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I'll never understand spending that much on Neo AES shit. Arcade shit, sure -- I still miss my old Neo 29 cab. But egads, the AES stuff is just a rip-off...



Gold Member
Wow, that guy must belong to the Bin Laden family, that collection costs more than a GNP of a smaller country. Wonder why the dumbass had to ruin all his pictures, if he has a hat made of money, he should afford the bandwidth.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Yeah, seriously, don't give Dion Dakis any attention....it's all he wants, he's full of crap, etc. He's one half of the infamous Neo Geo Freak "company" that stole its name from the now-defunct magazine of the same name. I remember years ago when he tried to make it seem like the magazine was selling Neo games, and then someone traced the URL he posted back to him. :p Before they were NGF, Dion's partner in crime sold a buddy of mine what was clearly a bootleg converted cart, so I've seen their work first hand. There is some truth to NGF actually getting an English KOF 2000 cart made from what I remember, but such a thing has no value whatsoever in my eyes. :p

In short, don't listen to or take anything the Neo Geo Fakers say seriously. Yes, the man has a huge collection...too bad he's a total scam artist/asshole. He's pretty much "harmless" nowadays anyway though; NGF is dead and no longer getting any attention whatsoever.


Gold Member
Whoa, this was interesting. I ended reading threads years old. Didn't realize how active scene there is still around NeoGeo. I guess it has to do with the prohibitive pricing and limited printruns that makes the hobby so lucrative still these days.

This was an excellent read, too:

Makes you feel almost bad for the two retards. If they just weren't so greedy and evil.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Chittagong said:
Whoa, this was interesting. I ended reading threads years old. Didn't realize how active scene there is still around NeoGeo. I guess it has to do with the prohibitive pricing and limited printruns that makes the hobby so lucrative still these days.

This was an excellent read, too:

Makes you feel almost bad for the two retards. If they just weren't so greedy and evil.

It goes back even longer than that, on the original Neo-Geo DHP mailing list. I was on it back then (still am, but it's dead!), and can remember when Dion suddenly went from being a somewhat friendly, knowledgeable poster to a complete dickhead. There was never any explanation for it, but the flame threads on there were the stuff of LEGEND. :) Too bad it was never archived; someone removed all the flame wars from the list when it was archived several years ago.

But man, I remember all the stuff that happened on that link; this was the best:

"In an unprecedented move, Alica Barone(The President of SNK USA's Daughter) came down to Dion's club and stated in front of everyone that
SNK had NOT endorsed The IM project and Dion had no such claim to say as much putting Dion in his place.
Dion, being unable to dismiss he claims as a "jealous fan" instead of debating the issue, Banned her from his club for what she did."

Seeing a post from one of the higher-ups at SNK USA completely discrediting Dion was comedy gold. It really does show how big his exploits got though. I personally think he was just a huge attention whore, and loved all the negative attention he was receiving. Every few months, despite having "left" the old DHP list, he used to come back and post how we're nothing without him, all we do is talk about him, etc. I used to get such a laugh out of this moron's trolling, but it really did get old after SEVERAL YEARS of the same thing over and over. :D

Finally, here's a pic of one of NGF's MVS conversion jobs.

They'd make shitty conversions then claim they were the real thing.
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