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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Actually according to Kristian thats not what happened. Bran warged into Willas but not into present Hodor. He should have come out of the dream first. His hearing Meera yell hold the door transferred into young Willas but not older Hodor. Hodor was hodoring of his own free will


Bran was only compelling Hodor long enough to ecourage him to get up, he never warged out of him nor left the greensight - the connection to Hodor through Wyllis was still there even though Bran wasn't assuming direct control from the tunnel onwards. Wyllis' eyes never went white until the point where Wyllis heard Meera's words echoing back in time through Bran. When he turned to Bran and made eye contact - Bran warged into Wyllis while still maintaining the connection to Hodor. Which linked him to his future self - who was living holding the door, hearing holding the door, and being mauled to death. It can be assumed that Wylis experienced everything Hodor was feeling up until Hodor died. Basically Wylis experiences his own adult death as a child.

Bran didn't feel the pain because he was in the greensight the whole time and never really assumed direct control of future Hodor because he established the connection through young Hodor.

It doesn't make any sense why simply hearing "hold the door" would cause such immense trauma.

I like my explanation better :x


I think bran traveled through time back to willis, warged into him and then in him back in time to hodor to take control of him, and this 4dimensional inception warging is what fucked hodor up and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise


How fast can he walk backwards after his daughter sparrows him?



They better give him the best close-up reaction shot in history in that scene. We need it.

I honestly can't believe that after all the joy Face Tyrell brought us last year, they've gone and one-upped this thread by giving him a feathered helmet. It's like a dream come true. And people say the show is bad.


I honestly can't believe that after all the joy Face Tyrell brought us last year, they've gone and one-upped this thread by giving him a feathered helmet. It's like a dream come true. And people say the show is bad.

I honestly hope he lives forever, and every time we see him, no matter how far in the background of a scene he is, he's added a fabulous new accessory to his repertoire.
I honestly can't believe that after all the joy Face Tyrell brought us last year, they've gone and one-upped this thread by giving him a feathered helmet. It's like a dream come true. And people say the show is bad.

Feathered helm Mace can only be defined as true greatness



Bran warged into Hodor through Wilas while he was in the greensight.

Therefore Bran was connected to present Hodor through his younger self, Wilas.

When Meera screams "HOLD THE DOOR!", young Wilas heard it. He then looked at Bran, when this happened Bran ALSO warged into Wilas.

This connected young Wilas to Hodor simultaneously, effectively warging Wilas into Hodor. Wilas immediately experienced everything Hodor was experiencing. The imperative in his older self to hold the door to protect Bran, being mauled to death by wights, and hearing "Hold the door" over and over (through both Hodor's ears and Bran's) caused significant emotional and psychological trauma.

The repetition of that phrase being the only thing he experienced that wasn't extreme pain, burned into his brain by the trauma.


This is even crazier, it means Bran warged into young Hodor, old hodor and maintained a vision. If that was the case there would have been no short circuits, or the short circuit would have happen in Bran's brain, not Hodor's.

Hodor warged into himself thanks to the bridge in time created by Bran and his (unsuccessful) attempt at warging and greenseeing at the same time, it's really the only logical explanation for me.
Why? It's the truth. What explanation do you think there is for why he wrote Storm of Swords in 2 years and now he's taking 6+ years for not even completed books?

Because he actually writes lots of other stuff in between ASOIAF books? He is probably aware that most of his fanbase doesn't give a shit about Wild Cards, but he puts a lot of work into it. He writes the Dunk and Egg novellas, various short stories, he edits anthologies. The guy works a lot. He also has writing quirks that slow him down. And lets not forget he likes to take days off to watch football!
He has more money now than he knows what to do with. Perhaps the motivation just isn't there.
I don't know if it's the money, but the show burning through the story's plot must be demotivating. It passing the books probably seemed so out of the realm of possibility when he sold the rights that I'm sure a part of him is still in disbelief. I see him drastically changing the end game from him initial plan to keep himself interested, if he ever does finish it.
Yeah into a cat when she is blinded and she 'dreams' of leading a pack of wolves in the riverlands which is obviously her warging.

This really bothered me in the show. In the book she's blinded but she wargs into a cat to see. She's always one step ahead of the Faceless Men, using them for their training but still ultimately serving herself.

They don't want to do any warg stuff on the show for whatever reason, though, so the implication is that she's just developed magical Daredevil sonar vision powers or some bullshit. Gotta have those sick kung fu stick fights even though she's training to be a stealthy assassin. Except this week she couldn't beat the waif even with her sight, because oops they let her character arc progress too far so they have to retcon her back to exactly where she was last year, feeling conflicted about having to assassinate someone. Oysters, clams and cockles.


Because he actually writes lots of other stuff in between ASOIAF books? He is probably aware that most of his fanbase doesn't give a shit about Wild Cards, but he puts a lot of work into it. He writes the Dunk and Egg novellas, various short stories, he edits anthologies. The guy works a lot. He also has writing quirks that slow him down. And lets not forget he likes to take days off to watch football!

I know, I'm not knocking him for not being as into it as he used to be. It's just clear that he's not. He talks about Wild Cards with a passion on his blog. When he talks about Asoiaf, it's more like how I talk about a overdue assignment from my boss. It's a gorilla on his back. He gets writers block on it. As someone on the last page said, it's become a mess.

Look at this blog post from a week ago.

For all the Wild Cards fans out there, we've got a taste of HIGH STAKES, due out this August. HIGH STAKES is the twenty-third volume in the overall series, and the third and concluding part of the 'Fort Freak' triad. The sample is from the pen of the talented Ian Tregillis, and features Mollie Steunenberg, aka Tesseract. You'll find it at: http://www.georgerrmartin.com/wild-cards-excerpt/

((Readers with weak stomachs be warned, HIGH STAKES is our Lovecraftian horror book, and things do get graphic and bloody and... well... horrible. Althought not so much in the sample)).

And... because I know how much bitching I'd get if I offered a new sample from Wild Cards without also doing one from A SONG OF ICE & FIRE... we've also changed the WINDS OF WINTER sample on my wesbite, replacing the Alayne chapter that's been there for the past year with one featuring Arianne Martell. (Some of you may have heard me read this one at cons).

Wild Cards is what he really wants to post. He just added ASOIAF so those fans won't bitch. A Dorne chapter that was already out there on the net.

And no, just to spike any bullshit rumors, changing the sample chapter does NOT mean I am done. See the icon up above? Monkey is still on my back... but he's growing, he is, and one day...

He comes off as very annoyed by the subject.


He's annoyed because the vocal fans are the worst. They just won't stfu, they have zero self-awareness, and they tend to be really bad at social interaction. I mean, as a fan of the books, I'm disappointed too, but in the end it's just a fantasy novel series, and he's a human being. If he's unable to deliver it, so be it, harassing him isn't going to get it done any sooner, or more importantly, any better. This is his work and if ultimately he cannot finish it or finishes it in a disappointing manner, he would have let himself down more so than anyone else.


The fact that the to show will tell his story before him, even if altered, must be demotivating.

I wouldn't be surprised if he never finishes the series and the final book is released after his death.
If the Great Other really is associated with the White Walkers (cold, darkness - after the last ep maybe worshipped by/gave the idea to the Children) they're both at least tremendous cosmic assholes.

I remember hearing that GRRM said the Lord of Light and Great Other are similar to the Zoroastrian Gods i.e. a Malevolent/Evil Creator and a Benevolent/Good Destroyer which I think fits well with everything in ASOIAF being grey rather than black and white (that or it was a fan theory).


I remember hearing that GRRM said the Lord of Light and Great Other are similar to the Zoroastrian Gods i.e. a Malevolent/Evil Creator and a Benevolent/Good Destroyer.

he did? what an odd thing to give away before he actually finished the series


Because he actually writes lots of other stuff in between ASOIAF books? He is probably aware that most of his fanbase doesn't give a shit about Wild Cards, but he puts a lot of work into it. He writes the Dunk and Egg novellas, various short stories, he edits anthologies. The guy works a lot. He also has writing quirks that slow him down. And lets not forget he likes to take days off to watch football!
This explanation would hold two or three years ago. Its a bit ridiculous at this point. Fanboys can shout down criticisms all they want but its painfully obvious he just isnt as motivated to write for whatever reason. Its also not insulting to point out the truth thst his age and health are a concern. Even if we get winds soon, i think its up in the air whether he finishes the series.
I don't know if it's the money, but the show burning through the story's plot must be demotivating. It passing the books probably seemed so out of the realm of possibility when he sold the rights that I'm sure a part of him is still in disbelief. I see him drastically changing the end game from him initial plan to keep himself interested, if he ever does finish it.

I hope he doesn't change anything just because of the show, but yeah it has to be indredibly disappointing for him to have the show overlap him and tell some plot points that he's been developing for 20 years now.


They've updated this with a few additional photos.

I see two things happening.

1) Lancel is going to die. But most likely
2) there will be no battle because Marg is going through with her punishment due to her "newfound faith" and will basically be the Natasha calming the Bruce Banners around her.

Either way I predict yet another Dormer tits scene.


My favorite part of the Euron speech is that, apparently, nobody ever thought of building a huge fleet before. It's like he had this novel idea and everybody is like, "Why didn't /I/ think of that? Brilliant!"


My favorite part of the Euron speech is that, apparently, nobody ever thought of building a huge fleet before. It's like he had this novel idea and everybody is like, "Why didn't /I/ think of that? Brilliant!"

Yeah, thought that was funny. Did Balon really declare himself king, survive the entirety of the Wot5K, and not do anything with the iron fleet - their bread and butter and claim to fame? No wonder no one on the show gave a shit about the kinslaying then.


So not worth it
Euron is going to have a fleet of Ironclad ships. He really only needs 1 or 2 trees for like tables and furniture.

I can't have been the only one that realized that the end of this season we'll see Euron sail off with a fleet of huge ass ships outta nowhere.
I see two things happening.
1) Lancel is going to die. But most likely
2) there will be no battle because Marg is going through with her punishment due to her "newfound faith" and will basically be the Natasha calming the Bruce Banners around her.

Either way I predict yet another Dormer tits scene.

I'm guessing no fight. Marg and the Sparrow will have worked something out. Jaime (and Cersei) will be made to look like a fool.

The Actor Kevin Eldon to play Mace Tyrell next week please.


It was obvious to me from the previous episode that Tommen revealing the faith's plans for Margaery was a plant.

Either Tommen knew what his mother would do, or it's part of the High Sparrow's manipulation.

In any case, it will make the faith appear as though they are invincible if a giant army of spear-wielding Tyrells can't threaten the sparrows.


I'm wondering who convinces or orders Jaime to go to the Riverlands.


My favorite part of the Euron speech is that, apparently, nobody ever thought of building a huge fleet before. It's like he had this novel idea and everybody is like, "Why didn't /I/ think of that? Brilliant!"

"Kraken. Mmm. Strong as long as they're in the sea. When you take them out of the water, no bones. They collapse under their proud weight and slump into a heap of nothing.

You'd think they'd know that. Unfortunately, they're not very bright either."


I wonder if it's possible at all for exclusive book readers to avoid spoilers, my country's newspaper decided to do a photo gallery of "characters who have died in Game of Thrones!!" With a huge ass picture of Hodor as the thumbnail, I was like what the hell?


I wonder if it's possible at all for exclusive book readers to avoid spoilers, my country's newspaper decided to do a photo gallery of "characters who have died in Game of Thrones!!" With a huge ass picture of Hodor as the thumbnail, I was like what the hell?

Is it really a spoiler? No one knows if Hodor dies in the books. That's just how they chose to do it in the series. What we do know is that Hodor's name comes from timefuckery and the command "hold the door", which the books will likely use, well if the other books ever come out, which they won't. So really, there's nothing to worry about.

TRios Zen

Is it really a spoiler? No one knows if Hodor dies in the books. That's just how they chose to do it in the series. What we do know is that Hodor's name comes from timefuckery and the command "hold the door", which the books will likely use, well if the other books ever come out, which they won't. So really, there's nothing to worry about.

I laughed too hard at this.

What a shame if the shows become the only end of ASOIAF.


It was obvious to me from the previous episode that Tommen revealing the faith's plans for Margaery was a plant.

Either Tommen knew what his mother would do, or it's part of the High Sparrow's manipulation.

In any case, it will make the faith appear as though they are invincible if a giant army of spear-wielding Tyrells can't threaten the sparrows.


I'm wondering who convinces or orders Jaime to go to the Riverlands.

My guess would be that either Lancel of the HS Rays out Cersei's infidelities during the confrontation at the sept, which breaks Jaime away from Cersei and opens him up to being ordered to the Riverlands by Kevan. Or maybe he specifically asks Kevan for some assignment out of the city to get away from Cersei?He clearly has a Lannister army with him so he's not just striking out on his own.


Is it really a spoiler? No one knows if Hodor dies in the books. That's just how they chose to do it in the series. What we do know is that Hodor's name comes from timefuckery and the command "hold the door", which the books will likely use, well if the other books ever come out, which they won't. So really, there's nothing to worry about.

LOL, I wish I could tell you that you are wrong but you probably aren't.
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