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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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I still feel the white walkers aren't all bad/have some agenda other than kill all humans. GRRM has stated time and again his distaste for generic doomsday villains.

...But then, he also stated his distaste for fantasy making all the bad guys ugly, then turns around and makes all the worst characters in his story hideous (Frey and Ramsay in the books are grostesque unlike the show) so who knows at this point.

Yeah, Personally I like the theory that the others built the wall to keep men out, not the other way around, but we'll see how it goes.

But yeah, considering Martin has shared multiple times how he hates the orcs for being mindless villains, I agree the Others will not be that.






(Lots) more:


Last 10 minutes was some of the cheesiest television I've ever seen; felt like an 80s action movie. Season is really weak so far.


Question book readers: With R + L = J and all. If Jon was born in Tower of Joy, it being located in Dorne, shouldn't he be called Jon Sands instead? With bastard last names being based on region. Or does the region of where you were born not matter, but it's based on where your parents are from?
Question book readers: With R + L = J and all. If Jon was born in Tower of Joy, it being located in Dorne, shouldn't he be called Jon Sands instead? With bastard last names being based on region. Or does the region of where you were born not matter, but it's based on where your parents are from?

It depends on whether Rhaegar and Lyanna were married.


Question book readers: With R + L = J and all. If Jon was born in Tower of Joy, it being located in Dorne, shouldn't he be called Jon Sands instead? With bastard last names being based on region. Or does the region of where you were born not matter, but it's based on where your parents are from?

Not sure, I think it's basically where you were raised. For example, Robert's bastards are Edric Storm (cause he was raised in the stormlands), Mya Stone (cause she was for Royce in the Eerie), and I think Gendry was a Waters because he was a King's Landing baby.
Let's say they weren't. Is he a Sands or a Snow?

It seems it's almost always based on the father/lords name and where they are from, not to do with where you are born. That's if you are at least acknowledged and known for being a bastard.

^ where was gendry ever called a waters? No one knew who or what he was.
Stannis said:
Renly offered me a peach. At our parley. Mocked me, defied me, threatened me, and offered me a peach. I thought he was drawing a blade and went for mine own. Was that his purpose, to make me show fear? Or was it one of his pointless jests? When he spoke of how sweet the peach was, did his words have some hidden meaning? Only Renly could vex me with a piece of fruit. He brought his doom on himself with his treason, but I did love him, Davos. I know that now. I swear, I will go to my grave thinking of my brother’s peach

in the show Brienne delivers "he was sorry before I executed him"

ugughghgughggughg brienne the worst though


Loras "I was never strong"

other than that it was an alright episode but the dany reveal was just a retread of the s1 finale
oh also

so Ramsay had 5,000 good men out of nowhere (Boltons aren't a major house and this was before they had the north as allies iirc) BEFORE Stannis' battle and now he's still a force to be reckoned with?


It seems it's almost always based on the father/lords name and where they are from, not to do with where you are born. That's if you are at least acknowledged and known for being a bastard.

^ where was gendry ever called a waters? No one knew who or what he was.

He was never called a Waters because he was unacknowledged, but if he were, he should've been a Waters based on how his half-siblings were named.
oh also

so Ramsay had 5,000 good men out of nowhere (Boltons aren't a major house and this was before they had the north as allies iirc) BEFORE Stannis' battle and now he's still a force to be reckoned with?

I thought it was implied the sellswords that came with stanis and deserted them on their march all joined the Boltons.

That's why stains was meet by a shit load of cavalry when he finally reached winterfell that totally surrounded his forces.


You are entitled to like whatever you like, and others are entitled to dislike it. I'm objecting to your claim that people dislike it simply because it was "changed from the books". No. I dislike it because they are bad writing. And I know plenty of people who's never read the books that have similar complaints about the parts I mentioned, because they thought it was bad, not because they object to the changes from a book they never read.

There have been more than a few cases of bad writing in the show, no question. The show is not above criticism. D&D have made some mistakes, but they've also done great work like taking Hardhome from an "off screen" story to one of the best episodes of television we've ever seen; hitting most of the high notes from the series while avoiding scores of its ridiculous excesses.

The other thread critiques the show where it deserves it and is not full of unrepentant grouches who could never be satisfied like this one is.



Chrys reviews are freaking hilarious.

Also this new ship of Tormund and Brienne is the thing I didn't know I wanted, it makes so much sense.

Last 10 minutes was some of the cheesiest television I've ever seen; felt like an 80s action movie. Season is really weak so far.

I agree about the ending, and I really like Dany overall but something about the stunt choreography was just goofy, those were the lamest Khals ever.

But this season is at the very least far better than season 5, like, by a whole lot.


Loras "I was never strong"

Urrgh one of the things I just decided to pretend never happened is Loras portrayal on the show.


So Jon blackfyre?

No. Since he was born in dorne it maybe sands or since he was acknowledged by Lord Stark it should still be snow.

Region Surname Example
Crownlands Waters Aurane Waters
Dorne Sand Nymeria Sand
Iron Islands Pyke Wex Pyke
North Snow Jon Snow
Reach Flowers Robert Flowers
Riverlands Rivers Walder Rivers
Stormlands Storm Rolland Storm
Vale of Arryn Stone Mya Stone
Westerlands Hill Joy Hill
Last 10 minutes was some of the cheesiest television I've ever seen; felt like an 80s action movie. Season is really weak so far.

That's kinda how I feel about a lot of her big moments through out the entire show tbh. She's constantly getting herself in bad situations by making really stupid decisions then just kinda wills her way out of it. I find her impossible to root for.


Quality Pycelle scene. His schtick still works for me.

Was expecting him to fart when Cersei walked in, or at least give a little 'toot' when he walked out.

Oh, and so the Tyrells are going to invade Kings Landing and depose the Faith Militant before Cerseis trial and deprive us of Clegane Bowl? Nooooooo :(


Lol. What difference does it even make? There should have just been one thread this year.

I'm sure people would love us "predicting" Kevan getting killed by Qyburn's birds or The Hound's return or Euron sailing to Dany or Lady Stoneheart.

And they'd especially love a detailed discussion of how D&D and Martin differ.
Question book readers: With R + L = J and all. If Jon was born in Tower of Joy, it being located in Dorne, shouldn't he be called Jon Sands instead? With bastard last names being based on region. Or does the region of where you were born not matter, but it's based on where your parents are from?

Bastard surnames depend on where the bastard was raised/grew up, that's it.


I think Jon will continue to identify himself as Snow regardless.

I'm sure people would love us "predicting" Kevan getting killed by Qyburn's birds or The Hound's return or Euron sailing to Dany or Lady Stoneheart.

And they'd especially love a detailed discussion of how D&D and Martin differ.

Like my never ending bitching about Jaime.


+/-Jorah and Daario was alright I guess. I gotta wonder why Jorah doesn't just wrap up his greyscale arm completely. Or when he was fighting that dothraki, I'd be showing it off, hoping he'd run away scared.
He also keeps clearly touching Daario with the arm, which they should really point out to the actor.

Question book readers: With R + L = J and all. If Jon was born in Tower of Joy, it being located in Dorne, shouldn't he be called Jon Sands instead? With bastard last names being based on region. Or does the region of where you were born not matter, but it's based on where your parents are from?
They probably called him Snow, because Ned needed to make it seem like his kid.

It depends on whether Rhaegar and Lyanna were married.
If they were married, it would be Jon Targ.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Well, there are definitely too many characters and too many story lines for a TV show -- especially given the length of the seasons. So if it requires killing people off to phase some things out, so be it. But I suspect there will be a lot of minor characters who die in Book 6 as well.

Yea, but at this rate we're not going to get a book 6. ;)

It's a problem with these types of books. There are so many threads and I got the feeling that GRRM is more interested in watching from the sidelines than participating with the main cast. Jon, Dany and Tyrion have pretty predictable storylines. It's the rest that's fun to watch and make it unique.

The story is pretty simple: legitimacy in a fantasy setting. You have the bastard Jon, the exiled heir Dany and the dwarf Tyrion against incest offspring Joffrey, sadist Mountain and bastard Ramsey. Then you the middle-ground: humble beginnings Littlefinger, bullied The Hound and oathbreaker Jaime. It's pretty by the numbers.


It's only predictable to a point. Us book readers had thousands of pages that lead to mild cliffhangers that should have been concluded in ADwD. Dany uniting the khalasar, Jon res and going to Winterfell, Armies attacking the sparrows and a trial by combat. It's the next step that will truly be off books, where there isn't as obvious of a direct lead up.
I'm really disappointed that the writers keep putting in scenes where people berate Theon to 'snap' him out of his trauma. It's such a lazy & insulting way to handle a story like that. Interesting that he's going to throw his support behind Yara, which is something I thought was a possible end-game plot for the books, too. I still don't understand what the deal with the Iron Islands & heirs is. Is Theon the heir because he's Balon's son, or does being the heir to the former King make it more likely the Kingsmoot will choose him as the next King?

Also, was it just me or was the Cersei/Jaime/Kevan/Olenna scene in this episode almost exactly the same as the one from E03, with a bit about the Tyrell army tacked on the end? Still, The Mace is about to swing on the Faith!

Based on the trailers
we know that Jaime will be leading the standoff with The Faith in King's Landing. I'm curious as to how that turns into him leaving for the Riverlands and what that might say about the success of their plan.
I'm really disappointed that the writers keep putting in scenes where people berate Theon to 'snap' him out of his trauma. It's such a lazy & insulting way to handle a story like that. Interesting that he's going to throw his support behind Yara, which is something I thought was a possible end-game plot for the books, too. I still don't understand what the deal with the Iron Islands & heirs is. Is Theon the heir because he's Balon's son, or does being the heir to the former King make it more likely the Kingsmoot will choose him as the next King?

Also, was it just me or was the Cersei/Jaime/Kevan/Olenna scene in this episode almost exactly the same as the one from E03, with a bit about the Tyrell army tacked on the end? Still, The Mace is about to swing on the Faith!

Based on the trailers
we know that Jaime will be leading the standoff with The Faith in King's Landing. I'm curious as to how that turns into him leaving for the Riverlands and what that might say about the success of their plan.

Jamie will come to know about Cersei and Lancel causing him to leave


I'm really disappointed that the writers keep putting in scenes where people berate Theon to 'snap' him out of his trauma. It's such a lazy & insulting way to handle a story like that. Interesting that he's going to throw his support behind Yara, which is something I thought was a possible end-game plot for the books, too. I still don't understand what the deal with the Iron Islands & heirs is. Is Theon the heir because he's Balon's son, or does being the heir to the former King make it more likely the Kingsmoot will choose him as the next King?

This is the first Kingsmoot in thousands of years if I recall correctly. Normally it is the heir who becomes king. I think it was Damphair who said there had to be a Kingsmoot.


Theon is the heir, so he should be king.

Only in AFFC, everyone presumes he's dead. Damphair doesn't want Euron or Asha to be king/queen, so he pushes for a kingsmoot, IIRC.

In the show, it's unclear why there's a kingsmoot when Theon is alive. I guess it's just because he's fubar, but they really should have a scene explaining that imo.


Theon is the heir, so he should be king.

Only in AFFC, everyone presumes he's dead. Damphair doesn't want Euron or Asha to be king/queen, so he pushes for a kingsmoot, IIRC.

In the show, it's unclear why there's a kingsmoot when Theon is alive. I guess it's just because he's fubar, but they really should have a scene explaining that imo.
Yara must have told everyone Theon was dead. Thats why she's pissed he came back, not that she got chased by a few dogs. The Ironborn must really hate Yara that they'd call a Kingsmoot even before knowing about Theon and Eurons return. lol

edit: Kings Landing has by far the best actors in the show. But I just cant stand a lot of what they did with the plot there.


Theon is the heir, so he should be king.

Only in AFFC, everyone presumes he's dead. Damphair doesn't want Euron or Asha to be king/queen, so he pushes for a kingsmoot, IIRC.

In the show, it's unclear why there's a kingsmoot when Theon is alive. I guess it's just because he's fubar, but they really should have a scene explaining that imo.

Would they follow a broken, castrated man who can produce no heirs? I doubt it.


Theon is the heir, so he should be king.

Only in AFFC, everyone presumes he's dead. Damphair doesn't want Euron or Asha to be king/queen, so he pushes for a kingsmoot, IIRC.

In the show, it's unclear why there's a kingsmoot when Theon is alive. I guess it's just because he's fubar, but they really should have a scene explaining that imo.

Maybe they don't know he's alive, she told them all he was dead.
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