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video for Mario Tennis GC : GET !


oh dear.

19th August 2004. The day when my first real doubts about Nintendo finally surfaced.

That just looks gimmicky.


mrklaw said:
oh dear.

19th August 2004. The day when my first real doubts about Nintendo finally surfaced.

That just looks gimmicky.

Go away. Its a Mario game for chris sakes.


mrklaw said:
oh dear.

19th August 2004. The day when my first real doubts about Nintendo finally surfaced.

That just looks gimmicky.

It looks amazingly fun to me.

This is one of the games I bought a GameCube for. :D



and I never played the 64 version and wasn't excited about this at all until maybe a few screens earlier today...


I like mario. I like Nintendo. I like Smash court tennis. I like fun.

This just looks like overdosing on stupidity. Not fun. There is a difference.

Leave me alone to be sad :(
Relax people, going by the shots in the other thread there is normal tennis again, just like the N64 game. I have very high hopes for this, the new zany stuff could be an excellent sp mode, whilst normal tennis would be perfect for mp games. Could be a marriage made in heaven.
mrklaw said:
I like mario. I like Nintendo. I like Smash court tennis. I like fun.

This just looks like overdosing on stupidity. Not fun. There is a difference.

Leave me alone to be sad :(
So you probably didn't like Mario Tennis 64?


I wasn't sure they needed to release another MT, MT64 being about as close to a perfect videogame as you can get. But I like that they are actually adding mechanics with the character special moves (a la mario kart). Hopefully the core MT gameplay is still there. We'll see how it turns out, I'm anticipating this title in a bad way.


I don't know.

The game still looks fun, but it looks like they are overdoing it with the gimmicks.

I hope there is still a straight tennis game, even if it's on a few courts.

Or maybe it's like Mario Golf, where you build up from normal to Mushroom Kingdom-esque challenges.

Till wouldn't change the gimmicks though.


First off...I like the Special Moves. I really do. I think they're cool.

However, I also hope that there is an option to turn them off. I really hope for that too. I think they're very cool looking, and I love Luigi's especially, but for some reason I just feel like it would prove annoying after awhile. I think it will be great for the special games, and for that it sounds like it will be perfect, but at the same time I think the Tournament mode would be better served without them. Unlike Mario Kart's, where you're dealing with Karts and the like, and the moves are a little less intrusive, here it's Tennis...I hope they get left out of Tournament.

So, going by that menu, there seems to be the standard Multiplayer (Exhibition), the Tournament, and then it just seems like they've expanded on the special modes, ala Bowser's Stage in Mario Tennis 64. As a big fan of Mario Tennis 64, I can honestly say I'm there first day. The game is coming along strong, and looks like it will provide more of the same awesome multiplayer, and it also seems like it retains pretty well all of what made the original great while also providing something new.

Also, nice to see that there will be plenty of characters to UNLOCK; having so many open to begin with leaves little for the single player to open.

Penguin said:
I don't know. The game still looks fun, but it looks like they are overdoing it with the gimmicks. I hope there is still a straight tennis game, even if it's on a few courts. Or maybe it's like Mario Golf, where you build up from normal to Mushroom Kingdom-esque challenges. Till wouldn't change the gimmicks though.


All of the crazy modes, what with the Ghosts and the Klaptraps, etc., have all been from the Special Games section. From what I see, Tournament and Exhibition will lack the on-court gimmicks, but whether they lack the special moves is yet to be seen.


Okay. I'm waiting for some impressions from the floor now. The press conference is over, where's some impressions coming out way already? I want to know how the game plays, differences between exhibition/tournmanent/special modes, etc. Would definitely be nice to have that ANY time soon.


Memles said:
Okay. I'm waiting for some impressions from the floor now. The press conference is over, where's some impressions coming out way already? I want to know how the game plays, differences between exhibition/tournmanent/special modes, etc. Would definitely be nice to have that ANY time soon.

Expect some new details from Camelot next week !


Wait, so WTF do people want? Everyone cries when the Mario themed levels are only a small part of Mario Golf: TT, and now I see people crying because Camelot took that to heart for Mario Tennis. I didn't know people came to Mario sports titles for the sim experience :\.

The game looks fun as all hell to me :).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
MaddenNFL64 said:
Wait, so WTF do people want? Everyone cries when the Mario themed levels are only a small part of Mario Golf: TT, and now I see people crying because Camelot took that to heart for Mario Tennis. I didn't know people came to Mario sports titles for the sim experience :\.

The game looks fun as all hell to me :).

People Always Need A Reason To Bitch About Nintendo™


When did everything Nintendo do or anything Nintendo related do become a gimmick?

Oh no! Powerups! It's a gimmick!
Special stages! gimmick!



There's some very vague impressions at IGN...sounds like they love it, mind you, but I'd like to know the actual control scheme. I like that they're not altering the A/B combination, despite the layout change over N64. It's nice that it will still be difficult to pull off the lob/drop shots, since they are not something to throw around easily, in my view. They don't mention standard smash shots, though.

Wish we had someone with some more detailed impressions, however, talking more about balance between special modes and normal modes, a bit more on the special moves, etc.
Yep, definitely my most wanted game. Sounds like they really enjoyed it, unlike their early MG impressions.

I personally loved the A/B combinations as well. The sly little reverse drop shot at the net was always a favourite of mine, first time I tried it I couldn't believe it worked. The amount of control you had over the ball was in strak contrast to Virtua Tennis at the time. Although damn it I loved that too but just couldn't go back to it after MT, it felt too restrictive.

I like the sound of the special moves as well. I'd imagine you'd be able to return them pretty easily and it should add an extra edge to an already tense rally. Can't bloody wait.

Speaking of which, any firm release date for Japan? All I hear is October but no specific date.
Yeah, from what I could tell, those puissance Nintendo impressions are relatively vague as well. Though they listed the "Special Games" as Shine Bingo and Blooper Rally.

The only hope we really have of getting a version closer to Mario Tennis 64 is in the Tournament Mode, which was locked on the demo version that they played. However, I think the tournament mode for the N64 was internet play through codes, no?
Could someone with a decent command of French scan the article and post anything of note? Mine is really sketchy at this stage, and the less said about Babelfish's attempt the better.


JasoNsider said:
The only hope we really have of getting a version closer to Mario Tennis 64 is in the Tournament Mode, which was locked on the demo version that they played. However, I think the tournament mode for the N64 was internet play through codes, no?

No. Tournament was the standard Mario Tennis mode, going through the Mushroom, Flower, Star Cups, facing off in the finals, etc.

I'm most hoping for a Tournament Mode that actual has sets that go to six games.

My French is shit, but I'll scan it just in case I've gained super powers and can understand all languages.

Edit: I haven't, but from the looks of it there's nothing new in there other than the use of the L Button. Was it R that cancelled charge-ups in Mario Tennis? Seems like, with the position of the L Button the GameCube controller, that will work well. No complaints here.


Chaque personnage possède deux coups spécifiques, le premier permet de chercher la balle dans un endroit inaccessible, le deuxième permet de relancer la balle avec une force décuplée. Ainsi Mario peut sortir un marteau géant pour relancer la balle, Donkey se transforme en boulet pour canon pour projeter la balle de l'autre côté du terrain à une vitesse hallucinante, ou alors une banane se charge de rattraper une balle lointaine pour la ramener dans le camp adverse. Luigi, quant à lui, peut créer une tornade pour chercher la balle et utilise un marteau pour relancer la balle (différent de Mario)..

Here's my average translation for this part :

Each player have 2 special shots, the first one to reach a ball in an inaccessible place & the second to hit the ball with power.

- a giant hammer for Mario.
- donkey becomes a canonball & hit the ball or he uses a banana "to save" the ball that relaunch it to your adversary.
- Luigi call a tornado to get the ball & hit it with a hammer (different than Mario's one)



amrum said:
Here's my average translation for this part :

Each player have 2 special shots, the first one to reach a ball in an inaccessible place & the second to hit the ball with power.

- a giant hammer for Mario.
- donkey becomes a canonball & hit the ball or he uses a banana "to save" the ball that relaunch it to your adversary.
- Luigi call a tornado to get the ball & hit it with a hammer (different than Mario's one)


Which is good to know; the video showed the DK one, however it also showed Luigi using his Vacuum to suck the ball closer to him. Maybe they meant that?

Either way, nice to see that there are two different special moves, probably making it strategic of when to use it, or how you want to. Save it for a shot you can't reach, or use it to try to power one home, risking losing it and being unabel to rescue a shot attempt.

It may not be a straight sim, but it sounds like it still has plenty of strategy involved. I approve.
Didn't see this mentioned, but I just skimmed the thread. Matt confirmed it's coming out THIS YEAR in the US on the IGN Boards.


metsallica said:
Didn't see this mentioned, but I just skimmed the thread. Matt confirmed it's coming out THIS YEAR in the US on the IGN Boards.


That was a happy fuck, btw. If this is true, my Fall of only two GameCube games has become four in like a week.


Memles said:

That was a happy fuck, btw. If this is true, my Fall of only two GameCube games has become four in like a week.

Next year. YOu will set yourself up for dissapoinment if you listen to Matt over people at GC. You can import it in 2004.


metsallica said:
Yup! Here's the exact quote:

and the thread (insider only): http://boards.ign.com/GameCube_General_Board/b5002/65679290/?29

EDIT: IGN and EB say December 6th.

December 6th...best day of the year. I guess this one will be added to the Christmas List, which sucks big time. Because there will already be a DS on it, unless the launch lineup sucks. Almost wish it does now, I'd add Donkey Konga too to prepare for Jungle Beat.

This is quite the awesome news...maybe it was a tossup between Mario Party 6 and Mario Tennis and Camelot got the green light to finish first or something, leaving Hudson to work on the peripheral.


Topping this with a simple question.

First off, Nintendo will likely be adding a subtitle to this at some point. Considering that they didn't put 64s as a suffix for the N64 titles, they will be forced to to ensure no confusion is made. Considering that Mario Golf was given a subtitle as well, chances are well see one here.

Mario Tennis: *Insert Subtitle*

I can't think of any great Tennis Puns that include Mario references, but you gusy can take a stab at it.
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