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Trump fans angrier about housing assistance when they see an image of a black man

New study shows interesting things about Trump supporters and racial resentment. Excuse me, "economic anxiety."



All it takes to reduce support for housing assistance among Donald Trump supporters is exposure to an image of a black man.

That’s the takeaway from a new study by researchers Matthew Luttig, Christopher Federico, and Howard Lavine, set to be published in Research & Politics. In a randomized survey experiment, the trio of researchers exposed respondents to images of either a white or black man. They found that when exposed to the image of a black man, white Trump supporters were less likely to back a federal mortgage aid program. Favorability toward Trump was a key measure for how strong this effect was.

The study is just the latest to show that racial attitudes are a powerful predictor for support for Trump — and the newest to suggest that such attitudes play a major role in Americans’ views toward public policy. Previous studies have found that racial resentment was a much stronger indicator of support for Trump than views about the economy. And other research has shown that priming people to think about race can make them more conservative on a host of issues.

This latest study is notable, though, because all it uses is an image of a black man to produce its results. That suggests that Trump has a powerful incentive to get people to keep thinking about race: If his most ardent supporters just need a slight racial cue to come around to his conservative policy views, then Trump simply has to bring up race to get his supporters fired up for him.

They found that the image of a black man greatly impacted responses among Trump supporters. After they were exposed to the black racial cue, they were not only less supportive of housing assistance programs, but they also expressed higher levels of anger that some people receive government assistance and were more likely to say that individuals who receive assistance are to blame for their situation.


Ok. I wouldn't consider those two images equal.

Did they also study on Democrats?

Also did they use just these two images?
It's almost like Nazis, KKK members and people who don't mind standing side by side with them aren't fond of black people.

Or something.
Ok. I wouldn't consider those two images equal.

Did they also study on Democrats?

Also did they use just these two images?

Yes, they did use Democrats. Well, Clinton supporters. We're not as racist, apparently.

In contrast, favorability toward Clinton did not significantly change respondents’ views on any of these issues when primed with racial cues.

The researchers concluded, “These findings indicate that responses to the racial cue varied as a function of feelings about Donald Trump — but not feelings about Hillary Clinton — during the 2016 presidential election.”


Yes, they did use Democrats. Well, Clinton supporters. We're not as racist, apparently.
Weirdly enough supporting the white image over the black image seems to still track with Clinton favorability, it's just ~10x weaker.

Trump "fans". As in fanatics. That's the problem right there.
Not favouring one over the other occurs at just under 0.4 Trump favorability. That's higher than I would have expected really.
The most scary part about the research in the article, is how easy it is to affect people towards negatively towards race and immigration. There is a lot of latent racism around.


It's obviously nothing to do with race

One of these guys has hair the other is bald

Open your eyes sheeple

Stop trying to divide us like Obama did. It is time to unify


It's obviously nothing to do with race

One of these guys has hair the other is bald

Open your eyes sheeple

Stop trying to divide us like Obama did. It is time to unify

my boss is bald

therefore bald people are cool

and I won't be fired

thanks obama
This isn't a surprise, and it isn't anything new.

Saying that black people and/or other minorities has been used to get white people to want to destroy social programs since minorities have been able to use social programs.


Why do you, after months, still misinterpret the 'economic anxiety' thing?
People having racist beliefs does not disqualify that theory because it includes this as the final result. Or are you just doing liberal anti-left propaganda?
Why do you, after months, still misinterpret the 'economic anxiety' thing?
People having racist beliefs does not disqualify that theory because it includes this as the final result. Or are you just doing liberal anti-left propaganda?

Hillary promised jobs too.


Hillary promised jobs too.
The right preying on economic anxiety works like this: There is a limited pot of gold, our (white) gold. The minorities stealing out of that pot is why your life sucks. Hate them, fight them and stand up for yourself to protect your gold and get what you deserve.
The right preying on economic anxiety works like this: There is a limited pot of gold, our (white) gold. The minorities stealing out of that pot is why your life sucks. Hate them, fight them and stand up for yourself to protect your gold and get what you deserve.

People have agency. I'm leaving the responsibility of each decision to the maker.


It's the glasses, surely?

I don't think it would make much of a difference but I would like your see the results if they used some of these images:

An elderly man or couple
A family with two young kids
A single mom with kids
A young man with tattoos and who wears lots of gold chains

This kind of study they did is fascinating but at the same time, it is sad that people have a hatred when POC get assistance.


The economic message was superfulous, just a rider on the church of Trump, It's really rhis in essence.
Which only makes sense if you also think about the economy. Why be racist at all if not to benefit from it yourself? See the pot of gold. Life is a game of team death match for racists.
Which only makes sense if you also think about the economy. Why be racist at all if not to benefit from it yourself? See the pot of gold. Life is a game of team death match for racists.

You overestimate by believing in an underlying logic. Immigrants are apparently simultaneiosly stealing their jobs, yet too lazy to work. The article states they would more likely turn down a social assistance program, one that would benefir them, simply with a visual juxtaposition of a black person. They're been lapping up that cream of white superiority for so long they can't bear to be made equal to others. They don't care about results, they just want to feel better about themselves.
The black man is having a reclosure, according to the sign. While the white man gets the foreclosure.

Plus that terribly exposed shot of the black man.


I'm just angry at both of them since the photoshop is quite bad and the two people don't fit nicely in the picture and have bad poses, lol. Other than that, there's no difference I feel between the two pics.
is it just me or is the white guy smiling a bit? looks like a smirk. and the black guy has a more serious look on his face..

that might affect the results a bit. i know i often judge people by their facial expressions, even consciously.

Trump fans are fucking stupid though, wouldnt surprise me if they are more racist than average. goes with the territory.


Which only makes sense if you also think about the economy. Why be racist at all if not to benefit from it yourself? See the pot of gold. Life is a game of team death match for racists.

Look unless you want a bloody racial caste system, we can forget about having glorious socialist policies that'll benefit the common man. These fools would cut off their own arms just so a minority won't get reconstruction surgery.


I may be in the minority with this, but I think this goes further than just being a trump supporter. I think the stereotype of a black person using housing accommodation is pretty prevalent in the states. The sub conscious is pretty strong even if you don't even believe these things to be true. Just even knowing a stereotype can cause a person to misinterpret what's really going on. Yeah, trump supporters are gonna think this immediately and more strongly than other Americans, but it is probably a bigger problem than just one group of people in the US.
I may be in the minority with this, but I think this goes further than just being a trump supporter. I think the stereotype of a black person using housing accommodation is pretty prevalent in the states. The sub conscious is pretty strong even if you don't even believe these things to be true. Just even knowing a stereotype can cause a person to misinterpret what's really going on. Yeah, trump supporters are gonna think this immediately and more strongly than other Americans, but it is probably a bigger problem than just one group of people in the US.

Ignorance is a choice.
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