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TXB interview with Itagaki - respect +1000


I can't quote the whole thing, but it is an excellent interview and he talks about Microsoft, Xenon, Japan, Code Chronus, and other stuff. Not his usual arrogant self... he seems quite serious and thankful to his fans.


Tell us something about the creation of DOAU that most people don't know…

Tomonobu Itagaki: I want to apologize to my fans who have been waiting for DOAU to come out. Of course, I look at the various message boards and see people feeling frustrated with the push back….they say.."pushed back...agaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn!!!!!!" in disgust. Here is a little story that relates to the game's delay:

With the development of Ninja Gaiden, I was completely exhausted both mentally and physically…it was a very strenuous project for me. When Gaiden was finished in February, I couldn't do and didn't want to do anything with games for a long time. I get so involved in making my games, for awhile, when working on Ninja Gaiden, I could close my eyes and see the Dragon Sword with it trails being swung around everywhere and my mind was set for that world. So, when I touched Hayabusa in DOA, I wanted to pull out the sword and slice everything; I was applying the thinking of Gaiden to DOA which is not right…DOA is a happy world compared to Gaiden. We had two separate teams working on Gaiden and DOAU, so when I finished Gaiden, the DOAU team immediately instructed me to join them in full force…right away….and of course I wasn't ready. I told them to be patient and to continue working on new content until I was prepared. Sure, we could have tried to finish DOAU earlier, but then it wouldn't have been a real DOA title. So I, along with the management came to the decision to delay the release. As you can tell from the script and the game, we are aggressive and hold high esteem for our work, but as we spend time showing the game we want to make it even better, and we will….but it will not be delayed to do so.

I really enjoyed playing this game online versus the people from our California and Tokyo offices. Look for me to be playing when we go online with DOAU, and I look forward to playing against the readers of TeamXbox.


Tag of Excellence
In the past I haven't really agreed with Itagaki nor did I like his attitude much but lately this guy is really growing on me. I'm loving all these recent interviews. It's very cool of him to admit his faults and realize that he needed some time off in order to properly produce the title.
<Thumbs up>, I've talked to so many in the industry who have been forced to get product out as fast as possible and to meet ship date no matter the cost. It's refreshing to know that Itagaki knows his limits and did what was best for the project. Yeah, it would have been nice to have DOA_U right now but as long as he's commited to making a good product and maitaining the respect of his fans then it makes it a little easy to swallow.


If he actually puts the effort he put into NG into DOA and makes it an actual respectable fighting game, than maybe I would respect him more.

I associate DOA with Mortal Kombat. All gimmick, no substance. I just rather play Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken or Capcom/Sammy/SNK 2D fighters.
I've got tons of respect for the guy, because he's one of the most honest and candid developers out there, especially among Japanese devs. He seems bit more sober now than he was back around when DOA3 was released - maybe NG's development took its toll on him?


Tabris said:
If he actually puts the effort he put into NG into DOA and makes it an actual respectable fighting game, than maybe I would respect him more.

I associate DOA with Mortal Kombat. All gimmick, no substance. I just rather play Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, Tekken or Capcom/Sammy/SNK 2D fighters.

I don't like Kojima games... doesn't mean I don't respect his work. If you would actually read the interview, your opinion may be different.


Queen of Denmark
jedimike said:
I don't like Kojima games... doesn't mean I don't respect his work. If you would actually read the interview, your opinion may be different.
IAWTP. He really is an interesting guy, irregardless of his games.


Chili Con Carnage!
What can you tell us about Code: Cronus?

Tomonobu Itagaki: Code: Cronus is still in the planning stage, but what I can tell you that in the opening sequence of DOAU where Kasumi's and Ayane's childhood days are portrayed, you may be able to get a hint of where I am going in Code: Cronus. And whenever I see Kasumi's or Ayane's childhood imagery in the opening movie, it really makes me want to finish Code: Cronus.

Sounds like Code Chronus is NG with Ayane as the playable character (sounds good to me)

I can't see the interview, what does he say about Xenon?

He says MS have done a good job with Xbox like Sega with Dreamcast and Saturn (high praise, lmao) because they are a software company first, so developer support is great, and he is sure Xenon will be just as great to work on.


Saint Cornelius said:
I don't think it's gimmicky, I mean, besides the bounce factor - the fighting is pretty deep once you get into it.

I agree - I picked it up recently, and I just dont see how it's gimmicky. The games really fun, and countering kicks ass.
I just don't get how someone can play Tekken and then call DOA a gimmick. Tekken is at best bottom of the barrel when it comes to fighting games.

Like I said in another threa...I'm no big DOA fan (I hate the fact that button sensitivity played such a big role in the third one) but it's still miles above Tekken. Actually, to compare any fighting game to Tekken is disgracefu.

As much as it even pains me to say it, I'll take the last Mortal Kombat game instead of Tekken anything.


I love Ninja Gaiden!! One of my favorite games this year so far. But DOA on the other hand is fun for a while but gets old really fast.

When a rookie player can beat the crap out of exprienced players in a tournament by only using counter moves. Something is very wrong!

btw...I read that in a issue of XBN (i think).


human5892 said:
For clarification...I meant Itagaki, not Kojima. I agreed with JediMike in principle, not literally.

Not sure if you'll keep the sad face or not. :)
nono. he meant that "irregardless" isn't a word. it's just "regardless."


Ghost said:
He says MS have done a good job with Xbox like Sega with Dreamcast and Saturn (high praise, lmao) because they are a software company first, so developer support is great, and he is sure Xenon will be just as great to work on.
lol. Is he the first developer to ever say that about the Saturn? I don't think Sega's own people would say that.


MASB said:
lol. Is he the first developer to ever say that about the Saturn? I don't think Sega's own people would say that.

Didn't Sega provide help to Team Ninja for the Saturn and Model 2 versions of Dead or Alive?


I have honestly never been the most technically proficient gamer when it come to fighting games, so it's probably no surprise that I prefer DoA over any other 3D fighter -- it is simply the most fun. I enjoy playing games with my girlfriend and people who just don't usually play video games. In games like Tekken and Soul Caliber I would completely destroy them as the would have no idea how the system works. DoA is far more accessible to neophyte gamers and are able to at least pose a challenge in some regard. I commend Itagaki for crafting a game like that. Fuck the elitists -- you're not being forced to play DoA. If you dig Virtua Fighter, play that. Is it really neccessary to spout the same insipid banter concerning DoA in every thread that concerns it?


Syckx said:
I have honestly never been the most technically proficient gamer when it come to fighting games, so it's probably no surprise that I prefer DoA over any other 3D fighter -- it is simply the most fun. I enjoy playing games with my girlfriend and people who just don't usually play video games. In games like Tekken and Soul Caliber I would completely destroy them as the would have no idea how the system works. DoA is far more accessible to neophyte gamers and are able to at least pose a challenge in some regard. I commend Itagaki for crafting a game like that. Fuck the elitists -- you're not being forced to play DoA. If you dig Virtua Fighter, play that. Is it really neccessary to spout the same insipid banter concerning DoA in every thread that concerns it?
This post rules.

It just boils down to the age-old issue of people having trouble separating the objective and the subjective. "I don't like this, therefore it sucks", and all that. It's like... I don't like soccer, but from watching and playing it a little, I know I'd be stupid if I were to say Pro Evolution Soccer sucks.

I realize DOA isn't as deep as other games, but why fault a game for failing at something it isn't even trying to do?
"Fuck the elitists"

Yep. It's just freaking games. Whoopdidoo if you're the Tekken MASTA or VIRTUA FIGHTER CHampion! Go You!

I enjoy DoA, and if you don't. So?


Syckx said:
Fuck the elitists

*thumbs up*

Who cares if its not as deep as VF and SC. Its fun, thats all that matters. I dont want another fighter trying to be VF or SC, DOA games IMO cater to gamers that either cant be bothered or dont have the time to get into ultra complex fighters.


Syckx said:
I have honestly never been the most technically proficient gamer when it come to fighting games, so it's probably no surprise that I prefer DoA over any other 3D fighter -- it is simply the most fun. I enjoy playing games with my girlfriend and people who just don't usually play video games. In games like Tekken and Soul Caliber I would completely destroy them as the would have no idea how the system works. DoA is far more accessible to neophyte gamers and are able to at least pose a challenge in some regard. I commend Itagaki for crafting a game like that. Fuck the elitists -- you're not being forced to play DoA. If you dig Virtua Fighter, play that. Is it really neccessary to spout the same insipid banter concerning DoA in every thread that concerns it?

You, sir, are my new favorite poster.


Tellaerin said:
You, sir, are my new favorite poster.

I aim to please. Somewhat.

And Itagaki can speak english; however, he does have a very thick accent when speaking the language. Obviously his interviews are translated, although he does at times direct a question or statement to the interviewer in English but not a whole lot.
cochese said:
I love Ninja Gaiden!! One of my favorite games this year so far. But DOA on the other hand is fun for a while but gets old really fast.

When a rookie player can beat the crap out of exprienced players in a tournament by only using counter moves. Something is very wrong!

btw...I read that in a issue of XBN (i think).
someone "experienced" that loses to a "rookie" is just a "scrub"...
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