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Uh-oh, Kerry using an old Bush Team tactic

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Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
When the conversation turned serious, Stewart asked Kerry how he would counter Bush's ability in debates to turn issues into a choice between his position and the opposition.
Kerry said the debates would be a challenge. "The president has won every debate he's ever had," Kerry said. "He beat Ann Richards. He beat Al Gore. So, he's a good debater."

If you remember back in 2000 before the presidential debates, Bush used the tactic of lowering expectation for himself and raising them for Al Gore, so when Al Gore didn't do decisively better in the debates than Bush the Bush Campaign could say that he performed below expectations and Bush performed above expectations. Bush also tried it this year with the Dem. Convention saying that Kerry would get a big bounce in the polls from it, and when it didn't, the Bushies once again said that Kerry performed below expectations. Now Kerry is trying to turn it around on Bush, it will be interesting to see how well it works, one things for certain, the whole lowering expectations tactic works a lot better when you're a challenger than when you're incumbent.

Jim Bowie

Which presidential candidates have ever said "This guy's a fucking terrible debater, I plan on OWNING him in the debates."? I think that Kerry (read Bush, read Clinton, read everybody) was just being polite and humble- nobody likes a hubris-filled candidate.
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