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TV On the Radio announce new album 'Seeds'

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Today TV On the Radio announce their new album Seeds, coming this fall on Harvest Records.

Vocalist Tunde Adebimpe says: "We've been through a lot of stuff in the past few years that could have stopped the band cold; but I'm glad we got it together and took stock of the unique connection we have between each other because the record is, 1000%, without a doubt, the best thing we've ever done."

Seeds was recorded at Federal Prism in Los Angeles and produced by guitarist David Andrew Sitek.


Seeds Teaser


As a huge TVOTR fan, I'm really looking forward to this. The two singles they dropped on Federal Prism last year were two of my favorite songs of 2013. I don't think they will be on this new album though.


Million Miles

New single from the new album and lyric video

"Happy Idiot"



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
A lot of people have been talkin shit about them just not being the same since Gerard's passing, but I have full faith in them to release another great record. Hyped for this one.


oh cool! i actually thought Nine Types of Light was pretty good, i'm interested to hear the new album since its been so long.


Been a long time since I've listened to them. I wasn't a big fan of the last album when it came out, but maybe I should give it another shot.

EVOL 100%

I just listened to those two singles they released, they were pretty good. Sort of hopeful now

Sweet, although tbh I haven't really enjoyed listening to them since Return to Cookie Mountain.

They did lose that lo-fi aesthetic that they had on Cookie Mountain which helped made that one so great, but there was a lot of great stuff on the other albums too.
They put on the best concert I'd ever been to whilst touring for RtCM. Talked with them for a bit after the show. Got a signed setlist where they pointed out the point at which they lost sobriety. They were humorous fellows. It's a shame that Gerard passed so soon :(.
Exciting. TV on the Radio has made some of my favorite albums. Even their weaker albums contain stand-out songs that show-up most of their contemporaries.


I've only listened to a couple of shows of theirs but I absolutely love what I heard and I saw them live at a festival too before, I have no idea why I haven't actually picked up their albums yet and got into them, it's definitely time now. *goes to Amazon to buy older ones and pre-order this*
Nice, went to their show after they released Nine Types of Light. The first single sounds pretty nice and gives me good hopes for the upcoming album.
Saw them last night at 9:30 club in DC. Among the new tracks, "Careful You" is amazing live!

I've gotten a chance to listen to this new album a few times now, mainly cause it was on Itunes First Play last week. So far its not bad, maybe on par with Nine Types of Light. I actually think the weakest track is the title track "Seeds".

I'll update later with my top 5 songs.

OH YEAH, the album is OUT.
I really like the three-hit combo of Happy Idiot, Test Pilot, Love Stained.

Still might be their weakest to date. Probably about on par with Nine Types of Light.

So glad I saw them when Return to Cookie Mountain came out, and then when Dear Science came out. Two of the best shows I've ever been to. I hope I catch them to see the live versions of these songs.
This album actually reminds me heavily of Beck's 'Modern Guilt'. Not necessarily the exact sound (though Happy Idiot's riffs sound straight off that album).

TVotR has taken a sort of Beck-ian path. Their initial mish-mash of layered sounds, cues, and takes resulted in masterpieces of their time. As time has gone on, their sound has homogonized Dear Science -> Nine Types -> Seeds, and in the process has lost a bit of what made them amazing.

Beck's The Information --> Modern Guilt is a similar transitioning period for Beck. To Beck's credit, his eclectic albums also allowed him to release Morning Phase (more along the Sea Change/Mutations style).

While I like Modern Guilt and Seeds, they don't have the clashing, fresh feeling of the artists in their existential crises. Most bands hit this wall, but it's pleasant to see TVotR at least puts out a solid album after their early years.
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