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UK chart. Driv3r breaks records in the UK


Congratulations to Atari. In other news McAfee is beating Norton. I think Norton did something wrong in their 2004 version.

http://www.charttrack.co.uk/html/uk/Software charts/All Software (All Prices).htm

* 'Driv3r' becomes Atari's first All Formats No1 since 'Enter The Matrix' a year ago (week 20, 2003), putting last weeks broken launch position of No6 firmly behind it. The PS2 version has the 11th highest weekly sales of any PS2 game, while the Xbox version has the 5th highest weekly sell through of any Xbox title. 'Driv3r' on PS2 also outperforms the highest sales weeks of all other versions of Driver with the best sales week of any title this year. Last weeks No1 Ubisoft's 'Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow' (PS2/XB/PC/GBA) drops to No4, while EA's 'Harry Potter - Prisoner Of Azkaban' (PS2/XB/GC/GBA/PC) falls from No2 to No3. Activsion have a good week with 'Shrek 2' (PS2/GBA/GC/XB/PC) the only other title in the All Formats Top 10 to move up the chart, climbing from No5 to No2, boosted by the imminent movie release coupled with 'True Crime: Streets of LA' (PS2/PC/XB/GC) which re-enters at No34. The highest new release is THQ's critically acclaimed 'Full Spectrum Warrior' (XB) which enters at No6 in the All Formats Chart, giving THQ 4 games in the All Formats Top 40 with Sega/THQ's GBA title 'Sonic Advance 3' up from No39 to No21 in the All Formats Chart and at No2 in the GBA Chart, behind 'Shrek 2' at No1. The next highest new release is Ubisoft's online-enabled RPG 'Champions of Norrath' (PS2) which debuts at No19. Codemasters' new release 'World Championship Snooker 2004' (PS2/XB) enters the All Formats Chart at No24, while their flagship title 'Colin McRae Rally 04' (PS2/PC/XB) re-enters the Top 40 at No33 due to retailer promotion of the PS2 version. Novalogic's war-themed FPS 'Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising' (PC) enters at No28 ahead of similar titles 'Medal of Honor: Rising Sun' (No29) and 'Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3' (No30).


No, damnit! Stop!



Deku Tree

I don't like it when buggy unfinished games like this sell because of hype.
It sends the wrong message to developers.
I feel ashamed to be associated with them fools, well I am from Ireland but it is close enough to be ashamed.


*Wonders how many of them will return to buy the Driver 4*


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Keyser Soze said:
I feel ashamed to be associated with them fools, well I am from Ireland but it is close enough to be ashamed.


*Wonders how many of them will return to buy the Driver 4*

Well, they obviously came back for part 3...which, despite being a bug-filled piece of trash, is STILL better than Driver 2.
Deg said:
Hype + good reviews = sales
Thus the misguided bit. I sometimes wonder why the hell people read non-Edge UK mags. From everything I've seen and heard, they make the NA games media look like angels, which we're not.


Any big sequel will sell well the first week, especially if it is heavily promoted. There's just a core base that will rush out and buy it regardless.

It will most likely be No. 1 in the U.S. this week as well, but most likely drop off rapidly.


Keyser Soze said:
I feel ashamed to be associated with them fools, well I am from Ireland but it is close enough to be ashamed.


*Wonders how many of them will return to buy the Driver 4*

Irish top 20


Well, they obviously came back for part 3...which, despite being a bug-filled piece of trash, is STILL better than Driver 2.

So you're saying Driv3r is a 95-7%+ game ;)

adrockthekid said:
Thus the misguided bit. I sometimes wonder why the hell people read non-Edge UK mags. From everything I've seen and heard, they make the NA games media look like angels, which we're not.

A better question is why should people read Edge, GamesTm or any magazine for that matter?
Deg said:
A better question is why should people read Edge, GamesTm or any magazine for that matter?
Because they're funny and/or informative? Subjectively, obviously. Also, some people (especially casuals) don't have the time or desire to track down every little piece of news online, and like to have it delivered to their house in neatly summarized form. Obviously, for people in the industry it's not nearly as significant to read about the Halo 2 release date or whatever because we were all at the damn press conference. We all hear all the news (for the most part) before it hits even the big online sites like IGN or GameSpot, much less print mags with their huge lead times. For casuals, and even hardcores who just don't care that much about news and care more about what's happening now, it's awfully convenient to get that mag every month and see a quick overview of what's happening in the industry and then get on with their lives. Plus, at least in the case of good mags, you've got the exclusive stuff that you don't find anywhere else: cover stories and the like.

I know everyone here at GAF hates the print media and their horrible tendencies, or in other cases like to fuel the wars between rival pubs, but the fact is that the games media exists for a goddamned reason, and for the most part that reason isn't the gaming elite (which most of the posters here could be considered a part of).

My point here is that lots of people love to be haters, and say "Pub X sucks! Their writing is terrible! They killed my parents! How the fuck could they score RalliSport 2 [which can blow me, by the way] anything less than a 9???" All of these fucks need to take a step back and realize that they're not the target audience. I fucking loathe Entertainment Weekly, and feel that anybody who likes the damned thing is clearly wearing a helmet and a bib. But I don't go around movie forums and flame those writers because they're not writing the kinds of things that I want to read about. I just don't read the mag and everybody's life moves along.

Sorry about the rant. I'm just sick of people demeaning my profession, when I do my goddamned best to contribute to a quality pub that gets across our message and that people like to read. Bah.


adrockthekid said:
Because they're funny and/or informative? Subjectively, obviously. Also, some people (especially casuals) don't have the time or desire to track down every little piece of news online, and like to have it delivered to their house in neatly summarized form. Obviously, for people in the industry it's not nearly as significant to read about the Halo 2 release date or whatever because we were all at the damn press conference. We all hear all the news (for the most part) before it hits even the big online sites like IGN or GameSpot, much less print mags with their huge lead times. For casuals, and even hardcores who just don't care that much about news and care more about what's happening now, it's awfully convenient to get that mag every month and see a quick overview of what's happening in the industry and then get on with their lives. Plus, at least in the case of good mags, you've got the exclusive stuff that you don't find anywhere else: cover stories and the like.

I know everyone here at GAF hates the print media and their horrible tendencies, or in other cases like to fuel the wars between rival pubs, but the fact is that the games media exists for a goddamned reason, and for the most part that reason isn't the gaming elite (which most of the posters here could be considered a part of).

My point here is that lots of people love to be haters, and say "Pub X sucks! Their writing is terrible! They killed my parents! How the fuck could they score RalliSport 2 [which can blow me, by the way] anything less than a 9???" All of these fucks need to take a step back and realize that they're not the target audience. I fucking loathe Entertainment Weekly, and feel that anybody who likes the damned thing is clearly wearing a helmet and a bib. But I don't go around movie forums and flame those writers because they're not writing the kinds of things that I want to read about. I just don't read the mag and everybody's life moves along.

Sorry about the rant. I'm just sick of people demeaning my profession, when I do my goddamned best to contribute to a quality pub that gets across our message and that people like to read. Bah.

I understand. Its all a complicated process that has to come together. Its worth pointing out that many casuals also go online nowadays. I for one believe that games magazines will always exist as long as mags stay.


Deg said:
In other news McAfee is beating Norton. I think Norton did something wrong in their 2004 version.
maybe it has something to do with norton 2004 being completely incompatible with audigy cards. well, that or the fact that it's a bloated mess of a release.


Driver 3, incompetence and corruption: one, two or three things?

Let's get one thing clear from the start. Medical science in the latter part of the 20th Century and the earlier part of the 21st has advanced at a dizzying speed. The average lifespan (at least in the First World) has been extended by decades in the last century or two, and the pace of the advance of that science is accelerating, not slowing. With stem-cell research, breakthroughs in cloning, keyhole surgery and more, humans will soon become all but immortal. There will be no illness, no injury, no trauma so severe that it can't be repaired, perhaps using replacement organs grown from your own cells, taken at birth and stored until they're needed. This is a good thing.

Because it means that, hopefully within our lifetime, it'll be possible to take the people responsible for signing off Atari's "Driv3r" as finished and ready for sale, imprison them in a dingy dockside warehouse, beat them to a prolonged, blood-soaked death over a period of several days using jagged rocks, then bundle them into a waiting car, take them to a backstreet clinic, have a corrupt surgeon quickly revive them before brain death occurs, carefully and diligently restore them back to health over a recovery period of weeks and months, probably involving lots of exhausting and painful physiotherapy, and then drag them back to the warehouse and beat them to death again. Except slightly more brutally.


That this is an awful, awful game is beyond any reasonable doubt. Scores ranging from 3/10 (Edge) to 3/10 (GameCentral) and all the way up to 3/10 (Eurogamer) testify to that (your reporter, incidentally, on playing the game extensively for himself can confirm that both the reviews and the scores are accurate), and enough has been written about the game already for there to be no need for the finer details to detain us here. All of the elements of a good game are in place, but only in the same way that all the elements of a spaghetti bolognese are in place if you chuck some dry spaghetti, cold tomato puree and frozen minced beef into a bowl. What you don't do then is declare the job finished and serve it up to the customers in your restaurant for £45. But that's precisely the stunt Atari have attempted to pull this month, in foisting the most blatantly, appallingly unfinished game in living memory onto the world's gamers - and having the mindbending gall to do it at a "premium" price point five quid higher than the already-extortionate norm for good measure.

"Awsome game. just look at the grafik and the things you can do I thiunk it's realy greate"
- real unsolicited testimonial from the Driver 3 website

So far so mundane, though. After all, shoddy half-baked products are the videogames industry's speciality - when did you last buy a DVD movie or music CD that needed you to download a separate "patch" off the internet to make it work properly? That, of course, is why we have the press - to warn consumers off such cynical and shabby would-be cash-ins and protect gamers with honest and perceptive professional reviews.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out like that.

A storm of controversy has blown up around the wildly out-of-step high-scoring reviews given to Driver 3 by, most notably, print mags PSM2 and Xbox World, both of which are published by UK magazine company The Future Network, which controls most of the British games-magazine market. Word rapidly circulated that the scores were the result of trade-offs between the Future magazines and Atari's marketing department, whereby the magazines would be allowed exclusive access to review code in return for guaranteeing 9/10 scores in advance. The twist was that this review code would be several weeks away from completion, buggy, and not necessarily representative of the final quality of the game. Nevertheless, the mags accepted this deal, and duly delivered the scores required of them.

Not long afterwards, disgruntled consumers, on playing the game for themselves, began to question the reviews, and in the light of the leaks, the magazines' staff were forced to admit that they'd knowingly ignored the problems in the game - most of which survived from the early "review code" into the finished product - in order to get the exclusive reviews. In other words, entirely abdicating their responsibilities to their readers in order to generate more revenue for Future and Atari. (And it should be said that reviewing unfinished code isn't the problem per se here. The problem is reviewing unfinished code while pretending to your readers that you're not. Just so we're clear.)

"It's a great game and we stand by the review... perhaps a 9 was a little too enthusiastic"
- Nick Ellis, Deputy Editor of Xbox World, responds uncertainly to the criticism on the Games Radar forum

This isn't, of course, the first time this sort of thing has happened, nor anywhere near it. Your reporter was subjected (unsuccessfully) to similar pressures by Future management when he worked for the company as far back as the early 1990s, and tales of other games benefitting from such chicanery are legion. Who could forget Rise Of The Robots , from a previous incarnation of Atari, garnering 90-plus scores from various Amiga mags? ("Arms were twisted... let's leave it at that", said one editor a few months later). Or Lucasarts' diabolically useless Phantom Menace game notching 9/10 from Official Playstation Magazine a year or two later, coincidentally after some lavish trips to the Skywalker Ranch in America for some Star-Wars-fanboy journos? And the less said about the same mag's run of 10/10 scores for all of the increasingly-rubbish Tomb Raider series the better.

So in a sense it's a little surprising that everyone's kicking up such a big fuss about it this time. The UK videogames magazine business has been so debased and compromised for so long now that those of us who know anything about the way it operates find it hard to summon up the outrage that such blatant and craven corruption deserves. Editors are rarely told explicitly by their managers to do such things, but are placed in positions where there is often little realistic alternative. But the most depressing thing isn't that it happens. The most depressing thing is how little it matters.

The industry's chattering classes are full of fret about the implications of DriverThreeGate, but the truth is that there are unlikely to be any. The percentage of gamers who read print videogames magazines has been in steady decline for years, and is unlikely to reverse as more and more people get access to broadband and the limitless supply of gaming information (and more importantly, moving/playable footage) it offers.

The most successful gaming magazine currently in print (Official Playstation 2 Magazine) reaches less than 5% of its potential audience of PS2 owners, and most mags struggle for even a small fraction of that. The overwhelmingly vast majority of gamers never buy or read videogames publications (and who can blame them?), and hence what those mags say about Driver 3, or what their reasons for doing it are, will never even enter their sphere of consciousness. When the nation's biggest game retailer offers no-quibble money-back guarantees on any game if you don't like it, why pay someone else five or six quid to illiterately and ineptly judge a half-finished version of it for you, when you can just try it for yourself for 10 days (probably at least twice as much time as the reviewer got to spend with it, and you've got the proper finished version too) with no risk and make your own mind up?

"The whole question of how trustworthy reviews are has been given an airing again - along, of course, with the ultimate question of the credibility of publications which are supported by ads for the products which they attempt to review impartially."
- gamesindustry.biz

So here's the real lesson of Drive-three-er, chums. Videogames magazines and videogames publishers nowadays exist solely as a mutual-support network aimed at squeezing money out of your pockets and into theirs. They know only too well that the days of games mags are numbered, so they have no interest in building reader loyalty, and hence no interest in integrity. All they want is to get as much cash out of you as possible before they die forever. And the best way of doing that is by hyping publishers' games, artificially inflating readers' enthusiasm, getting lucrative advertising from the publishers in return, and meanwhile cutting back on staff and budgets to the point that even reviewers naive enough to want to do their job properly simply don't have the time or the resources for it.

To criticise games mags for doing that in the current climate is a bit like criticising a hungry tiger for killing antelopes. Driver 3 is going to sell in huge numbers regardless, because gamers are credulous and stupid and 97% of them don't read reviews in the first place, so why cut your own throat and piss off your advertisers by telling the few readers you have left something that most of them don't want to know anyway? Also, the harsh truth is that magazine readers deserve no better - if you're going to buy Official Playstation Magazine in hundreds of thousands and let the likes of Arcade die, then you're sending a pretty clear message out to the mag publishers, and that message is "We like being spoonfed bland corporate cheerleading tripe that says all games are great and worth buying, because that makes us feel good about buying them, so please give us more". The number of people rushing to games forums to defend Atari's right to rip them off with a cynically-priced, half-finished, shoddy rush job of a fundamentally-broken game (and even if you somehow manage to glean some enjoyment from it, those things are true regardless) only serves to back up that assertion.

Games magazines, and to a considerable extent the entire concept of professional games reviewing, simply don't matter any more. If you want the job doing properly, do it yourself. We should be grateful to Driver 3, and to PSM2 and Xbox World, for providing the clearest illustration of that truth that anyone could wish for, rather than bitterly attacking them for it.



What it tells you is despite everyone who reads this site and others like it are only a small proportion of the game playing world. The casual gamer does not spend their life reading gaming sites.


Scary Euro Man
I'd normally come into a thread like this, mock the clueless person posting it, and point out some of the crap that makes the US charts on a regular basis.

On this occasion, though...



American gamers cry:


Canadian gamers, such as Mike Works, cry:


British gamers cry, but I don't have the time to illustrate that.

In the end, we all cry.



Well, Atari's 2 fer 2 on releasing hyped product that turned out crappy, but still sells tons. This means they'll only do it more. :(


Street Fighter IV World Champion
I would like to apologise on behalf of the nation I habitate.

Yes, we lack dress sense, taste...


...and an enviable culinary delicacy (jellied eels anyone), but we have given the world Black Sabbath, annoying Hollywood transplants like Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon and of course, classic Amiga games.

I blame the weather frankly.




well, i'm ashamed of the NoGameCube N°2 position in France, but at least Driv3r isn't on the top.


The crappy Getaway sold well in the UK as well. Driv3r has been hyped for so long in the UK and marketing is all consuming. Of course, sales will slow down once the copies are returned to shops. Maybe Driv3r will record negative sales for the second week?

Anyway I don't agree with 3/10, but I think a lot of people are fed up with Atari PR. It's payback time.
British always had bad taste, like they always had bad tabloids so who cares, heck i remember in one month they put Finding nemo for PS2 at the number one spot.....so this is old news.....


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Bluemercury said:
British always had bad taste, like they always had bad tabloids so who cares, heck i remember in one month they put Finding nemo for PS2 at the number one spot.....so this is old news.....

True. And of course, there is the regular FIFA re-entries (even when it was very shit), Tomb Raider 3, The Matrix, etc...


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's just not our industry anymore :( Obviously people are just buying into the marketing..I hope this becomes one of the most returned games ever.


Knows the Score
boutrosinit said:
I would like to apologise on behalf of the nation I habitate.

Yes, we lack dress sense, taste...


After having to look at that for too long, I'm pretty sure those are halloween costumes.
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