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Was Crazy Ken actually ahead of his time?


We all laughed, well the fanboys laughed at some of his predictions and some of his ideas. The PS2 and 3 were always labelled difficult to work with and everyone praises the PS4 for being "safe".

But isn't the PS4 just a progression of the ideas that Ken had with the PS2 and 3? Namely parallel processing. The previous Playstations were essentially multi-cored from what I can make out. The SPE were used in a similar fashion, the only thing that fucked over the PS3 was Nvidia.

But is it just a case of PS4 isn't easier to work with but the fact that parallel processing is now the norm?

Only thing dude got wrong was the CELL being a multipurpose CPU which didn't catch on. He even had a dream of the cloud where a CELL powered Fridge or Microwave could lend spare cycles to your PS3 or 5.

Truely a genius or a mentalist?
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