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Video Game discussion on NPR's Talk of the Nation

Musashi Wins!

Next hour (3pm eastern). Discussing the art and cultural impact of video games. Normally a show that talks about foreign affairs and domestic politics...could be interesting. Just in case you're a fellow NPR addict.


Hmmmm, 3pm eastern is Fresh Aire here, and Talk of the Nation is at 2pm on my station. 3pm is the live Fresh Aire show so maybe they delay Talk of the Nation a day on my station.

Musashi Wins!

I think the direct feed of Fresh Air is 12pm eastern....but I could be wrong. Either way, there may be online archives of it if it gets missed.

Musashi Wins!

So far, Chris Anderson, editor at Wired. And John Singleton, director, is talking about making his new game with Snoop Dogg. "The rise of Gangsta culture in games, etc."

He's utterly failing to differentiate his game from GTA after dogging it.

The opening was tied into Halo 2 and the very first question to C. Anderson was, "Does it live up to the hype?"

Anderson "Oh yes, it's transcendent, it's the best game I've ever played!" GAF would have died.

There's been some interesting discussion about genres and peripherals, but on the whole it's definitely geared toward those who don't know anything about games. Singleton was a dunce.

A caller is pimpin' Katamari. Nice!
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