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Vice City - PC


Is there something I'm missing, or is this version lacking the motion blur and 'color' of the PS2 version? i dunno...I didn't see any options for it

if this was removed from the PC version, is there any user mods I can get that will add them back?


dammit...can someone with the PC version at least confirm if the glow and neon-style ambient lighting were removed?


Well, I haven't played VC yet, but the PC version of GTA 3 had the blur option labeled "Trails" in the display options...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I believe you can find it in the menu (listed as "trails").

Vice City PC totally rocks the PS2 and XBOX versions, though. 60 fps + 6x AA + 8x AF (seriously, it runs great with those enabled) + 1024x768 + mouse look (on foot) == better experience. It just feels so much more "solid".


I'm sure it does. I would love to wait a couple of extra months and play the PC versions. Sadly, my computer can barely handle GTA3, so I'm not bothering.


Chili Con Carnage!
Gattsu, when you turn the trails on, you'll quickly see why they were left off.

I much prefer the PC version though, im definitely waiting for SA on the PC.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ghost said:
Gattsu, when you turn the trails on, you'll quickly see why they were left off.

I much prefer the PC version though, im definitely waiting for SA on the PC.

Wha? I think it looks a bit better (the trails), especially when running at 60 fps.


DaCocoBrova said:
It's in the options menu Sherlock.


Here's what I have in my display options (can't upload a pic as my ISP's hosting is fucked at the moment):

Brightness (~60%)
Draw Distance (100%)
Frame Limiter (Off)
Subtitles (Off)
Wide Screen (Off)
Map Legend (On)
Radar Mode (Map & Blips)
HUD Mode (On)
Screen Resolution (1280*1024*32)

Restore Defaults

I checked all the other options screens and still don't see it ...

Ghost said:
Gattsu, when you turn the trails on, you'll quickly see why they were left off.

I much prefer the PC version though, im definitely waiting for SA on the PC.

The GTA Trails kick ass



This is a bold statement that some might not believe: on the three computers I played it on, Vice City PC ran smoother than GTA3. The frame rate is more consistent, the horrific "trails" have been finally ditched altogether, and the game slows down quite a bit less when you pump up the resolution.

if this quote is true then maybe i'm not horribly inept...bah....the lack of the motion blur I can live [with] but the lighting is increadibly stale now....to the point where it looks like a PC game :b


Yeah, it sucks they dumped trails, if they knew people had problems with them why didn't they just turn them off by default and give people the option to enable them later on? I loved the trails in GTA3 and I think VC would have looked amazing with trails on pc.

I think I remember hearing something on the forums about a mod or tweak to turn them back on, but that may have been something else.


I can understand not liking them in GTA3, but in Vice City they do far more than just adding motion blur :\ with them off, the streets are bland and the lighting is grey unless *directly* near a neon light but with them on the entire city takes on a neon glow at night, and during the day the sun warms the entire city with it's glow

plus, 60 FPS + motion blur = kickass unless you have a slow machine or are running in low res
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