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Viewtiful Joe 2 scan


works for Gamestop (lol)

Thank God Alastor is making a return. I love it! I wonder if he'll be a bad guy again? I think he is, judging by the last trailer of VJ2...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hmm, lots of people could care less about Viewtiful Joe 2. But these people liked the first game and plan on buying this new one, it is very weird. Might be too soon or maybe the lack of being an exclusive in some cases. I want VJ2, but I can't seem to care about it. I'm not the least bit hyped. Co-op sounds cool...but I'm not jumping over my room waiting for it. The new "replay" move sounds interesting, but again its nothing that is too shocking. VJ2 just can't have the same impact that the first game did. I was hyped up for the first game because I had never seen anything like it before, now I have.

Sylvia is a lame extra character, at least if the first game is any indication. It should have been Joe and Alastor teaming up. That better be an option. And it better not be easy because of complaints about the first game.

Again, I'm buying Viewtiful Joe 2. And I'm sure I'll love it. But I'm not excited AT ALL. So Meh.


Bad Art ™
The lack of excitement is due to :

- Not exclusive anymore
- Look the same
- Play the same (+ Co-op)
- Not the original team
- Lots of other stuff coming out at the same period


And even i am moderately surprised
"- Lots of other stuff coming out at the same period"

yup - a lot of good games are gonna get buried over the next few months.
Milhouse31 said:
- Not the original team

It is the same team, just under a different name. Most of Clover Studio's talent came from Production Studio 4.

And I agree, Sylvia isn't the greatest character. But judging on the fact that Viewtiful Joe had so many extra playable characters...Alastor, Sylvia, Captain Blue, and Dante in the PS2 version...I'm betting that VJ2 has a bunch of extra playable characters as well.


Milhouse31 said:
The lack of excitement is due to :

- Not exclusive anymore
- Look the same
- Play the same (+ Co-op)
- Not the original team
- Lots of other stuff coming out at the same period

You summed things up very nicely. I wasn't crazy about VJ1, and VJ2 looks more of the same, so I don't plan on getting it for either PS2 or GC.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Pachinko said:
isn't that middle blurb about the viewtiful joe anime ? it even has dates and times listed for when it airs.

The first episode is already out. I don't think anyone has subbed it yet though
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