Not a bad price if you have a need for RWs. With regular ole' DVD+-Rs so cheap now, I normally just use those. I've been buying 50-pack spindles of 4X Ritek G04 DVD-Rs for about 20 bucks a pop off of Newegg for months now...
Not a bad price if you have a need for RWs. With regular ole' DVD+-Rs so cheap now, I normally just use those. I've been buying 50-pack spindles of 4X Ritek G04 DVD-Rs for about 20 bucks a pop off of Newegg for months now...
I used two sets of 30 spindles for backups. (one spindle for the last complete backup, the other for a backup I'm in the middle of doing, in case something goes wrong)
I really wish Blue-Ray recorders would drop in price quickly.