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WARRIOR to TNA "Hire Me and Goldberg! Not Sting!"

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From UltimateWarrior.com
Ok, something bluntly controversial before I leave? All right. Sting returned to wrestling. He said he trained for his return. Someone sent me pics. (No, I didn't buy the damn PPV!) My question: where did he train? Richard Simmons? Cellulite on a man is not a masculine thing -- it's not even a diva thing, is it?

Someone also sent me a transcript of a press conference he held. A few things. No one is inspired by those who pursue goals with an "Aw, shucks, I'll be trying to do the best I can. Just have to see how much gas my tank has in it" attitude. In competitive arenas -- anywhere there is competition, sports or business, anything competitive -- those on the sidelines, all the spectators, the behind-the-scenes contributors, and those up-and-comers not yet major league players, want to see and hear the body language and words of a champion ready to stake his claim. They want the smell of competitive pheromones to fill the room. They want Joe Namath cockiness. They don't want their expectations lowered -- they want them raised to the moon or some other farther off planet. They want to leave dizzy on the impact of it all. They want to believe that you have more than enough of whatever it takes and that you are the power, not that you need to find some on the way to the event. It's obvious to me, after reading the transcript of the press conference, that for years Steve's backbone was steeled more by his relationship with the gang of cheerleaders at WCW, than any real self-generated confidence or deep sense of self-worth he himself held.

No doubt, just as I have said for years, the young talent in the business do awesome things that long-time established stars cannot and they are to be praised. But, christsakes, does Steve not believe enough in what he, alone, uniquely has to offer that he can't keep himself from practically begging to be forgiven because he already fears not measuring up to the other talent? This is the puny, weak-ass role-modeling and giving back he wants to do? Hell, just stay home and keep eating your bologna sandwiches and surfing your favorite evangelical healing programs. There are already enough sexually confused, overemotional young people running around. Jeez, do we really need another self-emasculated male in entertainment, especially pro-wrestling, to model impotence, imperfection and wimpy self-esteem? Can't he be man enough to to say what the truth is? Obviously some "ingredient" is missing among the young guys for there to always be such a huge yearning, anticipation, and appreciation for a few of the established stars of the last decade and a half. We all know the names -- and, like it or not, the list is short. Sure, I can't do what the young high-flyers do. But neither can they bring to the table what I can. There's an inveterate fan base that is bonded and loyal to a deep character development that absolutely does not take place with any of the guys in the business today. There's also a thing called "charisma." And time and time again, it has been proven, you can have all the damn bags and bags of wresting moves and high spots you want, charisma trumps them all -- every single time. It's a "sure presence" that gives others confidence that they can sit back because someone capable has finally stepped up and is in charge. Is this something -- thinking, here, that Steve once had it on his own -- Steve doesn't have the confidence to CLAIM? Why is it that self-confidence is something to be embarrassed about? He speaks out two sides of his mouth. He says he wants to be a leader, of sorts, set a mentoring example for the young guys, yet given the opportunity, he talks like a worried little boy who's not sure about how to handle standing out from everyone else. It's so disappointing to see adult males who don't know how to behave like mature men, and even worse that everyone gives them a pass on it. Like it or not, believe or not, it is maturity, confidence and strong self-assuredness that TNA expected Steve to deliver, even in just a press conference. Instead, he delivered a precursory swan song making a submissive appeal for sympathy and forgiveness for the ways he was already convinced he would likely fail. Of course, I'm not surprised. This kind of behavior is rampant throughout our culture. Ironically, I even have a really nice piece of video Of Jerry Jarrett, while he was interviewed for my DVD project by the young kid I'm now having a legal beef with, where he's relaying the story of how Vince's demanding, harsh treatment of him, when he was up in NY a few years back helping with the "book" (I guess when Jeff was up there), would cause him to return to his hotel room each night crying his eyes out. It's funny, man. He goes on like Freud for over an hour psychoanalyzing me, basically coming to the same redundant, silly, false conclusion that I ruined my life because I decided not to remain in the business, and then out of the blue he has this classic Oprah moment. Then, a short time later, wonders out loud on camera, peering out over his 3-4 chins and his 60 inch waist, why I couldn't just get along with Vince. Hey, Jerry -- because some of us can still see our private part when we go to the urinal and it reminds us that we need to behave like men, not sissies. I balled my eyes out when my kids came into the world, but I was never such a scared, frail, half-man wuss that Vince McMahon made me shed any tears.

Bottom line -- Steve Borden is not a "go to" guy and TNA, by bringing Steve in, isn't going to inherit "clout" anywhere near to the degree they originally thought. Believe me, everyone from the top to the bottom at TNA already has a nauseous gut sense about this. That they do is the very reason you don't hear a peep about his return and what, if anything, is forthcoming -- anywhere. Steve doesn't want the last shot, be at bat with the bases loaded, feel the pressure of an organization's success on his back -- he admits so himself. Read between the lines -- he said that exact thing right there in the press conference. Apparently absolutely convinced, with a negative mindset, that 45, 46, 47, even 50 is somehow old, and now without his WCW coterie to watch his back and bottlefeed him secondhand confidence, "go to" is "done with." And to be even more frank -- did I just say that? -- finding Jesus in the rote, irrational, nothing-but-faith way that he has, has only made him softer, weaker and the least of a man that he has ever been. (A post going into more detail about these unmanly, pusillanimous, weakminded, born-again hypocrites is coming soon.)

Steve also mentioned in the press conference that Ultimate Warrior coming to TNA would be interesting. Yes, I have to agree -- it would be very interesting. What would be more interesting is if the TNA execs had the creativity, integrity and balls to entertain it seriously. Frankly, what they should do, if they want to be competitive (there's that nasty blood, sweat and tears word again), is sell some of those construction materials Daddy Jarrett has laying around, and put up the financing to bring in Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior and let us try to beat the intensity out of one another. Now there's an idea -- an attention getting one, and a money making one. I mean, instead of always using "warrior" as the adjective to fallaciously describe all those who aren't -- bring a real, and Ultimate, one in. Let the hardcore, natural intensity rip. Let both of us take our mischaracterized heads halfway out of our asses, just enough for us to be businessmen capable of discussing the serious potential success yet not enough to defuse a competitive grudge, and let the serious and creative thinkers at TNA, those without an agenda or envy problem, work out a program. Put your silly ass fear and prejudice for my strong, bold character away and think SUCCESS. Hell, I'm all for great ideas. But don't expect me to keep my mouth shut when you don't come up with any. Of course, as I hinted at, it won't be inexpensive. Goldberg has an agent and has to give him a cut. I'm my own and I charge even more. The bigger obstacle, and definitely the one that has us both the most hated in the industry, is that we are strong individualists who don't need, or even necessarily want, to be in the business and can get along having great lives without it. But, what a way it would be for the most envied and despised to shove the final word down the throats of those Nor'Easterners, while TNA capitalizes off the incredible heat of it all.

Gotta Run

Your Founding Father of Ring Intensity

:lol :lol :lol
i'm not reading all of that idots ranting...anyone got a cliffnotes version of it?

Ok, where does he got off putting Stings appearance down? He looked great foor a 48 yr old man who isn't on the juice *cough Warrior cough* and moved just like he used to!

Fuck you Warrior, you washed up never was.


Outcast2004 said:
i'm not reading all of that idots ranting...anyone got a cliffnotes version of it?

Ok, where does he got off putting Stings appearance down? He looked great foor a 48 yr old man who isn't on the juice *cough Warrior cough* and moved just like he used to!

Fuck you Warrior, you washed up never was.

All Warrior hate aside, you KNOW you Marked out when The Warrior returned and saved Hogan from Psycho Sid and Papa Shango...
Nameless said:
All Warrior hate aside, you KNOW you Marked out when The Warrior returned and saved Hogan from Psycho Sid and Papa Shango...

No actually.... it was worse when the fucked-up nutjob showed up in WCW and promoed the crowd to sleep.
Last time I saw a picture of the Warrior he hadn't aged very well. He looked terrible. He doesn't have any room to criticize Sting's appearance--or his attitude for that matter.
finding Jesus in the rote, irrational, nothing-but-faith way that he has, has only made him softer, weaker and the least of a man that he has ever been. (A post going into more detail about these unmanly, pusillanimous, weakminded, born-again hypocrites is coming soon.)
I was going to post a Shawn Michaels reply to this, but I figured it'd be best to leave it to the professionals.


Er...Warrior thinks Sting isn't a go to guy? He hasn't drawn a fucking dime since Bush Sr was in office.

Not to say Sting is going to bring TNA to new heights (I'm pretty skeptical about that), but he couldn't be any worse than roid lips.

evil ways


He looks better than a lot of the old timers but still looks like shit. Plus I believe he cut his hair really short recently, like a crew cut.
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