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Tracy Morgan says he's not ready to perform in first post-accident interview

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Tracy Morgan says he's not ready to perform in emotional first post-accident interview

This is very emotional-I'm glad to see Tracy, but I'm so sad for him.

Tracy Morgan sat down with Matt Lauer on Monday’s TODAY show, the comedian’s first interview since a deadly crash last June that left Morgan critically injured and took the life of his friend, comic James McNair.

“Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal,” Morgan said during the emotional interview. The 30 Rock star revealed that he would often watch YouTube videos of the crash as well as McNair’s funeral. “I had to know what happened to my friend, I had to pay my respects,” he said. “That was my way.”

The 46-year-old hasn’t performed since the crash, but said that he will return to the stage and screen once he’s feeling better.

“I love comedy. I’ll never stop loving her. I love comedy and I can’t wait to get back to her,” Morgan said. “But right now my goal is just to heal and get better. I’m not 100 percent yet. I’m not. And when I’m there, you’ll know it. I’ll get back to making you laugh, I promise you.”

Video at the link-must see.


I saw it this morning - so hard to watch
no intentional 30 Rock irony intended
. I don't know much about him outside of 30 Rock but I hope he continues to recover. It's obviously been a very tough process for him.


Damn, that's a rough interview to watch.

Tracy looks well, but he's obviously got a long way to go before he's fully recovered (if he ever gets there).


Although, I had to laugh when Matt had to throw it to the weather after all that lol


Damn, dude. The stuff with his nurse. And seeing his friend's funeral on YouTube. This is heartbreaking.


Get Inside Her!
This is kind of surreal for me, I don't think I've ever seen Tracy Morgan and been convinced he wasn't still playing a character. Kind of like Stephen Colbert. It's wild to see him just playing "himself" here, I can't say I've ever seen the real him before.

Great to see him up and out, too. I didn't realize he was in good enough shape to make appearances.


I don't think that's a good title for this thread; this is the first time we've heard him plan on returning to acting and comedy period. This is GOOD news.

Still, tragic. I was thinking about him the other week after binging Kimmy Schmidt and hearing he would've had a part on it. He looks better than I expected in this interview, although it's obviously heartbreaking to hear him go through the incident. Still, I'm happy to hear he wants to return to comedy, and it's brave of him to put himself out there with this Today interview.


Makes me wonder what Wal-Mart settled on.

And knowing Morgan, he probably gave all of his settlement to the family of his friend. Dude is a class act.


He's still such a big personality with a lot in him, but he looks so much...older.

I hope he does get better soon. We're all so thankful he's still around in a world that's been losing too many comedians as of late.


Makes me wonder what Wal-Mart settled on.

And knowing Morgan, he probably gave all of his settlement to the family of his friend. Dude is a class act.

Thank goodness they settled quickly and seemingly appropriately. So many big businesses can end up making it a nightmare to actually collect anything in that situation.


As someone who's been in a serious car accident, I can completely relate.

I have done my best to stay as emotionally detached to it as I can, and I think I've managed because everyone in my case got out of there alive. But it still gets you, and you still feel a huge sense of gratitude for the people that helped you in your time of need.

Even his attorney sounded emotional. He didn't sound like a lawyer - he sounded like a friend. The attorney I had to help me through it was also like that. I promised her once I get over my fear and head to California again I am taking them out to eat somewhere, and I wish I could do the same for those that helped me.

It's a humbling experience, all the things that you go through. You learn a lot about yourself, and your limits, and the vast capacity of humanity's kindness. You hate yourself for being weak, for taking a long time to heal, for still looking at the rear view mirror and freaking out a bit when you see a car coming up behind you.


Thank goodness they settled quickly and seemingly appropriately. So many big businesses can end up making it a nightmare to actually collect anything in that situation.

I did notice when Morgan said "Once we got the initial disagreement sorted out", or something to that effect, I do remember Wal-Mart initially denying their driver being on the road for 24 plus hours with no sleep.


I knew Tracy back before he blew up. He used to come into my barber shop selling bootleg DVD's and cracking jokes. He hustled like hell to get where he is. My heart breaks for him because I know he is a good dude that made something out of nothing. His return to comedy will be a tough one but I know he will find motivation and be funnier than ever.


It's hard to see him like this, but I'm glad he's on the road to getting better. Him talking about his nurse just broke my heart.


This guy is so great on the Stern Show, and Howard loved him. Good to see him getting back up and RIP to the comic who died.
damn that was sad, still it's great to hear him speaking again. I hope he recovers soon and gets back to comedy. dude was hilarious on 30 Rock and more recently Top Five.


I knew Tracy back before he blew up. He used to come into my barber shop selling bootleg DVD's and cracking jokes. He hustled like hell to get where he is. My heart breaks for him because I know he is a good dude that made something out of nothing. His return to comedy will be a tough one but I know he will find motivation and be funnier than ever.

So he really is Hustle Man
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