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University of Manchester Students' Union bans clapping


A student union has ditched clapping, whooping and cheering in favour of "jazz hands".
Reps at the University of Manchester voted to replace noisy appreciation with the British Sign Language (BSL) equivalent - a wave of both hands.
Union officer Sara Khan said traditional clapping can cause issues for students with autism, sensory issues or deafness.
But the move was criticised by some who accused students of being "pampered".
Under the new measures, BSL clapping will be used at student events such as debates, panels and talks.

Student groups and societies will also be encouraged to move away from audible clapping.
'Respectful environment'
Ms Khan, the union's liberation and access officer, who proposed the motion at a recent meeting said clapping can "discourage" some from attending democratic events.
So-called "jazz hands", she said, encouraged an "environment of respect".
"I think a lot of the time, even in Parliamentary debates, I've seen that clapping, whooping, talking over each other, loud noises, encourages an atmosphere that is not as respectful as it could be," she said.

The students' union say clapping affects people with certain health issues
Ms Khan said the union was looking for more ways to make its events more inclusive.
News of the measure was met with criticism in some quarters, with broadcasters Piers Morgan and Jeremy Vine among those weighing in.
Morgan said it was a sign of Britain "losing its mind", while Vine posted a picture of soldiers in the trenches during WW1, suggesting they had managed to "ignore the difficulties caused by sudden noises 100 years ago".

The National Union of Students, which introduced BSL clapping at its events in 2015, said individual unions acknowledge the needs of all their students and respond to their needs.
"We should all aspire to improve our public spaces so that all members of society feel comfortable and able to contribute fully."


soo....I don't know how to perceive this...

it sounds "noble" in a sense since its protecting certain people... but on the other hand it's really stupid to ban clapping... like how stupid are these people?

Its my local city, and I know from experience people are going to fight against it, and clap to annoy people, but surely there isn't going to be repercussions from someone clapping... ?

"what did you get thrown off your course for son"


like come on.


Isn't this the student union that recently got rid of Kipling's If poem because it was "racist"?

Edit: yeah, it is. A quick browse at Ms Khan's Twitter tells me everything I need to know. She's obsessed with diversity and identity politics to put it mildly.
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the fast waving of jazz hands during a bright sunny day can cause seizures, better ban that as well and do something else


Union officer Sara Khan said traditional clapping can cause issues for students with autism, sensory issues or deafness.

My clapping is bothering the deaf guy in the room?


I have worked with kids with ASD and EBD for years. You know what we as rational educators do? We gauge the kids reactions based on an IEP. If they have sensitivity to noise yet want to go to the pep-fest, we provide them with headphones or ear plugs. Wow. Problem solved without making the entire school have to accomidate one child. Pretty crazy I know.


Gold Member
Finger-snapping wasn't a hipster-enough option?



First world problems. Is this the state of schooling now a days that the unions have time to devote to such stupidness and foolishness?

Whats next, ban colored clothing because it offends some peoples sensitve eyes? Only black and grey clothing LOL.
As a parent of a blind and autistic child with major sensory issues I can at least applaud the attempt. :messenger_clapping:

Banning loud motorcycles and cars with shit mufflers would go a lot further though. /s

Since that isn't going to happen though I think my son still (no matter how difficult for him) needs to learn to cope with these sensory issues on his own as best he can. I don't know how much he understands about the world but someday I won't be there and if there is one thing I've learned in life it is that nobody gives a fuck about you unless you have something to offer them. Like SJW street cred or something.


Who the heck are they trying to include? Hearing sensitive people?

Since she thinks this will stop discouraging people from attending democratic events, has she even thought about how they are going to get there while avoiding loud noises? She hasn't thought this through.
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John Day

I have worked with kids with ASD and EBD for years. You know what we as rational educators do? We gauge the kids reactions based on an IEP. If they have sensitivity to noise yet want to go to the pep-fest, we provide them with headphones or ear plugs. Wow. Problem solved without making the entire school have to accomidate one child. Pretty crazy I know.
Those damn headphones cost a lot man! Like, cents to the dollar bro!

Yeah, i know lol.


the jazz hands thing is hilarious. i want to see videos of talks. i want to see someone give a speech that has a lot of applause breaks and see the audience shaking their hands like circus mimes after every sentence.


Yep, change the norms for the 99.9% because of the problems with the 0.1%.

Social lunacy in a nutshell.


Elden Member
Just so we keep things like this open and honest, can someone update the OP with the fact they didn’t ban clapping?
I have worked with kids with ASD and EBD for years. You know what we as rational educators do? We gauge the kids reactions based on an IEP. If they have sensitivity to noise yet want to go to the pep-fest, we provide them with headphones or ear plugs. Wow. Problem solved without making the entire school have to accomidate one child. Pretty crazy I know.
Mental illness have truly infected the academia.

There may come a day that when someone says they're Napoleon Bonaparte, people will actually be made to follow along and accommodate.

Clapping was not banned, you can do it as you may.

But they do encourage BSL (British Sign Language) to reach those who may need it to be included. So basically, nothing has changed.
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