Welcome to the NeoGAF Marketplace


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0

Welcome to the NeoGAF Marketplace! Here you can create listings for items you have for sale, and other NeoGAF members can contact you to negotiate, haggle, and purchase them.

How Does It Work?
Members can create listings of items they have for sale. This is similar to creating new threads on the other boards. Users can tag their listing as "For Sale" or "For Trade". These listings should contain information such as:
  • Name of the item
  • Condition of the item
  • Photo(s) of the item
  • Item price (or let others know you're looking for offers), or what you're looking to trade for
Other members can reply to your listings to ask questions about the item or to show interest and make offers.

Listings will remain active for 30 days before they are archived automatically. The marketplace will be sorted based on the creation date of the listing, although users can search and use the provided filters to find what they're looking for.

What Does it Cost?
The NeoGAF Marketplace is free. The creation of listings is free, and NeoGAF will not charge any fees. The service is being provided as-is, where-is.

Do I Get Any Marketplace Perks for Being a NeoGAF Gold Member?
Yes. While your NeoGAF Gold subscription is active, your listings will be highlighted.


This will help you attract more attention to your listings!

Completing Transactions
When the buyer and seller have agreed on terms in the public listing, they should then move the conversation to PMs.

Buyers and sellers should only exchange private information via PMs because our marketplace is public. Never put your real name, shipping address, email address, or paypal information into either your listing or a listing reply. Once you've come up with terms for the transaction via PM, the buyer will pay the seller (we recommend PayPal for securely transferring funds and to handle disputes) and the seller will ship their item to the buyer or otherwise provide the agreed upon delivery.

Once the item is sold, the seller who created the listing can mark the item as sold by selecting the "Close Thread" option from the "..." menu at the top of the listing:


This will close the listing to any further replies, and will indicate to others browsing the marketplace that your item has been sold.


Listing Photos and Thumbnails
The NeoGAF Marketplace will automatically show a thumbnail of the first image you insert into your listing. Your listing can contain multiple photos, but be sure the first photo in your listing is what you want people to see first thing to entice buyers into clicking on your listing.

We recommend using photos that are as high resolution as possible. Additionally, for best results, be sure your thumbnail photo either has square dimensions or the product you're selling is firmly in the middle of the photo.

Feedback System
The NeoGAF Marketplace includes a feedback system for members to help buyers and sellers build up a reputation for fair and honest transactions. These feedback scores are split into Positive / Negative / Neutral reviews, and can be seen next to each user's avatar and name when browsing the Marketplace.


Clicking any of these numbers will take you to the relevant feedback list on that user's profile. Speaking of which, Marketplace feedback is now a tab on user's profiles and contains a list of that user's feedback and ratings:


Please note: a user's feedback score is created by other members and, as such, is not an endorsement of any particular user by NeoGAF staff.

Leaving Feedback
You can leave feedback for your trading partner by clicking the "Add Feedback" button shown under the user's feedback rating in the Marketplace. In order to leave feedback for a user, you must have both posted in the listing thread at least once. When clicking "Add Feedback" you'll see this window:


Where you can indicate whether you're the buyer, seller, or trader. From here you can select whether the feedback is Positive, Neutral, or Negative as well as a drop down of the open listings you've both posted in and the opportunity to list a short review for your trading partner that other future prospective trading partners will be able to see.

You can only leave feedback once per listing, and feedback cannot be changed once it's been given.

You'll receive a notification on NeoGAF when you've received feedback from another user.

Getting Help
The NeoGAF marketplace is designed to facilitate free exchanges between users. As such, the moderation and administration staff at NeoGAF are not to be held responsible if your transaction doesn't go smoothly.

The moderation staff can, and will, remove Marketplace privileges from users who are found abusing the system


Unconfirmed Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Oh this neat! Also who even has a N-gage?


Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
This is really above and beyond for a Buy/Sell/Trade thread, and impressive.

I see this being a big success. Not only is it nice to keep everything in-house, rather than head to an outside site, a community full of gamers and people with similar interests should allow for a marketplace with a lot of stuff that we’re specifically interested in, like older retro games, for example.

I’ll certainly have fun browsing what’s sold here, and probably ending up making a few too many impulse purchases. 😋
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
This is interesting and it's good to see NeoGAF continue to grow with new and revised features. Funny thing is I was just thinking earlier today what news the staff might update the community with. Well done, GAF overlords!


Gold Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
I'm at work so my company's network is blocking alot of images. Instructions unclear...someone just bought custody of my first unborn child.

kidding, of course. This seems pretty cool. Not kidding about not being able to see images...my company doesn't fuck around. I'll check this when I get home.


Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Awesome to have the markeplace back!

Sadly it happened literally a day after I bought stuff on eBay... :-/ But it will surely be good to have in the future.


Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
This is great but how will fake feedback be tackled, both done in jest and maliciously? Also are digital items (CD keys not accounts) allowed?
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Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
This is great but how will fake feedback be tackled, both done in jest and maliciously?

Because it's a free marketplace and listings can be created at no cost, it'll be difficult to enforce this exactly under all circumstances. However, we've added a "report" button to individual feedback entries - feel free to use that on any feedback you think might be fake or malicious and we would be happy to investigate that for you. Moderators have the ability to revise or delete individual feedback at their discretion.

Also are digital items (CD keys not accounts) allowed?



Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
Because it's a free marketplace and listings can be created at no cost, it'll be difficult to enforce this exactly under all circumstances. However, we've added a "report" button to individual feedback entries - feel free to use that on any feedback you think might be fake or malicious and we would be happy to investigate that for you. Moderators have the ability to revise or delete individual feedback at their discretion.

Is there currently a limitation to using the marketplace? It says I have insufficient privelge to post.


Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
How often can we bump our selling threads once Marketplace takes off? Once every 24 hrs or every couple of days?

I guess I'll start it off. Here goes nothing. Thanks for all the hard work guys!
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Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
How often can we bump our selling threads once Marketplace takes off? Once every 24 hrs or every couple of days?
The marketplace is a little different from the rest of GAF - in that it'll always be sorted by the date the listings are created. So "bumping" a post isn't really a thing, as replying to your listing thread won't bring it to the top (like what happens in other areas of GAF). Meanwhile, users can find your items via search or filters. Also, you can change your listing titles yourself and also mark items sold - so there is a bit of customization involved when all the parts are moving correctly.

Listings are good for 30 days so if your item doesn't sell before then it's okay if you re-list it (which will bring it back to the top of the page). For now we're just kind of making sure that as many listings as possible have good visibility, but we'll be constantly evaluating the market as we move forward to make sure it's as efficient as possible for buyers and sellers alike.
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