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Under the Skin screens


works for Gamestop (lol)











Capcom really should port this to the GC, too. This just seems to fit the demographic of GC fans better.
That's some terrible artwork!!! Is it for Xbox? Actually wait, if it's for GC I retract that statement, and put in place "Teh artw3rk is awes0me much bettear than teh Fable!11"

But really, it looks like the bastard child of JSR and Goemon.
It's only for the PlayStation 2 right now. And I'd just like to add...Panic Maker is such a better name. The game does look fun though.


Optimistic said:
That's some terrible artwork!!! Is it for Xbox? Actually wait, if it's for GC I retract that statement, and put in place "Teh artw3rk is awes0me much bettear than teh Fable!11"

God people like you are idiots. This game though, is fucking awesome and was one of my top 5 games at E3. Ridiculous amounts of fun to be had.
I wasn't so sure about this when it first showed. The city was bland seeming, but then the Resident Evil chibi and now some cowboy luv... it's getting real interesting. So, how many themes/levels are planned? Variety sells this game for me.
Meier said:
God people like you are idiots. This game though, is fucking awesome and was one of my top 5 games at E3. Ridiculous amounts of fun to be had.

Are you sure it wasn't just because of the close proximity to Taiko no Tatsujin? You gotta play something[b/] (briefly) when your arms get tired from hours of don-don-da-donning on that plastic slab!

Seriously though, I thought it seemed really rad too, though I had practically no idea what I was doing. I can't wait to sit down with a finished copy and no time constraints to worry about.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Studio 4 rawks!!

This game does indeed look like fun. It kinda reminds me of something Sega would have made in the Dreamcast games...you know along the lines of Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio. Either way I think Capcom has something good on their hands, now they just need to clean up the US release name. Panic Maker makes more sense in English than Under the Skin, especially when you consider what the gameplay revolves around.

Sho Nuff

Li Mu Bai said:
Thanks for catching my typo, you troglodyte.

It is my pleaseaure!

BTW when I asked the Magic 8-ball if this would be coming out on GC, it replied "GC PORTS DON'T SELL, ASK AGAIN LATER"


Jesus, do you guys have to go in every thread, making it known how much you wish a game will be ported over to GC or how it WILL be ported over? Come on now...


ToyMachine228 said:
I'd imagine Capcom wants to see how the game does on the PlayStation 2, before they even consider a GameCube port.

Frankly, I think if they were seriously considering a GameCube port they would be making a GC version at the same time. Capcom has yet to actually port any PS2 games to the GC--ports have been going the other way around from the GC to the PS2.
ge-man said:
Capcom has yet to actually port any PS2 games to the GC--ports have been going the other way around from the GC to the PS2.

Technically your wrong...Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, and Capcom VS SNK 2: EO on the GameCube may have been based on the PS2 version of Capcom VS SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium.
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