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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Rodent Whores
how can you kill that which has no life



Was NOT expecting to see Aerys. That was great. "Burn them all!"

Great to see the return of Benjen Stark aka show version of Coldhands. The hide and seek champion has finally shown himself.

The Tarly stuff was excellent. Randyll was perfect. It's cool that we're getting so many new settings this year.

They've now successfully completed their character assassination of Jaime Lannister. And now they want to do his face-off with the Blackfish? I don't fucking care anymore.

Only thing I really liked about Kings Landing was Mace Tyrell in all his glory.


Was NOT expecting to see Aerys. That was great. "Burn them all!"

Great to see the return of Benjen Stark aka show version of Coldhands. The hide and seek champion has finally shown himself.

The Tarly stuff was excellent. Randyll was perfect. It's cool that we're getting so many new settings this year.

They've now successfully completed their character assassination of Jaime Lannister. And now they want to do his face-off with the Blackfish? I don't fucking care anymore.

Only thing I really liked about Kings Landing was Mace Tyrell in all his glory.



It's real hard to believe Lord Tarly is wrong about Sam when Sam sits there like a gutless sack and takes it.

Least Dany finally got on a dragon again.

Also Arya tryin real hard for most pointless plotline this episode.


Pretty good episode, but not sure where the girl's arc will go. Let's wait and see. Enjoyed just about everything else, especially Lord Tarly's entrance.


Arya will do some hardcore parkour and it'll all be okay.

Dany will be exhausted from all these power speeches by the time the Greyjoy's show up.


arya won't die. At least not because of that because it would make her storyline the biggest most pointless waste of time ever.

Ya pretty much Jon Snow v2.

Cant build up a character that much and then kill em off this late.

Robb, Ned and Catelyn worked because their rise and fall was quick.

The Waif certainly doesnt seem to be "no one" so we'll see. I suspect that Arya isn't for the Waif to kill and Arya killing her will appease the faceless gods.


Another solid episode. Slower, but moved the pieces in place for the home stretch.

They're definitely doing a Mad King getting visions from the future scene. I don't know why else they'd show it. Whether it's Bran or BR, who knows. They need to be really careful though, with just how much of Westeros' history Bran is responsible for. Next thing you know, Bran farts in his sleep and accidentally destroys Valyria.

Margery is definitely playing the situation. She's too vague when taking to Tommen, as if she's trying to read him and guage where he's at.

I actually liked Dany riding Drogon this episode. Looked cool, felt badass.

If the High Sparrow is this clever (that smirk was great), I can't see Cersei's trial going to a trial by combat; he knows she'd win. He's always like "...not in the eyes of the Seven" cock blocking people, so I do wonder. That said her using Robert Strong has been mentioned pretty much every episode, so it'll be a major blue balls moment if it doesn't happen.

Benjen Stark meets Coldhands. Makes sense, given the restraints the show has (budget, characters etc), to merge them. Good to see him back, even if he's not quite himself. Fire flail was awesome.


Rewatching S2, Jorah was a great character.

Honestly feel that his character has deteriorated in the books and the show.


So not worth it
If the High Sparrow is this clever (that smirk was great), I can't see Cersei's trial going to a trial by combat; he knows she'd win. He's always like "...not in the eyes of the Seven" cock blocking people, so I do wonder. That said her using Robert Strong has been mentioned pretty much every episode, so it'll be a major blue balls moment if it doesn't happen.

If only we knew a character from the books that was as strong as the mountain and had a personal beef with him that currently resided on a isle with a priest of the faith that could surprise appear to fight him on the faith's behest.
Well I want an example then of the payments at least. So far we've only seen life pay for death. Showing someone giving up something precious to them would make them a little more sympathetic in light of the fact they want someone dead.

What they do is they assess your net worth, and your relationship to the victim. Then they charge you a price.

It's always going to be something you can personally afford, but to most people the cost wouldn't be worth it.

The show kind of did a disservice by waiting till season 2 to introduce the faceless men. The whole "3 deaths to repay the Red God" thing made it seem like they only kill for weird religious reasons.

But yeah, in the first book at the small council scene where Robert orders Ned and the others to have Danaerys assassinated, they contemplate hiring a faceless man, but decide not to because they assumed it would bankrupt the realm.


Good episode. Definitely a bit of a breather compared to last week's insanity. It had some very long scenes, which you really don't get anymore since they are trying to railroad a dozen plot points all at once.

+BENJEN. COLDHANDS. BENHANDS. He didn't have the elk, but I was so glad to see this character actually appear on the show. Of course, since he's in Bran's story, he says nothing of concrete importance and just teases us. Just say what you mean man, we've been waiting five years to see you again!

+Randyll Tarly didn't look how I imagined him, but that was a brutal dressing down of Sam. This show has its fill of awkward dinner scenes, but this one perhaps takes first place. Sam taking Heartsbane was a great moment, though you've gotta wonder how the hell he's supposed to escape with it all the way to Oldtown. I mean it's pretty close to Horn Hill (which was way bigger than I imagined).

Also I just looked this up, but apparently Sam's mom is a Florent, the same family as Stannis' wife Selyse. They are actually cousins, which makes Sam and Shireen second cousins? Weird. Also Mel burned Sam's grandpa, brutal.

+Arya's story took a major turning point. Her saga is really unpredictable, both in a micro and macro scale. Like her siblings, she seems to be embracing her roots and sense of righteousness. Though is she just going to bail on the Faceless Men after all this? Maybe she kills the waif, but will fake Jaqen be ok with this? He can't just let her go. Uh, good luck Arya.

+Walder Frey came back to remind everyone of the Red Wedding. Remember that? DO YOU? Either way, you quickly grow to hate Ol' Frey again. Seems like they are really going into overdrive with the Riverrun stuff. Also poor Edmure, dude's been in chains for like three seasons yet he mysteriously doesn't have a beard.

+High Sparrow played everyone. That clever, shoeless son of a bitch. I was very curious to see how it would turn out, and it opened the door for a lot of possibilities. I don't buy Margaery being converted though, she definitely seems like she's also trying to use Tommen to get out of her situation. Maybe the High Sparrow knows this, but is willing to let Margaery slip by in order to draw Tommen closer to his side. They apparently don't care about Loras even after demanding him though. Oh, and Mace's armor and speech were both beyond expectations. "Madness has had its day!" > "Let's go murder them."

+/- I'm glad to see Jaime go to the Riverlands, but I still hate how close he is with Cersei. His decision to leave her behind is one of the biggest moments of character developments for him, but he has been completely spinning his wheels for two seasons. Also he needs to take armor throwing lessons from Barristan.

- Dany's speech was kinda cool, but the awkward CGI and overall pointlessness of the scene (psdrogonsback) was a fairly weak ending. What a casual, believable conversation about 1000 ships! I'm surprised they didn't immediately cut to Yara winking.
- I really hope the Mad King's uh, madness, is not Bran, or anyone-induced. Timey whimey stuff is in the books via weirwood visions and prophecies, but I would hate it to turn into "The greenseers did EVERYTHING!" Also isn't it pretty much implied in the books that the real power to see the past is in the weirwood trees themselves? Bran sees through the faces of the trees, he can't just warp anywhere in time and space. What's even the point of touching the weirwood trees if you can just do it willy nilly? I love the magic aspects of the show but this is getting a bit too wacky now.


If only we knew a character from the books that was as strong as the mountain and had a personal beef with him that currently resided on a isle with a priest of the faith that could surprise appear to fight him on the faith's behest.

You watch them cock-block CLEGANEBOWL.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
pretty good episode, but the dany bullshit is starting to get out of hand.

also, i kind of like what they're doing with jaime. very different from the books (at least until he finds out about lancel, pretty sure he doesn't know on the show yet), but that's not a problem for me.


Interesting episode, for some odd reason everything happened in 2s and 3s? Sam comes back into frame to psych everyone out and then Arya does the same. Two reveals of characters almost no one remembers(who the hell was that kid Frey unveiled?) and the three eyed raven because why not. Numerous call backs to previous seasons. An episode where not much happened, but I wasn't bored. The most interesting part was Arya's story arc picking up after treading water for so long.

Also, is the white walker camp officially just waiting for John Snow to resolve the castle black business or what? I feel like they've just been hanging out scaring Bran every once in a while for like a year.


You watch them cock-block CLEGANEBOWL.
Everyone thinks Cleganebowl is a lock, but there's a chance it might not happen. I see other possible choices.

1. Cleganebowl. The thing everyone wants. High Sparrow brings the Hound into King's Landing to face his brother. Though we don't know what kind of fighting shape the Hound is in, and why High Sparrow believes he could easily defeat the Mountain.

2. Mountain vs. Loras. High Sparrow may tell Loras this is the only way to atone, and is forced to fight the Mountain. This will probably tear the Tyrells and Lannisters apart as Cersei would probably have no qualms killing Loras if it would save her skin.

3. Mountain vs. Tommen. Our sweet king, deluded by his belief in the seven, volunteers himself to fight the Mountain because he believes the gods will be on his side. This ties in with the prophecy that all of Cersei's children will die before her and would basically give the High Sparrow free reign over King's Landing. It could also be the breaking point where we get Mad Queen Cersei.

4. It doesn't matter, and Cersei just says "KILL ALL OF THEM" at her trial and the Mountain just starts murdering whoever is in his sight while the Lannister army or whoever finally launch an end all attack to eliminate the Faith Militant.
So uh what's Jaime's character arc in the show?

To uh... you know. Something.

Also I highly recommend checking out the summary of the new chapter GRRM read at Balticon. It is absolutely nuts and makes the show version of
Euron Greyjoy
look like a joke LIKE A JOKE
So uh what's Jaime's character arc in the show?

Cersei with a dick > Nice guy without a hand > Cersei with a dick but without a hand > ?

Also I highly recommend checking out the summary of the new chapter GRRM read at Balticon. It is absolutely nuts and makes the show version of
Euron Greyjoy
look like a joke LIKE A JOKE

I don't need a new chapter to think that. I went back and watched the kingsmoot again and I everything about him is terrible, from his chubby mutton chop cheeks and pot-belly, to his unconvincing, lisping delivery of terribly written lines. There is no way they could have done a worse job of translating that character from page to screen.
Alright, so someone explain this to me: Margaery was all like "fuck the sparrow, loras we're going to get out of this" but then the sparrow gave a boss speech and Loras was really sad so she completely changed her outlook on life and gave herself to the Faith?

I think I said this a few weeks back, but I think Marg is playing Tommen with the faith stuff. At first I thought it would be convincing him to pick up a sword on her behalf, but it looks like this was a convenient get out of jail free card. No walk, no trial, and she still comes out smelling like roses. And Cersei & Jamie have less power than ever over her husband.

As an aside, has anyone thought about the line of succession if Tommen were to eat it? There's not exactly a lot of Baratheon cousins running around. Wouldn't it plunge the realm back into civil war?

Why did someone in Braavos write a pro-Joffrey play anyway?

This is true in the book as well. The "official" timeline of events to the public is that

1) Robert was ironically slain by a boar
2) Ned greedily made a grasp for power before his body got cold
3) Robb and Stannis started an unjust war
4) Ned was beheaded after publicly admitting treason against his best friend's son and declaring him the true heir
5) Joff the pretty boy and rightful king was murdered at his own wedding, during which his mother broke down and publicly id'd her brother as the culprit
6) Tyrion had a rather public trial in which dozens of witnesses laid out why they thought he was a piece of shit; he responded by wishing them all dead
6a) Tyrion was found guilty in the eyes of the gods via trial by combat
7) Tyrion escaped and murdered his father, the most popular Hand of the last 30 years and the hero of Kings Landing twice over, sealing his rep as a kinslayer and overall scoundrel
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