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Warner listen up: Worlds Finest (Fan Film)

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Hollywood Square
Man, some of that is just awful. Lex Luthor's power suit? C'mon, you can't be serious, Jeremy. CAN YOU?

anyway, my feelings are that the guy who created this (samd dude who did Batman: Dead End) needs to stop casting roided up body builders in his fan films. Makes it look like a porno.
At least Batman Dead End looked good. Dead End used shadow and light to bring across a noir style atmosphere. Here, I can tell this is shot on video a mile away and the hard light of day and overexposure just destroys the look. That and the shots are straight out of porn and soap operas.
The Bookerman said:
This short film proves that bodybuilders can't act.
They're something to look at though.

Meh, that is just one entire cliche of cliches. My gosh, no wonder I don't enjoy films like this. Oh well, at least this guy has some kind of hobby.
sp0rsk said:
does this guy just spend a bunch of money filming trailers?

he's an aspiring director, so i guess he's using these to add to his portfolio and hope to get a job doing something somewhere. I think he spent like $12,000 of his own movie on Batman Dead End, which seems like a lot for a little 3 minute mini-movie.


Wow, that was a lot better than the World's Finest trailer, and the Joker looked a lot better than Dead End too.
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