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[USA Today] Reality TV may be starting its decline

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Justin Bailey

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"This may be the summer we see the reality bubble burst a little bit," Sternberg says



So, what then? We go back to more bad sitcoms and more police dramas?

Its sad to say that with or without reality shows, TV is still fucked.
The only good reality TV show I've seen is "I'm With Busey" and I still think that it might've been scripted, and it didn't match the normal format of a reality show. But really, most TV shows suck pretty bad.
This can only be a good thing. Start with purging mtv of all its shit and play some fucking decent music (i actually saw loads of old QOTSA songs on mtv last night...... it was 2:30am)



I was hoping to see that reality show from the UK about the Hawt woman that turned out to be a man. That's the only one I've ever wanted to watch.
Pattergen said:

I was hoping to see that reality show from the UK about the Hawt woman that turned out to be a man. That's the only one I've ever wanted to watch.

You're sick. I'm not kidding, i really mean it, Sicko.


Scalemail Ted said:
You're sick. I'm not kidding, i really mean it, Sicko.

Sick? Seeing the faces of those guys on the last episode when they find out they been competing for a MAN has got to be priceless.


Belfast said:
So, what then? We go back to more bad sitcoms and more police dramas?

Its sad to say that with or without reality shows, TV is still fucked.


As much as I DETEST reality TV, when it goes something even more pathetic is bound to replace it.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Pattergen said:
Sick? Seeing the faces of those guys on the last episode when they find out they been competing for a MAN has got to be priceless.
The last episode was quite boring actually, though it was the only episode of the show that I watched.



No more wasted space in the newspapers about these "Big Brother" media whores.
No more wasted money on crap Reality TV programs.

All good news.


Bad time for them to say this :p

The only good reality show (The amazing race) begins a new season tomorrow.


first of all its hilarious that all this hate is pointed toward reality tv...when the usual sitcoms and dramas are just as bad.

and as long as reality tv shows cost like a quarter of what it takes to make a scripted tv show...they will never go away.


force push the doodoo rock
Eh, reality tv is 100 times better than those shitty sitcoms they cancel every year.


Heavy TV watchers are people who don't have computers or consoles. While I watch TV from time to time I spend much more of my time and get much more entertainment for other forms of entertainment.


The only good reality series lworth watching is The Amazing Race.... speaking of which, Season 5 is starting this week i think


Chili Con Carnage!
Pattergen said:
Sick? Seeing the faces of those guys on the last episode when they find out they been competing for a MAN has got to be priceless.

It was pretty funny, they pretty much all just pointed and laughed at the guy who 'won' while he stood there in shock...apparently later he punched a producer, but they didnt show that.


Brian Fellows said:
Indeed! All other reality TV shows I could do without. But I loves me some Survivor.

Drop them in the jungle and attach cameras to the animals (i.e. Wild Boar Cam) and I'll watch. Hell I'd even pay to see that.


For the love of God the popularity decline of reality TV couldn't come at a better time - mainly because I'm sick of it at this point.


G4life98 said:
first of all its hilarious that all this hate is pointed toward reality tv...when the usual sitcoms and dramas are just as bad.

and as long as reality tv shows cost like a quarter of what it takes to make a scripted tv show...they will never go away.

Bingo...even an average rated reality show makes for good business, considering how cheap they are to make.

Gantz said:
Reality TV was never reality to begin with.


Phoenix said:
Drop them in the jungle and attach cameras to the animals (i.e. Wild Boar Cam) and I'll watch. Hell I'd even pay to see that.

One radio host had a great suggestion a couple years ago. Make Survivor: Harlem...drop 8 blonde haired, blue eyed men in the darkest, most desolate projects of the borough, and see if they can make it through the week. I'd prefer Survivor: Compton myself, but either one is good.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>One radio host had a great suggestion a couple years ago. Make Survivor: Harlem...drop 8 blonde haired, blue eyed men in the darkest, most desolate projects of the borough, and see if they can make it through the week. I'd prefer Survivor: Compton myself, but either one is good.<<<

I don't know why they ever called it "Survivor". The contestants are far too coddled to call it that. In season 1, they should have just dropped the people on the island with the clothes on their backs and NEVER helped them unless they "tapped out". (agreed to leave the show in return for food, shelter, medical attention, etc.)
Of course, the best way to do the show is not going to happen anytime soon. You know, dropping everyone on an island and watching them kill each other, sort of like Highlander: The Reality Series, or Lord of the Flies: The Series.l
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