SolidSnakex said:Like I said in her record thread, its her worst video..And that saying alot if you've seen Hikari.
The worst part of it is the fake tan with hooker red lipstick (which she doesn't have anymore). Her vids should only be directed by Kiriya. Kiriya's vids > everyone elses.
SolidSnakex said:Traveling is awesome stuff. It's like one big acid trip.
Manabanana said:Her English lyrics are HORRIBLE.
I would've liked for her to translate Deep River into English
thom said:You're easy breezy and I'm japanese-y
It might be just her makeup in the video, but I could swear she sings "Jap an' Easy"You're easy breezy and I'm japanese-y
3pheMeraLmiX said:I was hoping she wouldn't do that -- won't be much of a break into American Pop Culture if she's gonna pull a Jin and emphasize the whole japanese thing to excess. Is this the first single or was "By Your Side"? Either way, she sounds off key and half a beat off... if that's what she's going for... then it doesn't work to well.
Any other songs on this album that I can look forward to, ssx? =)
SolidSnakex said:Kremlin Dusk, Exodus 04, Animato, and About Me are all really good.
john tv said:I don't know WTF this girl is thinking. I always thought she was so smart and different but I guess I was wrong. This is trash. Easily the worst video of hers I've ever seen, by miles and miles.
Doesn't help that the song is retarded, even if it is pretty catchy.