locks the slot, which was supposed to be locked in the first place. I look inside, and the guy is just smiling.
At this point, I'm sure of it. We are all going to die in this place. The guard doesn't say a word, just keeps going on about his story about razorwire. Occassionally they have animals fly into it. Each time the animal moves to free itself, another limb falls off. It's virtually impossible to make it through a razorwire fence, without dying.
Now, the gaurd turns around, and we're about to go through another huge steel door. It's dead quiet. He once again reminds us that we can't talk to any of the inmates. We are about to be "invading" their homes, and they aren't going to like us being in there. He pushes the button, and another guard inside opens the door. From the second the door opens, the sound explodes into our ears. It sounds like a fucking riot in here. I've never heard more cacophany in my life. Screaming and shouting coming from every direction.
Directly to our right when we walk in, is a guy behind bars. This room is all bars. Not steel doors, but bars. This one is in a wife beater, and screaming "LET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING BULLPEN!" and slamming himself into the bars, with everything he's got repeatedly. During our ten minute stay in this room, I never stopped hearing him slam himself into his bars, and screaming. It never stopped. Two guards just stand in front of his cell, shaking their heads with their arms crossed.
We walk past another set of bars. This guy delights us by yelling "You know what we do to little boys like you? We fuck you! We fuck you man! Yo guard put doughboy (The only fat kid with us) in my cell, and let me fuck his asshole! Let me fuck him!"
We pass some more cells, and go up a set of stairs. Apparently, the kid leading us in line looked at the guard at the top of the stairs wrong. He comes waltzing down the stairs and says "What the fuck are you looking at you pussy? I'll beat your pussy ass down if you look at me like that again. Why don't you have anything to say? Scared? Yeah you are you fucking pussy, because you were told not to talk, and your scared to talk. Speak up tough guy, let's see how tough you are. You and your fucking gay buddy here."
The guy follows us hounding us for a couple minutes. We see some stuff like the local barber, and head on back down the stairs. Like I said, it's complete chaos in here. This room defines the word. Screaming from everywhere about raping us, more obscenities, whatever.
Now we stop in front of our old buddies cell. The one slamming himself against the bars. He starts screaming at us, like he has been the whole time. But now, he's talking directly to us. He starts screaming stuff like "You think your touch bitch, I'm tough! I will fuck you! I'll fuck you!" And after a few minutes of verbal abuse, we move on.
Now we're heading into what is like the solitary confinement area. These guys are the big bad boys. They're locked behind the big steel doors again. A second and third guard joined us at this time, and they told us that they were going to take a prisoner out of his cell, so we could look around the inside of it. The head guard picked a cell, and the other guard asked if he seriously wanted to let him out. He said yeah, and they opened his cell. The inmate was sitting down, and instantly stood up. No kidding, this guy was the tallest, most muscular guy I have ever seen in my life. Two of the guards run into his cell, and throw him against the wall. Then, the third one walks in, and tells the first kid in line to come into the cell.
Of course, the kid just stands there, terrified. The cell is like ten feet across max. With half of it occupied by a guy that dwarfs Shaquille Oneal in both height and weight. The guard then starts taunting the kid, and finally gets him to come in. This is when we realize that we are seriously going to have to go into this guy's cell, as he is held down right there. This is this guys "home", and we are invading it.
Everyone that comes out, looks terrified. I finally get up, and walk into the guys cell. It's tiny as hell. And the guy is right there. He looks over, and he's flailing, trying to get away from the guards, screaming stuff about murdering me, and killing me just for the fun of it. There is nothing in his cell. A bed, maybe a tv I can't remember...And a toilet. That's it. He has the biggest tv you can get in there too...9 inches.
When I come out, one of the guards is lining us all up against the wall. He sends me way down to the end. I realize that they have us lined up, one person, starting into each cell. Well, through the six inch window of each cell. When I get lined up with my "buddy", he comes up to the window, with a bag of jolly ranchers, and starts yelling "Hey kid come here, I've got candy! You want some candy! I've got candy! I'll give you some! Just come here!" After a while yelling it to me, he switches to the kid he can see next to me, and starts trying to get his attention.
In the cell next to me, a prisoner is holding up an issue of playboy to the window. Don't ask me why, but he is. He just must be insane. He was yelling stuff about "This is the last time you'll ever see this!", but I wasn't paying too much attention to him.
After more harrassment from the prisoners, we are taken to the "rec room", where we are told we will be interacting with prisoners. We are warned to listen to these prisoners, and do what they say. Speak when spoken to by one of them, and do everything they tell us to, or they will get pissed, and the last thing we want to do, is piss a murderer off.
When we walk in, the prisoners start yelling at us first thing, telling us to get on the ground, and put our hands behind our heads. We all do. One of the bigger guys tells us that we are experiencing a riot in (some room I can't remember the name). I can't see any of the guards or the teachers anymore. And while I know a riot isn't going in, I can't get it out of my head...What the hell, what if this really is happening? What if it's like some movie, and they're going to use us as a bargaining tool? I can't believe it, but the fear is all there.
After a while of them walking in circles, getting down and yelling profanities in our ears, they tell us to stand up, and sit in one of the chairs in a circle around us. They give us all name tags, and they put them on as well. We then procede to sit through hours of this group of prisoners talking and interacting with us.
Sometimes, it got pretty funny. The inmates put on a few skits about stuff like dumb stuff we would do as high schoolers, and stuff like that, and some of the people were actually cool guys. And then when you find out what we did, it's just crazy to believe that someone who seems that cool, did something like that.
Since I'm legally obligated to not use their names, and their not to use mine, I will give everyone of them code names, to describe them to you.
Agent J- A skinny white kid, whose parents were beyond drug addiction. His mom gave him drugs to sell, and he sold them. Eventually, he got so deep into selling drugs that he carried a kilogram of cocaine with him in his car. The cops caught him with it, and now he's in here.
Laser- Short, but pure muscle. Sat directly to my right. Was in there for two accounts of murder, and rarely said a word. He just looked pissed the entire time. He kept flipping out at this one kid who wouldn't sit up straight in his chair. Eventually, "Laser", got up out of his chair, and started screaming at him, and running towards the kid, but the other prisoners in the room jumped out of their chairs, and threw him out of the room. We don't know if this part was planned or not, but it was scary. You should have seen the kids face. He flipped his chair over, and ran against the wall behind him.
Agent K- Funny guy, but he was in for murder too. 20 years if I remember correctly. One day he was out on the streets of some big city, and someone he knows did something. And a guy with a gun came after him, as a repercussion. Agent K ran away, and escaped, but circled back around, and knifed the guy to death, threw the knife on the ground, and walked back home.
JZ- May or may not have been a neo-nazi. But he was in for breaking and entering, assault, and a bunch of other things. He said he used to have fun by running into people's houses, tying them upside down from something on the ceiling, slapping them around a few times until their knocked out, and then steal some of their stuff.
Captain- Reminded me of Denzel Washington in Training Day. Was in there for drugs, but was a really likeable guy. He figured out that myself, and the other two senior kids weren't there to be scared or straightened out because the prisoners rotated in circles, and they got to ask us personal questions, and we got to ask them personal questions. It was really deep shit. The funniest thing that Cap said was he asked us if any of us had tried "X" yet. He said "that shit wasn't out yet when I got thrown in here".
Chip- Didn't say much the entire time, and I didn't get to talk to him, but he was at least 6'5", but got knifed a while back in his kidney, and almost died. And now he's back in the prison where it happened.
Strahan- He was one of the leaders of the group along with Agent J. Strahan was in jail because, he killed a man who attempted to rape his wife. Which is bullshit if you ask me. I'd kill a guy who tried to rape my wife too. His brother was also in jail, because he helped Strahan I guess. Killed the guy by gunshot.
So that's basically the guys I remember...But anyway, despite some of them seeming cool, you have no idea how freaky it is when your sitting there in a room, with a guy who knifed a man to death, and a guy who murders not one, but TWO people, on your right. Less than a foot of space in between you. The guards told us that these guys were pretty safe, but also warned us that they are still inmates, commited terrible crimes, and are under high stress situations 24/7.
So yeah, each and every one of them got up in front of us, and told their story. Their life, what they did to get into this place...And I felt bad for a couple of them. But, it was some really tense, and deep shit. They were screaming during parts of their stories, some of them were crying, they were all swearing left and right. I'm sure it's wicked hard for them to tell their stories, and have to look back on it, and see the right decisions, that they could have made.
And that was the point of us being there. They wanted to steer the "bad kids" in the right direction, and see the repurcussions of living a "bad" lifestyle, and stuff like that. When they were all done with their presentations, the guards told us that we had all already violated federal law, by accepting the name tags from the prisoners. So we all had to give out loud, a lesson that we learned today at this program, that we could apply to our own lives to be "pardoned".
I still have more shit to say, but I don't want to type forever, and I just can't even convey most of it, without you guys actually being there. It's just insane. I have never sweat more in my life. But looking back at it, it was quite the learning experience. I don't know if any of the other kids got anything out of it, but it definitely had an impact on me.
On the way there on the bus, it's all laughts. We're missing a day of school, and we're seniors. We don't care about school. Were talking about what's the come, and laughing it up. The "bad kids" in the back are talking about how "bad" they are, talking about talking about doing drugs, and shit like that. Big freaking deal. We stop at McDonald's for lunch, and get off the bus.
We walk in, and the second we walk in, we're all searched. A guard feels us down, and makes us hand over any jewlery, wallets, or anything in our pockets. We are forced to tuck in our shirts, and shit like that. The guard gives us a short lecture on the rules of our "stay". We cannot speak with any inmates outside of the "Rec Room", where we will be heading later on. We're not to touch them, not to even speak out loud in the halls. We are not to stop walking, and we're supposed to walk in completely straight lines only on the right side of the hall. He tells us a bunch of other stuff, and we move on to the next room. I'm intimidates already, as is everyone else. And we haven't even started. We all just keep looking at each other with quiet gazes, with no idea of what lies ahead.
In the next room, we all have to walk through a metal detector. The first kid to go through...And it goes off. Jesus man, what's this kid got? A gaurd walks out from behind the counter with a huge fucking club, and tells the kid to follow him into the bathroom ahead of him. Oh my God. A couple minutes pass as we all stand around, dead silent. Finally, he comes out with the cop, puts his shoes on, and goes over towards the wall. This goes on, and just about anyone with Dickies gets sent to "The Bathroom". Lucky I was wearing jeans, so they give me back my shoes, and I line up on the wall.
First off, we get a little bit of history. We are in Five Points Maximum Security Prison. It's the highest security prison in NY. That explains the razor wire, and freakin group of albino deer outside when we pulled in. These guys are all murders, rapists, and big time drug lords. No small shit in here. They start showing us photographs of "incidents" that have went on inside this very prison. Pictures of people missing chunks of their face...People all purple from suffocating themselves...One guy with blood and puke all over himself from a package of heroin he swallowed, that burst in his stomach. Then they show us weapons that the prisoners have crafted. Hundreds of them. Shit made from anything, and everything. Tin cans, tooth brushes, you name it. They tell us about the "J" weapons they like to make, which are fat at the cutting side. This technique leaves deep wide cuts, usually to the face, which are nastier than any cut you'll see anywhere. Anywhere.
After getting stamped and the show is over, we move along into the actual prison. Where inmates are held. We pass through a gate just about every 30 fucking seconds. One guy watches all the gates, and has to check everyone through cameras, and then open and close the gate manually. The "tour guard" as I call him, keeps telling stories, showing us things, just as I though. We're all scared, but it's not so bad. Then, two guys come down the hall at us. They're wearing green. Inmates. They're not restricted by anything, they're just walking towards us. Oh fuck me. These guys could just reach over and grab any one of us! And if our guard goes down, we're all alone, with these 6'5" guys. We pass safely by them, but they stared at us, the whole damn time. Just staring, not saying a word.
Then we go into our first "residential" area. Along the right side, there are huge steel doors about every ten feet, with about a six inch window. Each one we pass, has pairs of dark eyes peering out at us. As we walk by, these guys are all screaming shit at us. It's hard to make out what they're saying besides "fuck", "motherfuckers", "bitches", and all the other obscenities that you know and more. And we're walking on the right side, right next to these guys cells.
All of the sudden, a hand comes flying out of one of the tiny slots in the door where they must slip mail and food about halfway down the door. The hand is stretching, trying to grab the kid in front of me. We can't talk in here. So he just keeps walking. Now, this dude's hand is like a foot from me, trying to grab me. The guard notices, and yells "OH SHIT!". He comes running over, slams the slot down on the guys hand, until he pulls his hand back in, and then he locks the slot, which was supposed to be locked in the first place. I look inside, and the guy is just smiling.
At this point, I'm sure of it. We are all going to die in this place. The guard doesn't say a word, just keeps going on about his story about razorwire. Occassionally they have animals fly into it. Each time the animal moves to free itself, another limb falls off. It's virtually impossible to make it through a razorwire fence, without dying.
Now, the gaurd turns around, and we're about to go through another huge steel door. It's dead quiet. He once again reminds us that we can't talk to any of the inmates. We are about to be "invading" their homes, and they aren't going to like us being in there. He pushes the button, and another guard inside opens the door. From the second the door opens, the sound explodes into our ears. It sounds like a fucking riot in here. I've never heard more cacophany in my life. Screaming and shouting coming from every direction.
Directly to our right when we walk in, is a guy behind bars. This room is all bars. Not steel doors, but bars. This one is in a wife beater, and screaming "LET ME OUT OF THIS FUCKING BULLPEN!" and slamming himself into the bars, with everything he's got repeatedly. During our ten minute stay in this room, I never stopped hearing him slam himself into his bars, and screaming. It never stopped. Two guards just stand in front of his cell, shaking their heads with their arms crossed.
We walk past another set of bars. This guy delights us by yelling "You know what we do to little boys like you? We fuck you! We fuck you man! Yo guard put doughboy (The only fat kid with us) in my cell, and let me fuck his asshole! Let me fuck him!"
We pass some more cells, and go up a set of stairs. Apparently, the kid leading us in line looked at the guard at the top of the stairs wrong. He comes waltzing down the stairs and says "What the fuck are you looking at you pussy? I'll beat your pussy ass down if you look at me like that again. Why don't you have anything to say? Scared? Yeah you are you fucking pussy, because you were told not to talk, and your scared to talk. Speak up tough guy, let's see how tough you are. You and your fucking gay buddy here."
The guy follows us hounding us for a couple minutes. We see some stuff like the local barber, and head on back down the stairs. Like I said, it's complete chaos in here. This room defines the word. Screaming from everywhere about raping us, more obscenities, whatever.
Now we stop in front of our old buddies cell. The one slamming himself against the bars. He starts screaming at us, like he has been the whole time. But now, he's talking directly to us. He starts screaming stuff like "You think your touch bitch, I'm tough! I will fuck you! I'll fuck you!" And after a few minutes of verbal abuse, we move on.
Now we're heading into what is like the solitary confinement area. These guys are the big bad boys. They're locked behind the big steel doors again. A second and third guard joined us at this time, and they told us that they were going to take a prisoner out of his cell, so we could look around the inside of it. The head guard picked a cell, and the other guard asked if he seriously wanted to let him out. He said yeah, and they opened his cell. The inmate was sitting down, and instantly stood up. No kidding, this guy was the tallest, most muscular guy I have ever seen in my life. Two of the guards run into his cell, and throw him against the wall. Then, the third one walks in, and tells the first kid in line to come into the cell.
Of course, the kid just stands there, terrified. The cell is like ten feet across max. With half of it occupied by a guy that dwarfs Shaquille Oneal in both height and weight. The guard then starts taunting the kid, and finally gets him to come in. This is when we realize that we are seriously going to have to go into this guy's cell, as he is held down right there. This is this guys "home", and we are invading it.
Everyone that comes out, looks terrified. I finally get up, and walk into the guys cell. It's tiny as hell. And the guy is right there. He looks over, and he's flailing, trying to get away from the guards, screaming stuff about murdering me, and killing me just for the fun of it. There is nothing in his cell. A bed, maybe a tv I can't remember...And a toilet. That's it. He has the biggest tv you can get in there too...9 inches.
When I come out, one of the guards is lining us all up against the wall. He sends me way down to the end. I realize that they have us lined up, one person, starting into each cell. Well, through the six inch window of each cell. When I get lined up with my "buddy", he comes up to the window, with a bag of jolly ranchers, and starts yelling "Hey kid come here, I've got candy! You want some candy! I've got candy! I'll give you some! Just come here!" After a while yelling it to me, he switches to the kid he can see next to me, and starts trying to get his attention.
In the cell next to me, a prisoner is holding up an issue of playboy to the window. Don't ask me why, but he is. He just must be insane. He was yelling stuff about "This is the last time you'll ever see this!", but I wasn't paying too much attention to him.
After more harrassment from the prisoners, we are taken to the "rec room", where we are told we will be interacting with prisoners. We are warned to listen to these prisoners, and do what they say. Speak when spoken to by one of them, and do everything they tell us to, or they will get pissed, and the last thing we want to do, is piss a murderer off.
When we walk in, the prisoners start yelling at us first thing, telling us to get on the ground, and put our hands behind our heads. We all do. One of the bigger guys tells us that we are experiencing a riot in (some room I can't remember the name). I can't see any of the guards or the teachers anymore. And while I know a riot isn't going in, I can't get it out of my head...What the hell, what if this really is happening? What if it's like some movie, and they're going to use us as a bargaining tool? I can't believe it, but the fear is all there.
After a while of them walking in circles, getting down and yelling profanities in our ears, they tell us to stand up, and sit in one of the chairs in a circle around us. They give us all name tags, and they put them on as well. We then procede to sit through hours of this group of prisoners talking and interacting with us.
Sometimes, it got pretty funny. The inmates put on a few skits about stuff like dumb stuff we would do as high schoolers, and stuff like that, and some of the people were actually cool guys. And then when you find out what we did, it's just crazy to believe that someone who seems that cool, did something like that.
Since I'm legally obligated to not use their names, and their not to use mine, I will give everyone of them code names, to describe them to you.
Agent J- A skinny white kid, whose parents were beyond drug addiction. His mom gave him drugs to sell, and he sold them. Eventually, he got so deep into selling drugs that he carried a kilogram of cocaine with him in his car. The cops caught him with it, and now he's in here.
Laser- Short, but pure muscle. Sat directly to my right. Was in there for two accounts of murder, and rarely said a word. He just looked pissed the entire time. He kept flipping out at this one kid who wouldn't sit up straight in his chair. Eventually, "Laser", got up out of his chair, and started screaming at him, and running towards the kid, but the other prisoners in the room jumped out of their chairs, and threw him out of the room. We don't know if this part was planned or not, but it was scary. You should have seen the kids face. He flipped his chair over, and ran against the wall behind him.
Agent K- Funny guy, but he was in for murder too. 20 years if I remember correctly. One day he was out on the streets of some big city, and someone he knows did something. And a guy with a gun came after him, as a repercussion. Agent K ran away, and escaped, but circled back around, and knifed the guy to death, threw the knife on the ground, and walked back home.
JZ- May or may not have been a neo-nazi. But he was in for breaking and entering, assault, and a bunch of other things. He said he used to have fun by running into people's houses, tying them upside down from something on the ceiling, slapping them around a few times until their knocked out, and then steal some of their stuff.
Captain- Reminded me of Denzel Washington in Training Day. Was in there for drugs, but was a really likeable guy. He figured out that myself, and the other two senior kids weren't there to be scared or straightened out because the prisoners rotated in circles, and they got to ask us personal questions, and we got to ask them personal questions. It was really deep shit. The funniest thing that Cap said was he asked us if any of us had tried "X" yet. He said "that shit wasn't out yet when I got thrown in here".
Chip- Didn't say much the entire time, and I didn't get to talk to him, but he was at least 6'5", but got knifed a while back in his kidney, and almost died. And now he's back in the prison where it happened.
Strahan- He was one of the leaders of the group along with Agent J. Strahan was in jail because, he killed a man who attempted to rape his wife. Which is bullshit if you ask me. I'd kill a guy who tried to rape my wife too. His brother was also in jail, because he helped Strahan I guess. Killed the guy by gunshot.
So that's basically the guys I remember...But anyway, despite some of them seeming cool, you have no idea how freaky it is when your sitting there in a room, with a guy who knifed a man to death, and a guy who murders not one, but TWO people, on your right. Less than a foot of space in between you. The guards told us that these guys were pretty safe, but also warned us that they are still inmates, commited terrible crimes, and are under high stress situations 24/7.
So yeah, each and every one of them got up in front of us, and told their story. Their life, what they did to get into this place...And I felt bad for a couple of them. But, it was some really tense, and deep shit. They were screaming during parts of their stories, some of them were crying, they were all swearing left and right. I'm sure it's wicked hard for them to tell their stories, and have to look back on it, and see the right decisions, that they could have made.
And that was the point of us being there. They wanted to steer the "bad kids" in the right direction, and see the repurcussions of living a "bad" lifestyle, and stuff like that. When they were all done with their presentations, the guards told us that we had all already violated federal law, by accepting the name tags from the prisoners. So we all had to give out loud, a lesson that we learned today at this program, that we could apply to our own lives to be "pardoned".
I still have more shit to say, but I don't want to type forever, and I just can't even convey most of it, without you guys actually being there. It's just insane. I have never sweat more in my life. But looking back at it, it was quite the learning experience. I don't know if any of the other kids got anything out of it, but it definitely had an impact on me.