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TW2005 Xbox or PC?


I havent seen any PC reviews for TW2005... so Im not sure.

I have a great PC (9800xt 2.1 gz, 512ram) and an xbox is an xbox.

So what are the strengths and weaknesses of each... which should I choose and why?


PC without a doubt.

Console versions are pure arcade gameplay where as the PC version is much more sim oriented. They are two completey different games unlike the rest of the ea sports lineup cross console/pc platforms.


Boom said:
PC without a doubt.

Console versions are pure arcade gameplay where as the PC version is much more sim oriented. They are two completey different games unlike the rest of the ea sports lineup cross console/pc platforms.

please explain


Please explain?


Tiger Woods on the consoles is such an arcade game that shooting scores in the low fifties is a common experience. You have the ability to put spin on the ball... AFTER YOU"VE HIT IT.

On PC, Tiger Woods is (and always has been) a much more simulation type of golf game. YOu don't see scores in the 50's, you can't put spin on the ball after it's been hit and the game is much tougher overall.

There's not much explaining that needs to be done. These games are two completely different experiences. One which is meant to be an arcade experience and one that is targeted for the true-to-form golf fans of the sport.

Seth C

KarishBHR said:
please explain

If you played it on consoles previously, stick with the Xbox. If you played it on PC previously, stick with PC. The two games are completely different.
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